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Now a ABVP Fatwa in Jaipur

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Now a ABVP Fatwa in Jaipur Empty Now a ABVP Fatwa in Jaipur

Post by truthbetold Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:15 am

It is less than a week that Jaipur witnessed Muslim leaders aggression preventing Salman's visit to a literary event in India. BJP was very critical of those leaders.

Now ABVP forced a Jaipur university to shut people off from a purely Acedamic seminar because it did not like the content of a movie.

Is India so fragile that it cannot even permit a forum for different opinion even in literary meetings and University seminars?

ABVP should have been asked to take its opinion and shove it. What kind of young people will India develop if it bows to fanatical loudmouths of ABVP?


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Now a ABVP Fatwa in Jaipur Empty Re: Now a ABVP Fatwa in Jaipur

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:20 am

I think this is a BJP election game to show that the CONmen will quickly espouse freedom of expression when it comes to anti-hindu views, while it will oppose any anti-islamic views.

As usual, the hindus are "reacting" to what the 20% did to the 80%


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Now a ABVP Fatwa in Jaipur Empty Re: Now a ABVP Fatwa in Jaipur

Post by truthbetold Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:28 am

There is no Govt involved in this and there seems to be no Cong involvement here. In my view this is just a sad side of Indian democracy where shrill muslims and loudmouth RSS/abvp drowns the simple expressions of freedom.


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Now a ABVP Fatwa in Jaipur Empty Re: Now a ABVP Fatwa in Jaipur

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Sun Jan 29, 2012 1:12 am

RSS/ABVP is "closely" connected to BJP, while everyone knows CONmen are the defacto Muslim lobbyists.


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Now a ABVP Fatwa in Jaipur Empty Re: Now a ABVP Fatwa in Jaipur

Post by truthbetold Sun Jan 29, 2012 10:35 am

I am not arguing whether congress is a muslim votebank apologist or not. That is a given for most impartial observers. But in this case, at least from the facts available, thre is no cong connection. The organizer was a university and purpose was purely academic. if not for ABVP's nonsensical demands, the event would have been limited to few intellectuals and students.

The tenuous connection you are making with last week's literary fest held in same location is not even a sensible political justification.

It is important for universities to foster wide variety of views including views beyond the pale of constitution for the young people to learn and think independently. For all its flaws, the country I experienced in my youth was a more robust place in terms of university level freedoms.


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Now a ABVP Fatwa in Jaipur Empty Re: Now a ABVP Fatwa in Jaipur

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Sun Jan 29, 2012 11:54 am

truthbetold wrote:I am not arguing whether congress is a muslim votebank apologist or not. That is a given for most impartial observers. But in this case, at least from the facts available, thre is no cong connection. The organizer was a university and purpose was purely academic. if not for ABVP's nonsensical demands, the event would have been limited to few intellectuals and students.

The tenuous connection you are making with last week's literary fest held in same location is not even a sensible political justification.

It is important for universities to foster wide variety of views including views beyond the pale of constitution for the young people to learn and think independently. For all its flaws, the country I experienced in my youth was a more robust place in terms of university level freedoms.

You are still talking idealistically and should come down to today's reality. The Colleges are subservient to Universities which are slaves of the Govt. - forget all the academic freedom blah blah..

The groups and unions in colleges are DIRECTLY connected to political parties, and very few non-political organizations are non-political.


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Now a ABVP Fatwa in Jaipur Empty Re: Now a ABVP Fatwa in Jaipur

Post by Merlot Daruwala Sun Jan 29, 2012 12:05 pm

Marathadi-Saamiyaar wrote:You are still talking idealistically and should come down to today's reality. The Colleges are subservient to Universities which are slaves of the Govt. - forget all the academic freedom blah blah..

The groups and unions in colleges are DIRECTLY connected to political parties, and very few non-political organizations are non-political.

Very true Unkil. Anything bad thing that happens in India, committed by anybody, has to be because of the CONgoons and their evil Empress and the Yuvraj. Everything else is immaterial (or in response to provocation by C, EE and Y). EOD.
Merlot Daruwala
Merlot Daruwala

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Now a ABVP Fatwa in Jaipur Empty Re: Now a ABVP Fatwa in Jaipur

Post by truthbetold Sun Jan 29, 2012 2:03 pm

I concede the idealistic part. But it is related to a core principle. Protesting, sloganeering, even mild disruptions are one thing. Forced cancelations and voilent disruptions, and death threats are beyond normal.

ABVP was never serious intellectual organization. It was always a lumpen organization ranking a fraction better than the hoodlums of Cong student body NSAI. I hope young India do not givem them any breathing space.


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