Free bus travel for women in Punjab from April 1 Hitskin_logo

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Free bus travel for women in Punjab from April 1

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Free bus travel for women in Punjab from April 1 Empty Free bus travel for women in Punjab from April 1

Post by Seva Lamberdar Wed Mar 31, 2021 7:53 am

Tribune News Service (Chandigarh, March 31, 2021)

Women in Punjab get to travel free of cost in all Government-run buses within the state from Thursday. The cabinet on Wednesday stamped its approval on the scheme which the Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh announced earlier this month.

The Chief Minister had announced the free travel scheme in the Vidhan Sabha on March 5, as part of his government’s efforts to empower women and girls in the state.

The scheme would benefit over 1.31 crore women and girls across the state

As per Census 2011, Punjab has a population of 2.77 crores (males 1,46,39,465 and female 1,31,03,873).

>>> The real empowerment of women and girls, and others too, will happen when Govt. implements UCC (uniform civil code) to ensure one law (equal justice under the law) for all (irrespective of gender, caste, religion and race).
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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Free bus travel for women in Punjab from April 1 Empty Re: Free bus travel for women in Punjab from April 1

Post by Seva Lamberdar Fri Apr 02, 2021 6:14 am

The real empowerment of women and girls, and others too, will happen when Govt. implements UCC (uniform civil code) to ensure one law for all (equal justice under the law to everyone, irrespective of gender, caste, religion and race), while replacing the multiple religious laws in use officially at present for different communities separately (such as Hindu law, Christian law, Muslim law, Sikh law, etc., currently).

There is a need for Govts. to be efficient and run their facilities (including the Govt. owned bus transports) efficiently and in the real business sense and as financially responsible. The free rides to women on gender basis in Govt. buses is not a proper example on this. It basically is not affordable to Govt. on a long term basis, while it squanders public money unnecessarily without charging fares by giving free rides to women and girls in Govt. owned buses.

It also will lead to unnecessary overcrowding in Govt. owned buses, with too many females riding the Govt. buses to either not pay the fare on their usual work route or merely take a jolly bus ride without paying.

Moreover, there is a danger of this (free rides to women and girls in Govt. owned buses) spilling over into other states, as Govts. in other states at election times also start promising and doling out the same (free rides to women and girls in Govt. owned buses) as a freebie and election gimmick to attract the women vote.

Finally, if the Govt. in future tries to reverse this privilege to women and girls by taking back the free bus ride to them in Govt. owned buses, it will face the same type of resistance (protests etc.) from women, girls and others (including opposition parties) as the Indian Govt. currently is facing resistance (opposition and protests) from farmers and their backers (including the Opposition) for reducing / eliminating Govt. privileges / benefits (agricultural subsidies and MSP) to farmers under the new farming laws.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6579
Join date : 2012-11-29

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