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Palestine model for Kashmir?

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Palestine model for Kashmir? Empty Palestine model for Kashmir?

Post by confuzzled dude Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:15 pm

Recently, senior Kashmiri resistance leader Syed Ali Shah Geelani revealed he had received information about government plans to build contained satellite cities for those repatriated. According to local and Indian newspapers, the Indian Home Minister has asked the state government to earmark 2100 acres of land for three such cities.

“Each city requires 700 acres of land where 75,000-100,000 people would be accommodated. Each city will have a medical college, two engineering colleges, four police stations and 12 schools,” Geelani, the head of the Tehrik-e-Hurriyat movement, said.

The pro-India local Government has neither confirmed nor refuted the statement and the news has already set off alarm bells in Kashmir.

26 June 2014 dated pictures show armed security guard a gated community for Kashmiri Pandits (Hindus) in the Budgam region of Indian-held Kashmir.

Though Geelani and other resistance leaders welcome the return of Kashmiri Pandits to Indian-held Kashmir, they are against the creation of confined settlements. They have threatened mass agitation against a move which they believe could lead to a replication of problems in Palestine, with settlers gradually changing Kashmir’s demography.

confuzzled dude

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Palestine model for Kashmir? Empty Re: Palestine model for Kashmir?

Post by confuzzled dude Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:23 pm

"Srinagar: Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s ambitious plan of bringing Kashmiri Pandits back to valley has little impressed the community’s miniscule members who stayed back right through the years of armed trouble. They say that the plan, whose sketchy details have been making headlines in the media over the past some days, is ‘ill-advised and ill-timed, and may defeat the very purpose if implemented in the form it is reported in the media”. They say that segregating Pandits from majority community and settling them down in separate townships would only further the societal gap in the valley. "

At Sheikhpora, the idea of return or rehabilitation for Kashmiri Pandits means an even greater mess. Rehabilitation is a big joke for them. They say that the government should have first taken care of the 3000 Pandits who are presently living in the valley. “We have been left to live ourselves. There are no packages for us. We should have been the government’s priority”, says a group of Pandits members here adding ‘the package (for migrants) seems more to be political”.
They argue that migrant Pandits have left behind huge swaths of the land and property. They have been cherishing to get back to their homes and look after their property. “How would it help them if they are made to live in walled cities”, they question.

There is a feeling among the community that settling Pandits in ghettos and cutting them apart from the society would literally mean another migration.

-> I guess a combo of Palestine & (reverse) Ahmedabad style model..

confuzzled dude

Posts : 10205
Join date : 2011-05-08

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Palestine model for Kashmir? Empty Re: Palestine model for Kashmir?

Post by Kayalvizhi Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:32 pm

Why should Tamil Nadu contribute a damn nickel (through Indian taxes) for settling Kashmiri Pandits 1000 miles away from Tamil Nadu.

Indian gov does not give a samn penny to compensate for the shooting deaths of TN fishermen or lost livelihood because of hospitalization (due to SL naby beating them) or because of SL navy confiscating their boats and equipment.

Either Indian gov help affected TN fishermen because of Indian Navy and coast guard not protecting them or leave the plight of Kashmiri Pandits to Kashmir gov.

I want equal playing field. No discrimination against Tamil Nadu.


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Palestine model for Kashmir? Empty Re: Palestine model for Kashmir?

Post by Guest Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:40 pm

Kayalvizhi wrote:Why should Tamil Nadu contribute a damn nickel (through Indian taxes) for settling Kashmiri Pandits 1000 miles away from Tamil Nadu.

Indian gov does not give a samn penny to compensate for the shooting deaths of TN fishermen or lost livelihood because of hospitalization (due to SL naby beating them) or because of SL navy confiscating their boats and equipment.

Either Indian gov help affected TN fishermen because of Indian Navy and coast guard not protecting them or leave the plight of Kashmiri Pandits to Kashmir gov.

I want equal playing field. No discrimination against Tamil Nadu.


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Palestine model for Kashmir? Empty Re: Palestine model for Kashmir?

Post by confuzzled dude Fri Jul 04, 2014 11:57 pm

Kayalvizhi wrote:Why should Tamil Nadu contribute a damn nickel (through Indian taxes) for settling Kashmiri Pandits 1000 miles away from Tamil Nadu.

Indian gov does not give a samn penny to compensate for the shooting deaths of TN fishermen or lost livelihood because of hospitalization (due to SL naby beating them) or because of SL navy confiscating their boats and equipment.

Either Indian gov help affected TN fishermen because of Indian Navy and coast guard not protecting them or leave the plight of Kashmiri Pandits to Kashmir gov.

I want equal playing field. No discrimination against Tamil Nadu.
According to ex-governor of J&K, Jagmohan, Kashmir already gets 11 times central assistance than other poor states like Bihar. I guess this new proposal to build Pandit ghettos is only going to bump it up further. Looks like new government is jumping the gun, in addition to rubbishing Article 370, without getting the hang of the situation, yet another example of this administration's immature acts.

confuzzled dude

Posts : 10205
Join date : 2011-05-08

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Palestine model for Kashmir? Empty Re: Palestine model for Kashmir?

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