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The Truth can NOT be found with Religion

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The Truth can NOT be found with Religion Empty The Truth can NOT be found with Religion

Post by TruthSeeker Tue Nov 01, 2016 2:15 am

God can NOT be found with ANY religion.

Religions make a man delusional, biased, and opinionated.

Seekers of Truth must shun religions, and focus on Truth alone - or else, you'd be talking of history of religions, analyzing religions, rather than focusing on God/Truth. 

Religions are best left for Politicians, atheists (who mostly negate religions or religious understanding of God, than seeking Truth on own), and authors.

In our times, we need to come with a new "label" or "term" , for folks who shun ALL man-made religions, but still have the Hope for a God. Not atheists, not believers, not agnostics, but ones who shun ALL religions. But still hope for a God, and try to seek and find.

random musings,


Posts : 1508
Join date : 2012-08-18

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The Truth can NOT be found with Religion Empty Re: The Truth can NOT be found with Religion

Post by Merlot Daruwala Tue Nov 01, 2016 2:45 am

TruthSeeker wrote:God can NOT be found with ANY religion.

Religions make a man delusional, biased, and opinionated.

Seekers of Truth must shun religions, and focus on Truth alone - or else, you'd be talking of history of religions, analyzing religions, rather than focusing on God/Truth. 

Religions are best left for Politicians, atheists (who mostly negate religions or religious understanding of God, than seeking Truth on own), and authors.

In our times, we need to come with a new "label" or "term" , for folks who shun ALL man-made religions, but still have the Hope for a God. Not atheists, not believers, not agnostics, but ones who shun ALL religions. But still hope for a God, and try to seek and find.

random musings,

When you repeat yourself, it is not random. And why exactly do you hope for a god? What exactly are you hoping for?? Your purpose for existence is pretty well defined. Stop wasting time on extraneous matters.
Merlot Daruwala
Merlot Daruwala

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The Truth can NOT be found with Religion Empty Re: The Truth can NOT be found with Religion

Post by TruthSeeker Tue Nov 01, 2016 3:20 am

I quesrion - who am I?

The question has an an inherent question - who are you?

For me, its not about "me". 

One day, you will realize when you get over your "I", and my "I" - the ego.

Or maybe I will.

Best wishes,


Posts : 1508
Join date : 2012-08-18

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The Truth can NOT be found with Religion Empty Re: The Truth can NOT be found with Religion

Post by Merlot Daruwala Tue Nov 01, 2016 3:24 am

TruthSeeker wrote:I quesrion - who am I?

The question has an an inherent question - who are you?

For me, its not about "me". 

One day, you will realize when you get over your "I", and my "I" - the ego.

Or maybe I will.

Best wishes,

Unkil, getting over "I" doesn't mean you start obsessing about that hideous fellow called Merlot Daruwala who refuses to say if he's married or not.
Merlot Daruwala
Merlot Daruwala

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Join date : 2011-04-29

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The Truth can NOT be found with Religion Empty Re: The Truth can NOT be found with Religion

Post by TruthSeeker Tue Nov 01, 2016 3:28 am

You obsess over me.

My ways. instead of having your life your way, or what you think of it.

Which is fine. You make me think.

i am flattered, but it does not help me much.

I seek original thinking.

Take care,


Posts : 1508
Join date : 2012-08-18

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The Truth can NOT be found with Religion Empty Re: The Truth can NOT be found with Religion

Post by TruthSeeker Tue Nov 01, 2016 3:32 am

Realize that you only "REACT" to my posts on a personal level, which have nothing to do with you. 

Its ok.

I am me, and you are you.

One day, I will find myself. If not in this birth.



Posts : 1508
Join date : 2012-08-18

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The Truth can NOT be found with Religion Empty Re: The Truth can NOT be found with Religion

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