H-M synthesis in Bihar: Muslims build hindu temple after hindu builds mazhaar Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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H-M synthesis in Bihar: Muslims build hindu temple after hindu builds mazhaar

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H-M synthesis in Bihar: Muslims build hindu temple after hindu builds mazhaar Empty H-M synthesis in Bihar: Muslims build hindu temple after hindu builds mazhaar

Post by Guest Mon Dec 30, 2013 9:50 pm

New Delhi: One part of India has remain untouched by the verdict on Ayodhya. Muslims in a village in Bihar are busy building a temple for their Hindus neighbours - setting a concrete example of real coexistence.
While the nation is still holding back its breath - the post Ayodhya verdict, a remote village in Bihar is celebrating. Muslims in Bachawara village of Begusarai district are busy constructing a temple these days. The land has been donated by a Muslim landlord to construct a Shiva temple, the money is being raised by fellow Muslims & they are even volunteering physically.

The village has pre-dominant Muslim population and they are building a temple in reciprocation to one of the Mazar located there, which has been built by Ganga Chaudhary, a Hindu farmer.
Even post Ayodhya verdict, the construction of temple continued with the same zeal.

Unfazed by the bitterness over mandir-maszid dispute, these villagers have proved by their act, that for them humanity is the only religion, whether they worship in temples or offer namaz in mosque".
"We have accepted the verdict and celebrated with both Hindus and Muslims," said a villager, Salauddin Ansari.

These villagers are untouched by distrust and hatred elsewhere and earning livelihood out of making biri is all that matters to them.
"Both Hindus and Muslims stay together here," said another villager Veena Devi.
These faceless and ordinary folks are displaying what could not be practiced by so called baton bearers of both the religion.


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