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nothing in the world like...

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nothing in the world like...  Empty nothing in the world like...

Post by Guest Fri Jul 14, 2017 3:47 pm

chatting up with an old friend, or just a friend. With no agenda, with no 'importance' attached to it. Just talk. Mostly until college years, and then up until my mid-30s, that's what I did. Would call a friend and chat up. Or if the friend calls, pick up the phone and chat up. It was a very accepted thing. I don't know why I had stopped the old ways of calling friends just like that. Following stupid rules like - they might be busy, should check with them first. All that stupid formality, enforced more now due to new apps like WhatsApp. Asking a friend on text if it's ok to call and then call. no. should be able to call anytime (that you think they might be free to talk). And if they are busy, no worries. They can call back. It's food for the soul.


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nothing in the world like...  Empty Re: nothing in the world like...

Post by TruthSeeker Fri Jul 14, 2017 9:48 pm




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Join date : 2012-08-18

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