Ashdoc's movie review---Hate story Hitskin_logo

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Ashdoc's movie review---Hate story

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Ashdoc's movie review---Hate story Empty Ashdoc's movie review---Hate story

Post by ashdoc Tue Apr 24, 2012 12:38 am

Its a thriller movie with some body exposure ( by leading lady Paoli Dam ) and some love making scenes---none of which cross the limit but do give some thoda bahut hots along the way.....but people coming with the hopes of an erotic movie will be somewhat disappointed .

But the photography is really good and so are the sets .

.....And actress Paoli Dam looks good as a dusky beauty and acts well---especially in the semierotic scenes . But the acting honors go to the villain ( played by Gulshan Devaiya ) who has put up a really commendable job as a industry magnate showing some mouth watering no-holds-barred cruelty to anyone who dares cross him---like Paoli does.....

She's a reporter who carries out a sting operation exposing a person from his company---its a scandal that might hurt his company bad . But he manages to cover it up and invites Paoli into his company , because as he says---its better to makes friends with those who can hurt him .

And Gulshan then ensnares Paoli with his charm and lands her into his bed---making her fall in love with him left right and center.....

But Paoli soon discovers that its a plot to take revenge on her for the sting operation---as Gulshan reminds her , he fucks those who fuck with him---and fucks them royally too.....

Paoli , who is pregnant is aborted in such a way that she is not able to conceive again , and left on the door of death.....

But Gulshan has made a big mistake---as his father tells him , the sting operation by Paoli was just business , and you should not take revenge for business problems personally.....mixing business and personal issues is forbidden......

And because Gulshan has mixed business with personal issues , indeed taking business personally , he has to contend with an avenging angel in Paoli----an angel who will destroy him in the end.....

And helping Paoli in her quest for revenge is her everloyal friend ( played by Nikhil Dwivedi ) who has put up a fine performance himself.....

So the film has a lot of things going for it.....

But where it fails is in the showing of various plans that Paoli churns out for revenge---they are all corny and unrealistic.....

Is it so easy to fuck a minister like a common whore and become a director of the bank which finances Gulshan's company ?? That way many randis would be on the board of directors of banks......

And is it so easy to transfer data from mobile to mobile while fucking the guy ( in woman on top position ) from whose mobile the data has to be transferred ??

And is it necessary to barge into the gents toilet in provocative clothes to give information and cut a deal with the head honcho of a rival company and catch him while he's peeing ??

Yeah , I know about cinematic liberty and all that but this is all too much.....

In the end the movie shows the same age old stereotype from old hindi cinemas of a woman who sleeps with too many men not being fit to remain alive.....

......Disappointing for those who thought that in this new age such a woman could live again to start a new life after taking lust and sex soaked revenge.....

The more things change , the more they remain the same dont they ??

Verdict---not good .


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Join date : 2011-05-04

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