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dreaming Empty dreaming

Post by desi aunty Fri Nov 08, 2024 4:54 pm

I see him in my dreams fairly often. Every time it’s sort of an interesting dream.
This time it was in a crowded train. A shuttle actually. The kind you see in airports.
I’m standing by the door coz I am in constant fear of missing the stop. Guess I carry this fear into my dreams as well.
He chose to sit, about 5-6 feet from me. I can’t see his face coz of other people. But I see his arm wearing his signature white tee. I find a gap and I see his face too.
At the stop I called his name and said to come out as it's our stop. He didn’t get up. I came out and walk a bit, but when i turned back, I couldn’t see him. He didn’t come out. So I began screaming his name at the open doors. He didn’t come out though. Doors closed after a point and the train left. I was almost at the escalators at this point and I kept screaming his name at the doors, even as they were closing, even louder now. Once the train left, I just went up the escalators. Still looking back. Screaming a couple of times again as I see the end of the train disappear. Loud screams with full lung capacity.
Then the scene changed. I join other folks and family etc. We are at some airport or something. Eventually he showed up and joined us. We all acted like nothing happened and went on to the next destination, or atleast that was implied when that dream ended.

In the morning woke up thinking it was a strange dream. But suddenly a sense of horror came over me. I think I was screaming his name in reality. Thank god the kids were not home. I have no way of knowing though. But something tells me I was actually screaming.

I think I need to stop dreaming about him. I think I need to do that soon.

desi aunty

Posts : 256
Join date : 2019-09-12

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