Whats the NI equivalent of an Iyer from SI? Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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Whats the NI equivalent of an Iyer from SI?

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Whats the NI equivalent of an Iyer from SI? Empty Whats the NI equivalent of an Iyer from SI?

Post by TruthSeeker Tue Jun 09, 2015 11:24 pm

Its a shame that NIs dismiss caste/region as "Madrasis" for SIs, in India.

In US, we learn new words - Tambis. Mallus. Gultis. Blah Blah. We, as NIs learn, in US as to how fkked up oldies from TN are!

I never felt bad when a Tamilian asked for clarification, as to how a Punjabi is not a Sikh?

I was like what? Do you even know Punjabi from Sikh from Delhite?

In the same vein, after coming to US, I learnt about Kerala, Kannadigas, Tambis, Gultis from Guntur etc. To me they were all "Kallu Madrasis" earlier (just teasin Maxipad! :-).

Most SIs I know in US grew up in NI, and some of my closest friends - I do not even know their mother tongue - and I do not care! :-) All I know is that Venu's could be Tamil, Anil's could be Malyalam, and Naveen's could be Telugu.  

These are my closest friends.

And I dont care, and they dont care, what their mother tongue is!

Only this stupid fkked up site visited by narrow minded folks cares!

I will not let me or my friends disrespected,


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Join date : 2012-08-18

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