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This is for Tamil Scholars here. Tholkappiar approved the use of Sanskrit words in Tamil poems

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This is for Tamil Scholars here. Tholkappiar approved the use of Sanskrit words in Tamil poems Empty This is for Tamil Scholars here. Tholkappiar approved the use of Sanskrit words in Tamil poems

Post by Rishi Thu Nov 21, 2013 5:53 pm

While i was randomly going through the original tholkappiyam book, i came across the lines, where it is mentioned that words can be borrowed from sanskrit for the literary poems.

In page# 63 of the tolkappian book referred in previous comment, the following lines appear under topic எச்சவியல்..

இயற்சொல் திரிசொல் திசைச்சொல் வடசொல் என்று
அனைத்தே செய்யுள் ஈட்டச் சொல்லே..

If my understanding is correct, tolkappiar says, words borrowed from sanskrit (வடசொல்), can also be used in composing the poems..

If we scroll Further, the following lines is seen which mentions about how Sanskrit words can be used.

வடசொல் கிளவி வட எழுத்து ஒரீஇ
எழுத்தொடு புணர்ந்த சொல் ஆகும்மே – pg-64

This contradicts the popular racial tamil theory propagated by Dravidar Kalagam and particularly by Dr. Ramdass of PMK, who attempts to create new tamil word for every foreign words. For eg, they are attempting to create a word “vazhuval katti” for soap, which is horrible one. The niceties of the tamil words in sanga poetry is lost with such attempts. We have to realise that it is the racial western society which believes in the linguistic exclusive concept, and many indic languages have mutual influences over words.

Further, in the same book, tholkappiar also details about the other three types of words that he says can be incorporated in the Poems.

செந்தமிழ் நிலத்து வழக்கொடு சிவணி
தம் பொருள் வழாமை இசைக்கும் சொல்லே..

ஒரு பொருள் குறித்த வேறு சொல் ஆகியும்
வேறு பொருள் குறித்த ஒரு சொல் ஆகியிம்
இரு பாற்று என்ப திரிசொல் கிளவி

செந்தமிழ் சேர்ந்த பன்னிரு நிலத்தும்
தம் குறிப்பனவே திசைச்சொல் கிளவி

So, there is a always a relation b/w tamil and sanskrit even before sangha period, and the relationship is indeed healthy. More importantly, we could not find anything racial tone in all these references.

There is no mention of Aryan imposition over tamil or any reference to dravidian exclusivism.


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Join date : 2011-09-02

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This is for Tamil Scholars here. Tholkappiar approved the use of Sanskrit words in Tamil poems Empty Re: This is for Tamil Scholars here. Tholkappiar approved the use of Sanskrit words in Tamil poems

Post by Kris Fri Nov 22, 2013 2:21 am

Rishi wrote:While i was randomly going through the original tholkappiyam book, i came across the lines, where it is mentioned  that words can be borrowed from sanskrit for the literary poems.

In page# 63 of the tolkappian book referred in previous comment, the following lines appear under topic எச்சவியல்..

இயற்சொல் திரிசொல் திசைச்சொல் வடசொல் என்று
அனைத்தே செய்யுள் ஈட்டச் சொல்லே..

If my understanding is correct, tolkappiar says, words borrowed from sanskrit (வடசொல்), can also be used in composing the poems..

If we scroll Further, the following lines is seen which mentions about how Sanskrit words can be used.

வடசொல் கிளவி வட எழுத்து ஒரீஇ
எழுத்தொடு புணர்ந்த சொல் ஆகும்மே   – pg-64

This contradicts the popular racial tamil theory propagated by Dravidar Kalagam and particularly by Dr. Ramdass of PMK, who attempts to create new tamil word for every foreign words.  For eg, they are attempting to create a word “vazhuval katti” for soap, which is horrible one. The niceties of the tamil words in sanga poetry is lost with such attempts.  We have to realise that it is the racial western society which believes in the linguistic exclusive concept, and many indic languages have mutual influences over words.

Further, in the same book, tholkappiar also details about the other three types of words that he says can be incorporated in the Poems.

செந்தமிழ் நிலத்து வழக்கொடு சிவணி
தம் பொருள் வழாமை  இசைக்கும் சொல்லே..

ஒரு பொருள் குறித்த வேறு சொல் ஆகியும்
வேறு பொருள் குறித்த ஒரு சொல் ஆகியிம்
இரு பாற்று என்ப திரிசொல் கிளவி

செந்தமிழ் சேர்ந்த பன்னிரு நிலத்தும்
தம் குறிப்பனவே திசைச்சொல் கிளவி

So, there is a always a relation b/w tamil and sanskrit even before sangha period, and the relationship is indeed healthy.  More importantly, we could not find anything racial tone in all these references.

There is no mention of Aryan imposition over tamil or any reference to dravidian exclusivism.
>>>Tamil grammar categorizes certain words as being 'vadamozhi' . So, obviously there is acknowledgement of words of a northern origin. What is surprising is there is reference to this from the times of 'tholkappiyam'.


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Join date : 2011-04-28

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