Evidence that Shashi Tharoor can't speak with Indian English accent..... Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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Evidence that Shashi Tharoor can't speak with Indian English accent.....

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Evidence that Shashi Tharoor can't speak with Indian English accent..... Empty Evidence that Shashi Tharoor can't speak with Indian English accent.....

Post by Vakavaka Pakapaka Fri Jan 26, 2018 10:29 am

.....A Malayalee (or Hindian?) passenger heard Tharoor saying the he was awaiting his sister and mistook the word "sister" for pistol". He informed the security (while peeing in his pants) that Tharoor would be carrying a pistol in the plane. Looks like Tharoor should start cultivating the Indian English accent to survive in India......


Vakavaka Pakapaka

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Join date : 2012-08-24

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