What is the justification or the explanation for this? Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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What is the justification or the explanation for this?

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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by SomeProfile Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:01 pm

Other than insanity?

Trump Assassination Play Is Sponsored By The New York Times

Why are assassinations being staged? Regardless of how much you may disagree with him or hate him, is this a valid expression of such disagreement? Does that mean that if you could get away with it, you would actually do it? Then, what is the difference between you and terrorists?

In the old days, we used to see news clips from middle east and India where people burnt effigies of leaders they hated. We thought that an uncivilized form of protest. Never thought mainstream media and popular media in the US would resort to the same uncivilized demonstrations.

Has Trump driven you to insanity?


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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty Re: What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:08 pm

I don't remember such questions when the insults and the scary lynch mob like sentiments were flying thick and fast against former president Obama. Why the sudden concern?

Forget the mainstream media indulging in uncivilized behavior. What about the current occupant of the Oval Office indulging in uncivilized behavior?

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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty Re: What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by SomeProfile Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:15 pm

"insults and the scary lynch mob like sentiments" = staged assassinations and mock beheadings in popular media and national television.

Confirmed: Trump has driven you to insanity!


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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty Re: What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by Idéfix Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:18 pm

Forget about other people. Il Douche was personally encouraging 2nd amendment people to do something about Clinton. I guess these family values conservatives don't expect decency from their own leaders but expect it from liberals.

Party of (other people's) personal responsibility!

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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty Re: What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:21 pm

He was also regularly encouraging his mob to beat up the few dissenting voices in the crowd. That's excusable?

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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty Re: What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:23 pm

I can only speak for myself. I loathe him and I find him repulsive but I don't wish him physical harm. I'm sure as gangrenous a leper as he is, his children love him.

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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty Re: What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Fri Jun 09, 2017 10:34 pm

Why does he have a perpetual scowl as if he is forever in need of Maalox?

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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty Re: What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by Idéfix Fri Jun 09, 2017 11:12 pm

staged assassinations and mock beheadings in popular media and national television.
Public Theater = popular media and national television

That's some Grade A insanity right there!

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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty Re: What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by silvermani Sat Jun 10, 2017 12:09 am

What is the justification or the explanation for this? Lf5Jqgu

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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty Re: What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Sat Jun 10, 2017 5:36 am

Yeah so? I said I want nature to take it's course. Didn't wish him physical harm. Are you unable to understand the difference?

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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty Re: What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Sat Jun 10, 2017 5:38 am

Btw he reminds of an old, overgrown version of Biff from the movie back to the future. Remember him? The guy who used to bully the father character?

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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty Re: What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by silvermani Sat Jun 10, 2017 9:38 am

Nature to take its course how? With a totally painless heart attack? Struck down but painlessly by lightning? lol

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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty Re: What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Sat Jun 10, 2017 9:44 am

Well I'm just hoping he'll keep up his regimen of no exercise and bucketloads of KFC.

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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty Re: What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by Hellsangel Sat Jun 10, 2017 11:01 am

MaxEntropy_Man wrote:Well I'm just hoping he'll keep up his regimen of no exercise and bucketloads of KFC
Your desperation is starting to show, Il Professore!

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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty Re: What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by Idéfix Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:44 am

This did not require justification or explanation in 2013 when Obama was president. But now that the orange snowflake is president, his followers are all outraged.


The play begins with a bank of video monitors featuring every talking head in the business—Keith Olbermann, Glenn Beck, Erin Burnett, Rachel Maddow, etc.—all mouthing in ultra-slow-motion the daily wave of misinformation and speculation we continue to call "the news." As the heads dissolve into TV snow, in walks Caesar and his cabinet. And, because Caesar is cast as a tall, lanky black man, the Obama inference is a bit too obvious. But it fits, sort of. Like Caesar, Obama rose to power on a tide of public goodwill; like Caesar, there were many in government who doubted Obama's leadership abilities; and now that Obama's first term has failed to live up to the messianic hype, there are plenty of people who—for the good of the country, you understand, not their own glory—want to take Obama down.

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Post by Idéfix Tue Jun 13, 2017 11:54 am

Back when Obama was president, American Conservative praised a production that made Obama into Caesar. In fact they explicitly titled their review Obama's Ides of March.


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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty Re: What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by silvermani Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:17 pm

How sad that liberalism has been taken over by hateful people who feel showing off a bloodied, chopped off head of a human is acceptable.

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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty Re: What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by Idéfix Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:31 pm

silvermani wrote:How sad that liberalism has been taken over by hateful people who feel showing off a bloodied, chopped off head of a human is acceptable.
Please write to The American Conservative and let them know that you think they are liberals. Please keep us posted if and how they respond.

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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty Re: What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by silvermani Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:41 pm

Idéfix wrote:
silvermani wrote:How sad that liberalism has been taken over by hateful people who feel showing off a bloodied, chopped off head of a human is acceptable.
Please write to The American Conservative and let them know that you think they are liberals. Please keep us posted if and how they respond.
The American Conservative never stooped to the level of Kathy Griffin so I don't see a need to write to them on this topic. And who is "us"? Speak for yourself.

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What is the justification or the explanation for this? Empty Re: What is the justification or the explanation for this?

Post by Idéfix Tue Jun 13, 2017 12:48 pm

silvermani wrote:
Idéfix wrote:
silvermani wrote:How sad that liberalism has been taken over by hateful people who feel showing off a bloodied, chopped off head of a human is acceptable.
Please write to The American Conservative and let them know that you think they are liberals. Please keep us posted if and how they respond.
The American Conservative never stooped to the level of Kathy Griffin so I don't see a need to write to them on this topic. And who is "us"? Speak for yourself.
This thread is about an adaptation of the play Julius Caesar casting someone who looks like the president in Caesar's role. And what justification or explanation there can be for such a casting choice, whether insanity is a possible reason for it. This thread is not about Kathy Griffin.

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