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Look who is complaining about human rights violation!

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Look who is complaining about human rights violation! Empty Look who is complaining about human rights violation!

Post by Rishi Sun Mar 02, 2014 10:07 pm

MYANMAR’S human rights record will hit a new low if a proposed marriage bill becomes law. Couched in an idiom that merely seeks to give “protection and rights” to Buddhists, the proposed law targets the country’s Rohingya Muslim minority and forbids Muslims from marrying into the majority community. Spearheaded by a monk, Wirathu, the move, it seems, has officialdom’s blessings. President Thein Sein, succumbing to pressure from the extremist lobby, asked parliament to consider enacting such a law, which proposes a 10-year jail sentence for a Rohingya marrying a girl from the Buddhist community without obtaining her parents’ permission. Vaguely worded, the proposed law, which bans polygamy, would “balance the increasing population” — of whom, the legislation doesn’t specify.



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Look who is complaining about human rights violation! Empty Re: Look who is complaining about human rights violation!

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:14 am

Rishi wrote:MYANMAR’S human rights record will hit a new low if a proposed marriage bill becomes law. Couched in an idiom that merely seeks to give “protection and rights” to Buddhists, the proposed law targets the country’s Rohingya Muslim minority and forbids Muslims from marrying into the majority community. Spearheaded by a monk, Wirathu, the move, it seems, has officialdom’s blessings. President Thein Sein, succumbing to pressure from the extremist lobby, asked parliament to consider enacting such a law, which proposes a 10-year jail sentence for a Rohingya marrying a girl from the Buddhist community without obtaining her parents’ permission. Vaguely worded, the proposed law, which bans polygamy, would “balance the increasing population” — of whom, the legislation doesn’t specify.



I komboletely approve this message. Modi ji...take note.


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Age : 110

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Look who is complaining about human rights violation! Empty Re: Look who is complaining about human rights violation!

Post by Kris Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:25 am

Rishi wrote:MYANMAR’S human rights record will hit a new low if a proposed marriage bill becomes law. Couched in an idiom that merely seeks to give “protection and rights” to Buddhists, the proposed law targets the country’s Rohingya Muslim minority and forbids Muslims from marrying into the majority community. Spearheaded by a monk, Wirathu, the move, it seems, has officialdom’s blessings. President Thein Sein, succumbing to pressure from the extremist lobby, asked parliament to consider enacting such a law, which proposes a 10-year jail sentence for a Rohingya marrying a girl from the Buddhist community without obtaining her parents’ permission. Vaguely worded, the proposed law, which bans polygamy, would “balance the increasing population” — of whom, the legislation doesn’t specify.


>>>Heard of the adage 'what is mine is mine, what is yours is negotiable'? Dawn's story has no self-awareness. These guys are the biggest hypocrites.


Posts : 5460
Join date : 2011-04-28

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Look who is complaining about human rights violation! Empty Re: Look who is complaining about human rights violation!

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Mon Mar 03, 2014 1:36 am

Kris wrote:
Rishi wrote:MYANMAR’S human rights record will hit a new low if a proposed marriage bill becomes law. Couched in an idiom that merely seeks to give “protection and rights” to Buddhists, the proposed law targets the country’s Rohingya Muslim minority and forbids Muslims from marrying into the majority community. Spearheaded by a monk, Wirathu, the move, it seems, has officialdom’s blessings. President Thein Sein, succumbing to pressure from the extremist lobby, asked parliament to consider enacting such a law, which proposes a 10-year jail sentence for a Rohingya marrying a girl from the Buddhist community without obtaining her parents’ permission. Vaguely worded, the proposed law, which bans polygamy, would “balance the increasing population” — of whom, the legislation doesn’t specify.


>>>Heard of the adage 'what is mine is mine, what is yours is negotiable'? Dawn's story has no self-awareness. These guys are the biggest hypocrites.

They follow the 2-step method:

1. koran is supreme and everything and everyone else is subservient.

2. If there is any doubt, see #1.


Posts : 17675
Join date : 2011-04-30
Age : 110

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