The fastest train ever, The SCMaglev, will "fly" over tracks between Tokyo and Osaka (Japan) at incredible 500 km per hour Hitskin_logo

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The fastest train ever, The SCMaglev, will "fly" over tracks between Tokyo and Osaka (Japan) at incredible 500 km per hour

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The fastest train ever, The SCMaglev, will "fly" over tracks between Tokyo and Osaka (Japan) at incredible 500 km per hour Empty The fastest train ever, The SCMaglev, will "fly" over tracks between Tokyo and Osaka (Japan) at incredible 500 km per hour

Post by Seva Lamberdar Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:47 pm

SCMaglev (Super Conductivity Magnetic levitation) technology based train:

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Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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Join date : 2012-11-29

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The fastest train ever, The SCMaglev, will "fly" over tracks between Tokyo and Osaka (Japan) at incredible 500 km per hour Empty Re: The fastest train ever, The SCMaglev, will "fly" over tracks between Tokyo and Osaka (Japan) at incredible 500 km per hour

Post by Seva Lamberdar Fri Mar 18, 2022 6:56 am

SCMaglev technology will result in a train which will be less polluting environmentally in terms of fuel burning and fossil fuel requirements than the aircraft. It will travel at nearly the same speed (500 kmph) as the short / medium distance aircraft. It will also be quieter.

It will also save a huge amount of time and headache, which usually is the case when the airline passengers need to travel several hours ahead of flying time to a somewhat distant airport (several miles away from the city); the same thing, in terms of delay etc. in reaching the city and commercial center, takes place after landing from an aircraft at a distant airport. The train travel (including the SCMaglev) does not have these problems because the railway stations, unlike the airports, can be located next to, or within, the city / commercial center.

Just imagine a SCMaglev running at 500 kmph between Chennai and Bengaluru (about 300 km apart), or between Mumbai and Ahmadabad (about 450 km apart). It will take less than one hour to travel between Chennai and Bengaluru, and Mumbai and Ahmadabad. A person living in Chennai (or Ahmadabad) could thus easily commute everyday to work in Bengaluru (or Mumbai) by riding the SCMaglev.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

Posts : 6579
Join date : 2012-11-29

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