Hindus did not lose to Muslims because of the caste system Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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Hindus did not lose to Muslims because of the caste system

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Hindus did not lose to Muslims because of the caste system Empty Hindus did not lose to Muslims because of the caste system

Post by MulaiAzhagi Thu May 17, 2012 10:01 pm

Very briefly, the canard is laid to rest that Hindus lost to Muslims because of the caste system, a claim heard from both anti-Hindu missionaries and Hindu reformists. In fact, many castes participated in warfare together. As any strategist could have told the moralizing caste-mongers, victory was by virtue of “superior military organization, strategy, training, weapons, horses and mobility”, which the natives had neglected. (p.45) Conversely, “the caste system was a main obstacle to conversion. It guaranteed to Hindus a secure identity and place in their community, which they would lose by converting.” (p.49) In their revolt against Muslim rule, Hindus observed a certain morality of warfare: “While Shivaji was not above sacking an enemy’s city if he needed the money, he did not kill noncombatants, take slaves or damage Muslim holy sites.” (p.48)



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Hindus did not lose to Muslims because of the caste system Empty Re: Hindus did not lose to Muslims because of the caste system

Post by Guest Thu May 17, 2012 10:36 pm

in my opinion, Elst is wrong on almost all counts. caste system definitely played a role in why hindu kings kept getting defeating by invaders. it was not the only factor but it was a a factor. this point requires further explanation--i shall elaborate on this later.

second, caste system promoted religious conversions because most conversions were voluntary conversions of low caste hindus.

third it is foolish to generalize and say that hindu kings invariably observed a certain morality of warfare. the chola conquest of sri lanka in which sacking of cities and breaking apart of holy budhist stupas (for treasure hunting) took place is an example of when chivalrous conduct was not observed by hindu kings. another example is Asoka's conquest of Kalinga (modern Orissa) in which a large scale massacre of the defeated enemy took place.

Elst used to post on the Indology list (for professional Indologists). He kept making mistakes in his posts, which kept getting pointed out by other indologists, because of which he had to finally stop posting on that forum.


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Hindus did not lose to Muslims because of the caste system Empty Re: Hindus did not lose to Muslims because of the caste system

Post by Guest Fri May 18, 2012 12:42 am

Rashmun wrote:in my opinion, Elst is wrong on almost all counts. caste system definitely played a role in why hindu kings kept getting defeating by invaders. it was not the only factor but it was a a factor. this point requires further explanation--i shall elaborate on this later.

second, caste system promoted religious conversions because most conversions were voluntary conversions of low caste hindus.

third it is foolish to generalize and say that hindu kings invariably observed a certain morality of warfare. the chola conquest of sri lanka in which sacking of cities and breaking apart of holy budhist stupas (for treasure hunting) took place is an example of when chivalrous conduct was not observed by hindu kings. another example is Asoka's conquest of Kalinga (modern Orissa) in which a large scale massacre of the defeated enemy took place.

Elst used to post on the Indology list (for professional Indologists). He kept making mistakes in his posts, which kept getting pointed out by other indologists, because of which he had to finally stop posting on that forum.

some further thoughts:

even if we assume that there were hindu kings who admitted low caste hindus into their army it is reasonable to think that there was no hope for low caste hindus to become generals or senior army officers with the power of supervising other soldiers. this meant a serious loss of potential talent.

actually a similar situation prevailed in mongolia at the time of genghis khan. only people born into royal families could hope to become army officers. genghis khan changed the system and allowed people who were not from royal families to become senior army officers and even generals based on their merit. His most famous general, Subotai, was born in a family of blacksmiths and Subotai's tribe is even today considered especially backward by other mongolians.


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