Well-timed paddy (rice) move can arrest the slide (limiting also the Govt. subsidy and MSP to safeguard water, soil and air) Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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Well-timed paddy (rice) move can arrest the slide (limiting also the Govt. subsidy and MSP to safeguard water, soil and air)

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Well-timed paddy (rice) move can arrest the slide (limiting also the Govt. subsidy and MSP to safeguard water, soil and air) Empty Well-timed paddy (rice) move can arrest the slide (limiting also the Govt. subsidy and MSP to safeguard water, soil and air)

Post by Seva Lamberdar Tue Mar 23, 2021 1:42 pm

The Tribune (GS Hira and SS Kukal:  March 23, 2021):

Paddy (rice) , a water-guzzler, was never a crop of Punjab, Haryana and western UP. However, in order to ensure food security of the country, paddy cultivation was encouraged in the region by policy-makers. This is reflected in the steady increase in the minimum support price (MSP) of paddy over the years. Initially, paddy cultivation started in areas with waterlogging conditions, which occurred after the introduction of canal water irrigation projects in this region. Later, large-scale paddy cultivation was taken up with tubewell irrigation because of groundwater availability at a shallower depth. The higher yields coupled with higher MSP led to large-scale adoption of paddy cultivation in Punjab, thus ushering in the Green Revolution which made the country self-sufficient in foodgrains. But at the same time, the mining of large quantities of groundwater led to a rapid fall of the water table. A related problem is the increased cost of electricity for pumping out groundwater.......(Contd.: https://www.tribuneindia.com/news/features/well-timed-paddy-move-can-arrest-the-slide-228816

Comment: The mindless cultivation of crops by farmers with the help of Govt. subsidies (including MSP) has resulted in harm to soil (making land infertile and toxic to plant growth through overuse of chemical fertilizers), water (overusing the surface / river water while depleting also the groundwater) and air (polluting the atmosphere due to smoke from burning the left-over stubble / stalk in the case of crops which produce too much  hardy and non-biodegradable / non-compostable plant residue that needs to be burned to get rid of quickly).
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6579
Join date : 2012-11-29


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Well-timed paddy (rice) move can arrest the slide (limiting also the Govt. subsidy and MSP to safeguard water, soil and air) Empty Re: Well-timed paddy (rice) move can arrest the slide (limiting also the Govt. subsidy and MSP to safeguard water, soil and air)

Post by Seva Lamberdar Wed Mar 24, 2021 3:49 pm

Limiting the Govt. subsidy (including MSP) for crops and farm produce in future to safeguard soil, water and air should be important consideration.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6579
Join date : 2012-11-29


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