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If U could choose, Would U be born?

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If U could choose, Would U be born? Empty If U could choose, Would U be born?

Post by TruthSeeker Thu Apr 06, 2017 11:09 pm

If yes, why?

If no, why?



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If U could choose, Would U be born? Empty Re: If U could choose, Would U be born?

Post by FluteHolder Fri Apr 07, 2017 11:42 pm


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If U could choose, Would U be born? Empty Re: If U could choose, Would U be born?

Post by Guest Sat Apr 08, 2017 7:19 am

TruthSeeker wrote:If yes, why?

If no, why?


Hmm. If I am given a choice to be born or not, it means I am already an entity who can think. If the question is if you wanna be born at all or not, I should already know what being born is. Maybe I have had a past life? So we are talking Hinduism? Isn't the goal in Hinduism to attain moksha? As in earn enough credits to never having to come on earth again? Enjoy heaven and such. 
Coming back to the question do you want to be born or not, are you talking about this life or next life? Well. If it's this life, well. It's beyond your power. It's been decided you did enough sins in the past life so you will have to come here again to pay for them. Next life. Hmm. Maybe I won't want to be born, but I have a feeling I will be made to. But hopefully I come back as human again, and am not demoted to an animal or something. The last thing I would wanna be reborn as would be a lab rat. Poor things go through a lot of experiments. 

(Ok. I need to get out of my bed and have tea and read this all over again. Heh)


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If U could choose, Would U be born? Empty Re: If U could choose, Would U be born?

Post by TruthSeeker Wed Apr 12, 2017 11:49 pm

Ok, lets be clear - If I could choose - I WONT be born.

I hate my life be governed, by anyone, be my relatives, boss, or even God.

I am a rebel.

I cannot be born against my choice, only to be in a situation to figure out - why am I?

I am a parent of 2 kids.

Why were my kids born? When they grow up, they can ask the same Q.



Why the fkk did I bring them to life?

Fkkin Selfish Reason.

Not for them, but for me.

PURELY SELFISH, as parents, to bring the kids on this planet.

Makes U think,


Posts : 1508
Join date : 2012-08-18

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If U could choose, Would U be born? Empty Re: If U could choose, Would U be born?

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