Gujarat Model of Governance: Separate transformers installed for Hindu and Muslim areas. Hindus would get 24 hour electricity and Muslims frequent power cuts Hitskin_logo

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Gujarat Model of Governance: Separate transformers installed for Hindu and Muslim areas. Hindus would get 24 hour electricity and Muslims frequent power cuts

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Gujarat Model of Governance: Separate transformers installed for Hindu and Muslim areas. Hindus would get 24 hour electricity and Muslims frequent power cuts Empty Gujarat Model of Governance: Separate transformers installed for Hindu and Muslim areas. Hindus would get 24 hour electricity and Muslims frequent power cuts

Post by Guest Thu May 01, 2014 12:03 pm

This contempt has a sordid past. It was just a kilometre from here that a mob torched the Sabarmati Express in February 2002, killing 59 Hindus. The anti-Muslim riots that followed define Modi as much as his development pitches. It also left a gaping hole among the Muslims of Godhra. Maulana Hussain Umarji, a respected community leader, was thrown in jail for nine years for being the chief conspirator in the train burning. Acquitted in 2011 for lack of evidence, he died soon after, a broken man.

His son Saeed Umarji, a timber merchant, exudes preternatural calm. Asked about the Gujarat model, Umarji accepts it is real, but “it is the Gujarati model. One man is not responsible”. “We want equal justice,” he adds, “it angers me that we are treated differently.” A Muslim leader speaks of how separate power transformers were installed for Hindu and Muslim areas. Muslims would face severe power cuts, while Hindu areas got 24-hour electricity. “This stopped after we complained to the high court. Now we get full electricity. like Hindu areas.”

As Panchmahal goes to polls, the embers of burnt coaches and torn lives are being wiped away to reveal cautious hope. Even Saeed Umarji, whose family suffered for a decade, says: “Show me one person who has not improved in the last 10 years. In our locality, the SSA [the centrally-sponsored primary education scheme] has built new buildings.”

It is that improvement, those aspirations, that Modi has made his own. The progress is true, Modi taking sole credit is not. The state has an entrepreneurial culture, central funds have poured in, and Modi’s PR is prone to 24-hour exaggeration. But Modi alone is being seen as Mr Development. For long before others, he grasped that vikas does not of itself lead to votes. It needs to be branded, marketed. It needs to be sold.


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