Watched both tests: India vs Oz: 2-0! Hitskin_logo

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Watched both tests: India vs Oz: 2-0!

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Watched both tests: India vs Oz: 2-0! Empty Watched both tests: India vs Oz: 2-0!

Post by TruthSeeker Sun Dec 21, 2014 7:37 pm

Watched almost every ball of both tests.

Dhoni, Rohit, do not deserve a place in Indian test team abroad.

Best of the lot in ODIs, they simply do not belong to test format.

Time to have separate captains for ODIs and Tests in India - certainly after 2015 WC.

random disappointments,


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Watched both tests: India vs Oz: 2-0! Empty Re: Watched both tests: India vs Oz: 2-0!

Post by nevada Mon Dec 22, 2014 1:50 pm

The batting is a joke. Murali Vijay is the only guy you can count on to dig in and try to build an innings. Dhawan is a walking wicket. Pujara is depressed about not being a part of the ODI set up and now getting booted from IPL contract too. Vijay has been released from his IPL contract too but he most likely will get picked up by some franchise. Pujara, a non entity in limited overs cricket, is now in danger of being pushed out of tests too. He used to be happy batting long and scoring big. That is no longer the case now. While Kohli had a great test in Adelaide, I am still not sold about his solidity and dependability in tests. Rahane is all right but he too is not converting good starts. Steven Smith started as a bowler who could bat a bit and now he is scoring centuries at 6. When will our "talented" batsmen reach that level, if ever? Rohit is a waste of space. Dhoni should have been kicked out the test set up 3 years ago but thanks to godfather Srini, he is still here. 

The less said about the bowling, the better. These bowlers just serve up juicy half volleys, wide deliveries and poorly directed short balls to help the opposition score briskly all the time. Our batters have to conjure up magic to find the gaps and score runs against disciplined and well directed bowling whereas the opposition just has to accept the freebies served up by our clueless bowlers.

So given all that, it is a miracle we had 2 matches that were evenly contested for at least some part of the match. At best this team will do well for a session or two. Winning a match and then backing it up with another win is just beyond their capability.


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Join date : 2011-04-29

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