Adrian Raine - Biological basis for crimes Hitskin_logo

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Adrian Raine - Biological basis for crimes

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Adrian Raine - Biological basis for crimes Empty Adrian Raine - Biological basis for crimes

Post by Petrichor Thu May 02, 2013 12:58 pm

"I've got to be careful here. There's no destiny here. Biology is not destiny, and it's more than biology, and there's lots of factors that we're talking about there, and one factor like prefrontal dysfunction or low heart rate doesn't make you a criminal offender. But what if all the boxes were checked? What if you had birth complications and you were exposed to toxins and you had a low resting heart rate and you had the gene that raises the odds of violence, et cetera, et cetera, stuff happening early on in life. I mean, you're not responsible for that. Then how in the name of justice can we really hold that individual as responsible as we do ... and punish them as much as we do — including death?"


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