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Talking about tickets

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Talking about tickets Empty Talking about tickets

Post by Guest Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:24 pm

How about 2 tickets in 4 days?

One was for parking overlimit... made the wrong decision to go for parking meters... found all the coins that we had between the 4 of us, and the car, even came back once to put more coins, thought of coming once again, but changed my mind.. missed the damned thing by 15 minutes. &%*% keeps roaming around the place like they got no life. Damage $45

Second was.... UNregistered vehicle, since Jan (HOW did I let this one slip?).. had parked the car at the Freehold mall. &$*% ran random license plate check on the car... Damage $54.

On the plus side, when I went to get the car reregistered, realized I don't have the latest insurance card in the car EITHER... damn (came home and printed a copy right away)...

To think I drove this thing all across Northeast for 3 weeks without registration OR proof of insurance. Feeling so damn lucky.


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Talking about tickets Empty Re: Talking about tickets

Post by charvaka Mon Jun 06, 2011 6:27 pm

Tickets seem to be cheap where you live. I forgot to put the damn sticker on my license plate and got a ticket for $80 one week after the old sticker expired. And a speeding ticket for $420 for doing 82 in a 65 zone. And another $20 and an evening wasted for driving school. Both tickets within the last month. Now I set the cruise for 79.

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Join date : 2011-04-28
Location : Berkeley, CA

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Talking about tickets Empty Re: Talking about tickets

Post by Guest Mon Jun 06, 2011 7:57 pm

and i thot ppl in nyc dont own cars Wink)


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