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Time to Call it quits

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Time to Call it quits Empty Time to Call it quits

Post by The Absolute Zero Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:01 am

Rashman and Charvaka.

We all by now know what Rashman is doing. It is clear that both of you are head to head and want "justice." Please spare the rest of us from the banter. How about creating another sticky which we can conviniently ignore?.

There is a limit for this and you both should draw a line and call it quits. What is the point of arguing endlessly? That too when one never wants to coincide with another's opinion?

BTW Rashman, is this all worth your time? Do you now realize how much time you spent on this hate threads? Is this really worth? Let go pal.

What do you say?

The Absolute Zero

Posts : 655
Join date : 2011-04-29

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Time to Call it quits Empty Re: Time to Call it quits

Post by Guest Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:03 am

The Absolute Zero wrote:Rashman and Charvaka.

We all by now know what Rashman is doing. It is clear that both of you are head to head and want "justice." Please spare the rest of us from the banter. How about creating another sticky which we can conviniently ignore? I think charvaka should create a sticky and allow rashmun to post there.

There is a limit for this and you both should draw a line and call it quits. What is the point of arguing endlessly? That too when both never want to coincide with another's opinion?

BTW Rashman, is this all worth your time? Do you know realize how much time you spent on this hate threads? Is this really worth? Let go pal.

What do you say?

i think i should have the freedom to post links to my posts on any forum--whether it be a sulekha blog or a sulekha post or any other post on any other forum.


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Time to Call it quits Empty Re: Time to Call it quits

Post by The Absolute Zero Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:38 am

Rashmun wrote:i think i should have the freedom to post links to my posts on any forum--whether it be a sulekha blog or a sulekha post or any other post on any other forum.
So until that goal is achieved you will rant and rant for months together? I have an alternative solution for you. Quit this forum and go back to Sulekha. I beleive nobody forced you to come and join here, particularly charvaka :-) What do you have to lose? You are already losing hours and days and months of time digging and throwing dirt at Charvaka. And you are interested to extend this gig for several more years and decades? Go right ahead.
Utlimately it is your health and time that suffer. Your hate gigs will keep you awake (despite your disagreement with this statement) and keep you thinking of this forum even after you go home from work. Is this all worth for you? Is your time worth spending on this hate threads; just because you cannot post something on a seemingly trifle forum on the internet? May be there are a trillion websites and a gazillion forums and you take this very forum as if this were your own life. Shame on you. Think about it.

Last edited by The Absolute Zero on Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:40 am; edited 1 time in total

The Absolute Zero

Posts : 655
Join date : 2011-04-29

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Time to Call it quits Empty Re: Time to Call it quits

Post by Propagandhi711 Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:39 am

speak for yourself - if not for rashmun originated posts, what would rest of us read and comment on? your occasional rants filled with hilarious malaprops & negativity?


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Time to Call it quits Empty Re: Time to Call it quits

Post by The Absolute Zero Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:41 am

Propagandhi711 wrote: speak for yourself - if not for rashmun originated posts, what would rest of us read and comment on? your occasional REGULAR rants filled with hilarious CRAZY malaprops & negativity?


The Absolute Zero

Posts : 655
Join date : 2011-04-29

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Time to Call it quits Empty Re: Time to Call it quits

Post by Guest Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:47 am

The Absolute Zero wrote:
Rashmun wrote:i think i should have the freedom to post links to my posts on any forum--whether it be a sulekha blog or a sulekha post or any other post on any other forum.
So until that goal is achieved you will rant and rant for months together? I have an alternative solution for you. Quit this forum and go back to Sulekha. I beleive nobody forced you to come and join here, particularly charvaka :-) What do you have to lose? You are already losing hours and days and months of time digging and throwing dirt at Charvaka. And you are interested to extend this gig for several more years and decades? Go right ahead.
Utlimately it is your health and time that suffer. Your hate gigs will keep you awake (despite your disagreement with this statement) and keep you thinking of this forum even after you go home from work. Is this all worth for you? Is your time worth spending on this hate threads; just because you cannot post something on a seemingly trifle forum on the internet? May be there are a trillion websites and a gazillion forums and you take this very forum as if this were your own life. Shame on you. Think about it.

i fail to see how i am digging dirt at Charvaka by writing about the history of Sulekha CH. Also, since the original posters on this forum were migrants from Sulekha CH i am sure at least some of them would be interested in my posts. Huzefa Kapasi has already applauded me for some of my posts on the history of Sulekha CH. He has also given some clarifications i asked for in my posts.


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Time to Call it quits Empty Re: Time to Call it quits

Post by Guest Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:26 am

Time to Call it quits

Quoting my old friend TS, 'one may be intelligent, but is one wise'? Intelligence is calling the bluff. Gives you pleasure. Wisdom is to let it go. Gives you peace.


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Time to Call it quits Empty Re: Time to Call it quits

Post by Propagandhi711 Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:58 am

I would like to elevate hufesi kapeza to grandpoobah status, given the number of people seeking his approval.


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Time to Call it quits Empty Re: Time to Call it quits

Post by Guest Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:59 am

Propagandhi711 wrote:I would like to elevate hufesi kapeza to grandpoobah status, given the number of people seeking his approval.

i sometimes miss seeing you in action against Luke Warmus.


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Time to Call it quits Empty Re: Time to Call it quits

Post by Propagandhi711 Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:47 am

Rashmun wrote:
Propagandhi711 wrote:I would like to elevate hufesi kapeza to grandpoobah status, given the number of people seeking his approval.

i sometimes miss seeing you in action against Luke Warmus.

I think phlegmy has long ceased departed this world and is likely providing much needed sustenance to worms under an university town of not insignificant size. I would say rest in peace except that fuck is an athiest that dont believe in jeebus so fuck him.


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Time to Call it quits Empty Re: Time to Call it quits

Post by Guest Wed Aug 17, 2011 11:50 am

Propagandhi711 wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Propagandhi711 wrote:I would like to elevate hufesi kapeza to grandpoobah status, given the number of people seeking his approval.

i sometimes miss seeing you in action against Luke Warmus.

I think phlegmy has long ceased departed this world and is likely providing much needed sustenance to worms under an university town of not insignificant size. I would say rest in peace except that fuck is an athiest that dont believe in jeebus so fuck him.

how did your fight with him begin in the first place? Did it start on chat or on CH?


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Time to Call it quits Empty Re: Time to Call it quits

Post by Propagandhi711 Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:05 pm

I dont know...he started ragging on me for some reason and you know my scorched earth approach on the internets..


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Time to Call it quits Empty Re: Time to Call it quits

Post by Kris Wed Aug 17, 2011 9:34 pm

Quoting my old friend TS, 'one may be intelligent, but is one wise'? Intelligence is calling the bluff. Gives you pleasure. Wisdom is to let it go. Gives you peac

>>> Wow, pretty profound. From TS? Who'd have thunk?



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Join date : 2011-04-28

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Time to Call it quits Empty Re: Time to Call it quits

Post by Guest Wed Aug 17, 2011 10:09 pm

Kris wrote:Quoting my old friend TS, 'one may be intelligent, but is one wise'? Intelligence is calling the bluff. Gives you pleasure. Wisdom is to let it go. Gives you peace

>>> Wow, pretty profound. From TS? Who'd have thunk?


Is the bolded part from TS too?


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Time to Call it quits Empty Re: Time to Call it quits

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