SC says ‘all sentiments’ subservient to right to life, asks UP to reconsider Kanwar Yatra decision (The Tribune news) Hitskin_logo

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SC says ‘all sentiments’ subservient to right to life, asks UP to reconsider Kanwar Yatra decision (The Tribune news)

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SC says ‘all sentiments’ subservient to right to life, asks UP to reconsider Kanwar Yatra decision (The Tribune news) Empty SC says ‘all sentiments’ subservient to right to life, asks UP to reconsider Kanwar Yatra decision (The Tribune news)

Post by Seva Lamberdar Fri Jul 16, 2021 7:53 am

New Delhi (July 16, 2021):

All sentiments, including religious, are subservient to the Right to Life, the Supreme Court said on Friday and asked the Uttar Pradesh government to inform by July 19 whether it would reconsider its decision to hold a “symbolic” Kanwar Yatra.

The Uttarakhand government earlier this week cancelled the annual ritual that sees thousands of Shiva devotees called ‘kanwariyas' travel mostly on foot to collect water from the Ganges and bring it back to their villages. Uttar Pradesh is going ahead with a pared-down “symbolic” version.

A bench of Justices RF Nariman and BR Gavai said the Right to Life under Article 21 of the Constitution is paramount and asked the Uttar Pradesh government whether it was willing to reconsider its decision to hold a yatra at all.

“We are of the prima facie view that this is a matter which concerns every one of us and this is at the heart of Article 21 of the Constitution. The health of citizenry of India and Right to Life is paramount and all other sentiments, including religious, are subservient to this fundamental right,” the bench said.

The apex court's direction came after the Uttar Pradesh government told the bench that it had decided after relevant discussions to hold a “symbolic” Kanwar Yatra with appropriate Covid restrictions.

Appearing for the Centre, Solicitor General Tushar Mehta said state governments must not permit the yatra in view of the pandemic and arrangements should be made for water from the Ganges to be available through tankers at specified places. Considering age-old customs and religious sentiments, state governments must develop a system so devotees can collect holy ‘Gangajal' and offer it at the nearest Shiva temple, he said.

The bench told Mehta, “One thing is clear, we cannot allow the Uttar Pradesh government to hold Kanwar Yatra in view of Covid.”

“Total ban on the yatra will be inappropriate,” senior advocate CS Vaidyanathan, appearing for the Uttar Pradesh government, told the court.

He said they had filed an affidavit stating a symbolic yatra would be held with the minimum presence of devotees and also keeping in mind religious sentiments.

Appropriate restrictions would be taken, he said – ‘Gangajal' will be supplied through tankers, Covid tests done and social-distancing norms followed among other measures.

The bench then told Vaidyanathan that he might take instructions and inform the court by July 19 (Monday) on whether to hold the yatra at all.

Advocate Abhishek Atrey, appearing for the Uttarakhand government, said they had filed an affidavit and taken a decision to ban the yatra due to Covid and it had been notified.

On July 14, the top court took suo motu cognisance of media reports on the Uttar Pradesh government's decision to allow the yatra amid the Covid pandemic and sought responses from the state as well as the Centre "given the disparate political voices" on the matter. PTI

>>> The overall public health and safety should be the ultimate deciding factor these days (during COVID) in organizing various activities.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6579
Join date : 2012-11-29

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SC says ‘all sentiments’ subservient to right to life, asks UP to reconsider Kanwar Yatra decision (The Tribune news) Empty Re: SC says ‘all sentiments’ subservient to right to life, asks UP to reconsider Kanwar Yatra decision (The Tribune news)

Post by Seva Lamberdar Sat Jul 17, 2021 12:52 pm

"The Kanwar Yatra has been cancelled by the Kanwar Sanghs on the appeal of the Uttar Pradesh government" (The Tribune: July 17, 2021):
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6579
Join date : 2012-11-29

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