The Conservative Party of Canada seeks new federal leader as previous leader resigned following party's electoral defeat (N1) Hitskin_logo

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The Conservative Party of Canada seeks new federal leader as previous leader resigned following party's electoral defeat (N1)

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The Conservative Party of Canada seeks new federal leader as previous leader resigned following party's electoral defeat (N1) Empty The Conservative Party of Canada seeks new federal leader as previous leader resigned following party's electoral defeat (N1)

Post by Seva Lamberdar Thu Mar 10, 2022 8:36 am

Who’s in, who’s out and who else may enter the Conservative party leadership race 
(By Stephanie Taylor, The Canadian Press, March 7, 2022)

OTTAWA - With Sept. 10, 2022, picked as the date for when the Conservative Party of Canada will have a new leader (replacing the ex-leader Erin O’Toole), time is ticking for prospective candidates and their teams to get into place. Those running have until April 19 to throw their hat into the ring (file papers) and until June 3 to sign new memberships.

Here’s a look at the contest so far:

Pierre Poilievre: The 42-year-old Ottawa-area MP declared his candidacy almost one month ago. He has begun fundraising and holding events. He has pledged to cancel the federal carbon tax.

Jean Charest: The former Quebec premier who led the federal Progressive Conservatives in the mid-1990s is considering a run. He recently held a reception for MPs and senators in Ottawa and met with more of them one-on-one. He said he wanted to see the rules of the race before making a final decision.

Leslyn Lewis: The third-place finisher in the 2020 leadership race is expected to enter the contest next week. The Ontario MP recently emailed supporters asking if she could count on them to pick her on a ballot if she decides to run. Last time she ran, Lewis enjoyed heavy backing from the party’s social conservative members and those in Western Canada.

Leona Alleslev: The former MP for Aurora-Oak Ridges-Richmond Hill is considering a run. She was defeated in last fall’s federal election. She joined the Conservatives in 2018, after crossing the floor from the Liberals. While with the Tories she served as deputy leader under former leader Andrew Scheer.

Patrick Brown: The mayor of Brampton and former leader of Ontario’s Progressive Conservatives will soon decide whether to run. He has been considering a bid and his office says he’s pleased with the length of time the race rules will allow candidates to sign up members.

Roman Baber: He’s an Independent MPP in Ontario who Premier Doug Ford booted from caucus last year for speaking out against COVID-19 lockdowns. He has since come out as opposing vaccine mandates and recently raised concerns about the federal Liberal government’s invoking of the Emergencies Act to quell anti-government protests and blockades.

Peter MacKay: He was a cabinet minister in former prime minister Stephen Harper’s Conservative government. He was leader of the Progressive Conservatives when the party merged with the Canadian Alliance to form the Conservative Party of Canada. He placed second to O’Toole in the 2020 leadership race in a contest many felt he was likely to win. MacKay is still fundraising to pay down this debts from the contest.

Michael Chong: The longtime Ontario MP ran in 2017 and recently said he hasn’t ruled out the idea of entering the race. He serves as the Conservative critic for foreign affairs.   .........................    

Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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The Conservative Party of Canada seeks new federal leader as previous leader resigned following party's electoral defeat (N1) Empty Re: The Conservative Party of Canada seeks new federal leader as previous leader resigned following party's electoral defeat (N1)

Post by Seva Lamberdar Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:00 am

Erin O'Toole voted out as Conservative Party leader (earlier story: Feb. 2, 2022)
OTTAWA (The Canadian Press)– Erin O’Toole has lost a vote to remain leader of the Conservative Party of Canada.

The party’s 119 members of Parliament met virtually today to cast secret ballots after about one-third of them signed a notice that triggered a leadership review.

Ontario MP and national caucus chair Scott Reid said in a statement that 73 Conservative MPs voted to replace him while 45 endorsed him.

As caucus chair, Reid said he did not vote.

Conservative MPs must now choose who will serve as the party’s interim leader until the membership elects a permanent leader for the third time since 2017.

New Brunswick MP John Williamson says he would like to be the interim leader.

“I will respect my caucus colleagues. I will listen to our movement,” he wrote on social media moments after O’Toole lost the vote.  ......................
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6579
Join date : 2012-11-29

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