US signals change, says Modi will get visa if he becomes PM Hitskin_logo

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US signals change, says Modi will get visa if he becomes PM

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US signals change, says Modi will get visa if he becomes PM Empty US signals change, says Modi will get visa if he becomes PM

Post by Seva Lamberdar Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:21 pm

NEW DELHI: Washington will drop a travel ban on Narendra Modi if he becomes the Prime Minister. US assistant secretary of state Nisha Desai Biswal finally buried the controversy over Modi's visa as she told a TV channel that the US would welcome the Gujarat CM if he ascends to the top job. ....

>>> Denying Modi the travel visa when he becomes P.M. might lead to missing on many high-tech and defense contracts with India.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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US signals change, says Modi will get visa if he becomes PM Empty Re: US signals change, says Modi will get visa if he becomes PM

Post by smArtha Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:24 pm

Seva Lamberdar wrote:NEW DELHI: Washington will drop a travel ban on Narendra Modi if he becomes the Prime Minister. US assistant secretary of state Nisha Desai Biswal finally buried the controversy over Modi's visa as she told a TV channel that the US would welcome the Gujarat CM if he ascends to the top job. ....

Just for the heck of it.. Modi should refuse to apply for the Visa and just wait it to be delivered to his doorstep. That'll be a sweet revenge. Of course it is not in the interest of the country.. so he better not do this.


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US signals change, says Modi will get visa if he becomes PM Empty Re: US signals change, says Modi will get visa if he becomes PM

Post by Seva Lamberdar Fri Mar 07, 2014 2:31 pm

smArtha wrote:
Seva Lamberdar wrote:NEW DELHI: Washington will drop a travel ban on Narendra Modi if he becomes the Prime Minister. US assistant secretary of state Nisha Desai Biswal finally buried the controversy over Modi's visa as she told a TV channel that the US would welcome the Gujarat CM if he ascends to the top job. ....

Just for the heck of it.. Modi should refuse to apply for the Visa and just wait it to be delivered to his doorstep. That'll be a sweet revenge. Of course it is not in the interest of the country.. so he better not do this.

Or, he could say, after becoming the P.M. of course, that anyone wanting to sign a contract with India should travel to India since he does not have a visa to travel abroad.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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US signals change, says Modi will get visa if he becomes PM Empty Re: US signals change, says Modi will get visa if he becomes PM

Post by Rishi Fri Mar 07, 2014 3:49 pm

>>>Why on earth should Modi go to the United States whether he becomes a PM or not? You can be a good leader of a country without traveling abroad.

Did Mao Zedong ever leave China?


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US signals change, says Modi will get visa if he becomes PM Empty Re: US signals change, says Modi will get visa if he becomes PM

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