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Is the Osama story the next moonlanding?

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Is the Osama story the next moonlanding? Empty Is the Osama story the next moonlanding?

Post by harharmahadev Mon May 02, 2011 12:16 pm

It has conspiracy written all over it. For one, the timing is just perr-ffectto!

Elections are coming up next year and Osama's ...I mean Obama's ratings are way down down down. I don't believe in quack conspy theories, but those psy ops employees need to earn their paycheck, I would think.


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Is the Osama story the next moonlanding? Empty Re: Is the Osama story the next moonlanding?

Post by Guest Mon May 02, 2011 12:20 pm

when it comes to elections, or reelections, in the US so far, the MAJOR deciding factor has been the economy. Nothing else has mattered. Reason why Bush got in the second time, and Republicans didn't get back in 2008, well Palin might have been a scarier reason than economy...

so, as long as the banks are doing ok, Obama shd be in for the second term.


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Is the Osama story the next moonlanding? Empty Re: Is the Osama story the next moonlanding?

Post by charvaka Mon May 02, 2011 12:36 pm

harharmahadev wrote:It has conspiracy written all over it. For one, the timing is just perr-ffectto!
Perfect would have been August 2012, or even August 2010.

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