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Bigoted and smug

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Bigoted and smug Empty Bigoted and smug

Post by Rishi Mon Dec 23, 2013 12:03 pm

If citizens indulge in savagery against the state or fellow citizens, can the state respond in kind and inflict revenge not just on criminals but also on others who share their ethnic identity? Explaining the looting of civilian shops in East Pakistan in 1971, the Hamoodur Rehman Commission Report quotes Lt-Gen A.A.K. Niazi as having stated on the first day of assuming command: “What have I been hearing about shortage of rations? Are not there any cows and goats in this country? This is enemy territory. Get what you want. This is what we used to do in Burma.”

He states that, “several officers were given to conducting night raids at private residences and dragging away any girls they found attractive for the night”. When one such report (that personnel of East Pakistan Rifles had sodomised Bengali women) was brought to the notice of Col Fazal Hameed, deputy director general of EPR, “his only outraged reaction was that while rape was understandable under the circumstances, sodomising a woman was rather shameful”.


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