Sometimes the so called primitive people are more logical than the western mind Hitskin_logo

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Sometimes the so called primitive people are more logical than the western mind

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Sometimes the so called primitive people are more logical than the western mind Empty Sometimes the so called primitive people are more logical than the western mind

Post by MulaiAzhagi Wed Mar 14, 2012 5:43 pm

The Taliban vowed to avenge the killings, which fit into its narrative depicting foreign troops as callous killers waging a war on Islam. In its statement, the militant group anticipated that the United States would seek to portray the killings as the acts of a deranged soldier.

“If the perpetrators of this massacre were in fact mentally ill, then this testifies to yet another moral transgression by the American military because they are arming lunatics in Afghanistan who turn their weapons against defenseless Afghans,” the Taliban statement said.


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Sometimes the so called primitive people are more logical than the western mind Empty Re: Sometimes the so called primitive people are more logical than the western mind

Post by garam_kuta Wed Mar 14, 2012 6:42 pm

MulaiAzhagi wrote:The Taliban vowed to avenge the killings, which fit into its narrative depicting foreign troops as callous killers waging a war on Islam. In its statement, the militant group anticipated that the United States would seek to portray the killings as the acts of a deranged soldier.

“If the perpetrators of this massacre were in fact mentally ill, then this testifies to yet another moral transgression by the American military because they are arming lunatics in Afghanistan who turn their weapons against defenseless Afghans,” the Taliban statement said.

land of gauravas still has some sharp people, huh?


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Sometimes the so called primitive people are more logical than the western mind Empty Re: Sometimes the so called primitive people are more logical than the western mind

Post by Propagandhi711 Wed Mar 14, 2012 10:44 pm

MulaiAzhagi wrote:The Taliban vowed to avenge the killings, which fit into its narrative depicting foreign troops as callous killers waging a war on Islam. In its statement, the militant group anticipated that the United States would seek to portray the killings as the acts of a deranged soldier.

“If the perpetrators of this massacre were in fact mentally ill, then this testifies to yet another moral transgression by the American military because they are arming lunatics in Afghanistan who turn their weapons against defenseless Afghans,” the Taliban statement said.

since you detected them to be more logical than westerners, by extension, you're more logical than either of them with sound deduction practises


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Join date : 2011-04-29

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