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us economy

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us economy Empty us economy

Post by truthbetold Fri Jul 04, 2014 7:09 am

Job growth numbers are very positive. Most people believed that us economy is on a solid path but the confusing metrics over the past few months made them uneasy. Now the latest numbers on top of job growth data of the part few months confirm the health of us economy.

New numbers, if they continue, offer hope for dens. Right now dems are expected to lose both houses. May be they will retain Senate. It is tough because of States involved bit economy helps a little bit.

Fed may tighten sooner. Fed may effect may cause a more up and down behaviour on stock market.

Ukraine may have moved from a crisis to an irritant and market may ignore it for a while.

Iraq is still a major problem but Isis is no longer the sweeping whirlwind. Us may have time to resolve the crisis. But Iraq of Jan 2014 may be gone by 2015 with Kurds running their own autonomous entity and some sort of divided Sunni - whoa Iraq.

Overall us economy good. Market adjusts to fed but is likely to be up after adjustment.


Posts : 6799
Join date : 2011-06-07

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us economy Empty Re: us economy

Post by confuzzled dude Fri Jul 04, 2014 9:28 am

* 6% unemployment rate today is not the same as 6% in '08 (it is more like 10%)
* Most of these jobs created are part-time/seasonal jobs
* 800,000 Americans gave up & stopped looking for jobs as they are overqualified for the most of the jobs are being created.
* We can say that economy is doing good, only if these job growth numbers sustain for next 6 months.

confuzzled dude

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us economy Empty Re: us economy

Post by truthbetold Fri Jul 04, 2014 12:29 pm

confuzzled dude wrote:* 6% unemployment rate today is not the same as 6% in '08 (it is more like 10%)
* Most of these jobs created are part-time/seasonal jobs
* 800,000 Americans gave up & stopped looking for jobs as they are overqualified for the most of the jobs are being created.
* We can say that economy is doing good, only if these job growth numbers sustain for next 6 months.

The fact is us economy is making progress despite the problems mentioned above.

If Republicans worked with obama and identified major infrastructure and long term science projects as a special package and invested about 2 trillions over 5to 10 years, us would have been ready for next 50 years. The low interest rates would have made it easier to find the money. Some of the money could have been used to close the skills gap for future.

But economy is moving despite obstacles.


Posts : 6799
Join date : 2011-06-07

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