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news flash Empty news flash

Post by Propagandhi711 Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:20 am

I'm still in love with erin burnett and would like to make slow love to her for a very long time. I might not want to see her morning face until she showers and puts on some makeup, in deference to her advancing age but it's a small adjustment to make.


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news flash Empty Re: news flash

Post by Impedimenta Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:30 am

eww... i mean, ya she still gots it and you sir are becoming saamiyar. image meltdown started.


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news flash Empty Re: news flash

Post by Propagandhi711 Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:43 am

I got your meltdown right here...


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news flash Empty Re: news flash

Post by Maria S Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:47 am

It is funny how we associate people with people we want to:)

Can't help, but think of you, when I see Erin! Sometimes she seems a little bland and not so spruced up..I like her when she is more lively and animated.

*I thought it was news about Sara..when I saw the news flash. So much for my assumption! Yes, still miss and look for Sara (one of the reasons I come over here!).. have not given up yet!

Maria S
Maria S

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news flash Empty Re: news flash

Post by Propagandhi711 Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:52 am

Maria S wrote:It is funny how we associate people with people we want to:)

Can't help, but think of you, when I see Erin! Sometimes she seems a little bland and not so spruced up..I like her when she is more lively and animated.

*I thought it was news about Sara..when I saw the news flash. So much for my assumption! Yes, still miss and look for Sara (one of the reasons I come over!).. have not given up yet!

big titties is taking a hiatus from continuous breathless reporting of salacious happenings all over the globe..will be back in a rape minute.


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news flash Empty Re: news flash

Post by Maria S Thu Sep 20, 2012 9:55 am

Propagandhi711 wrote:
big titties is taking a hiatus from continuous breathless reporting of salacious happenings all over the globe..will be back in a rape minute.


Am so glad we communicate perfectly understand my language, and I understand "your language" above too:)

Seriously, I hope you are right, hope we will see a Sara sighting soon.
Maria S
Maria S

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