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1984 Riots: Instead of blaming Congress, Chaddis should look in the mirror

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1984 Riots: Instead of blaming Congress, Chaddis should look in the mirror Empty 1984 Riots: Instead of blaming Congress, Chaddis should look in the mirror

Post by Guest Fri Jun 06, 2014 1:21 pm

1984 Riots: Instead of blaming Congress, Chaddis should look in the mirror 375047_10201246411788786_1843846100_n


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1984 Riots: Instead of blaming Congress, Chaddis should look in the mirror Empty Re: 1984 Riots: Instead of blaming Congress, Chaddis should look in the mirror

Post by smArtha Fri Jun 06, 2014 1:29 pm

You mean Congress is so blind that it cannot look at itself in a mirror?


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