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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

confuzzled dude
Vakavaka Pakapaka
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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:05 pm

Rashmun wrote:
goodcitizn wrote:Inasmuch as English words used in Tamil (e.g., car, radio etc.,) are not considered Tamil, Sanskrit words used in Tamil (e.g., visesham, vivekam etc.,) are not considered Tamil. These languages have no bearing on Tamil nor do they have any relationship to Tamil. Hindi or Dhakini is totally foreign and unrelated to Tamil.

Unless you learn some rudiments of Tamil, you are incompetent to discuss the relationship Tamil has with any language, let alone Hindi. And it is extremely unlikely that, sitting on that high Hindi horse of yours, you'd even condescend to learn a south indian language to comprehend what is being repeated ad nauseum: "Tamil has no relationship to Dhakini or any other variant of Hindi". All you have done is to make excuses as to why you haven't learned even a smattering of the Tamil lexicon.

On the contrary everyday tamil words like 'neer' (for water) are of sanskrit origin. Moreover the first text on tamil grammar (Tolkappiyam) acknowledges its debt to sanskrit.

the last word in this yet to be written. one profitable approach to research in this area is to compare vedic sanskrit (VS) with modern sanskrit (MS). all words in MS not present in VS should be subjected to a rigorous examination of its origins. we already know from the work of the eminent dravidian linguist the late bhadriraju krishnamurthy that dravidian languages have been rich sources of loan words to MS. other sources could be languages like munda. i doubt neer is originally from VS.

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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Idéfix Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:07 pm

Rashmun wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:rashmun -- you have a lot of energy to expend pracharing about langauges to others. turn that energy inwards. learn a new indian language besides hindi.

Still optimistic?

if his goal is to promote hindi this is the wrong place to be. firstly, most people here live in the US and don't need hindi or any indian language for that matter. secondly, most people he is preaching to here already know hindi at various levels of fluency. so his efforts are superfluous. the only person he could potentially influence is his new friend and we already know his views on the subject. thirdly, if he wants others to learn another language, it is only fair that we expect the same of him.

The idea is to remove the hatred for hindi that a few people have unfortunately succumbed to due to anti-hindi propaganda. I don't care if you learn hindi or not. just don't hate the language.

using the terms 'duckini-cluckini', 'fowl language' ,etc. are all symptomatic of a peculiar hatred for hindi since the southern indian variant of hindi, dakhini, is being targeted by these abusive terms.
The only anti Hindi poster here is your old pal.

The only thing being targeted with terms like duckini is your stupid Method. And judging by your agitation, it is working.
You are the one who was posting hate speech about Telugus but that was in your younger days.

Last edited by panini press on Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:09 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:07 pm

MaxEntropy_Man wrote:there is no profit in learning hindi. there are no scientific, mathemtical, economic, or business journals that publish their work in hindi. there are no great works of literature that one would like to read in the original in hindi. no global organizations conduct their workaday business in hindi.

the best use for hindi i can think of is the marginal enjoyment that comes from understanding hindustani khayals. even that is not required because hindustani music is mostly about music. the libretto is of tertiary importance.

with respect to music, you forget the existence of semi-classical music like thumri and its variants (dadra, kajri, etc.). Also, sufi qawaalis. Further, it has rightly been said that the greatest teachers and popularizers of hindi all over India are hindi movies. Finally, large scale immigration of north indians to south india is and additional reason for the increasing popularity of hindi in south india. for instance:

In my many visits to Kerala over the past many years, the one thing that I have found resilient in the state is the unstinting love for its language. The language is Malayalam. If you speak Malayalam, stuff happens. If you speak other languages, things wont move. They will, but at a slighty different pace. And while English would grudgingly win you a few brownie points for being a tourist - not too many other languages would - perhaps in the corridors of 5 star hotels, but on the street - no way. And Hindi - well, the less said the better. I was amazed at the reluctance of the state to learn Hindi.

But a few months back, on a routine visit I was amazed to see quite a few people converse in Hindi. It turns out that along with the emergence of Yadav Bhelpuri Centers there are quite a few north Indians and east Indians working in Kerala. They are there to supplement the labour pool. After all you don't want a post graduate waiter do you? So, in a hundred percent literate state, there are either no takers for certain jobs or the pay is too less - so they migrate to other states in search of jobs. And who comes in their place? People who are willing to do those jobs. Thus it has happened that there are quite a few "Northies" in Kerala and this time I heard people converse in Hindi with them. That's quite a change.

But now, as a certain Raj Thackeray asks and soon a Raj or Reji or Rehman in Kerala will ask - why arent they learning Malayalam?

Interestingly, it will also result in better North Indian food in Kerala apart from Yadav Bhelpuri centers and hopefully better phulkas and rotis...


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by goodcitizn Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:08 pm

MaxEntropy_Man wrote:high horse isn't quite how i'd describe it. more like a mule, and a particularly slow and stubborn one. and it isn't condescension, but just plain vanilla stupidity.



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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:09 pm

panini press wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:

Still optimistic?

if his goal is to promote hindi this is the wrong place to be. firstly, most people here live in the US and don't need hindi or any indian language for that matter. secondly, most people he is preaching to here already know hindi at various levels of fluency. so his efforts are superfluous. the only person he could potentially influence is his new friend and we already know his views on the subject. thirdly, if he wants others to learn another language, it is only fair that we expect the same of him.

The idea is to remove the hatred for hindi that a few people have unfortunately succumbed to due to anti-hindi propaganda. I don't care if you learn hindi or not. just don't hate the language.

using the terms 'duckini-cluckini', 'fowl language' ,etc. are all symptomatic of a peculiar hatred for hindi since the southern indian variant of hindi, dakhini, is being targeted by these abusive terms.
The only anti Hindi poster here is your old pal.

You are the one who was posting hate speech about Telugus but that was in your younger days.

I was not posting any hate speech on telugus. I was just pointing out the reasons why some Indians (and this included people who said they were south indians) exhibited a dislike for telugus. My aim was to make the telugus on this forum better human beings as i said time and again.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:10 pm

goodcitizn wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:high horse isn't quite how i'd describe it. more like a mule, and a particularly slow and stubborn one. and it isn't condescension, but just plain vanilla stupidity.




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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Idéfix Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:10 pm

People other than Telugus told you that it was hate speech.

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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Idéfix Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:11 pm

And thanks for trying to make Telugus better human beings. You sound rather saintly.

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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Idéfix Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:14 pm

Rashmun wrote:
goodcitizn wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:

Still optimistic?

if his goal is to promote hindi this is the wrong place to be. firstly, most people here live in the US and don't need hindi or any indian language for that matter. secondly, most people he is preaching to here already know hindi at various levels of fluency. so his efforts are superfluous. the only person he could potentially influence is his new friend and we already know his views on the subject. thirdly, if he wants others to learn another language, it is only fair that we expect the same of him.

The idea is to remove the hatred for hindi that a few people have unfortunately succumbed to due to anti-hindi propaganda. I don't care if you learn hindi or not. just don't hate the language.

Rushmun: What amazes me is the energy with which you inundate the forum with essays to defend the indefensible. There is a distinct similarity between you and Kayal Vizhi. You both have "agendas" to promote and you don't stop until you have sated the forum with pages of material (not yours to begin with) that are repetitious, logorrheic and comical.

At the risk of inviting an essay answer to a multiple choice exam, let me reiterate that there is a huge difference between hatred towards Hindi and hatred towards the "imposition" of Hindi. My contention has always been with the latter. I don't buy into the link language excuse to justify siphoning out the public coffer for over 46 years, not to mention political arm-twisting, to promote one language over a dozen other Indian languages. And, for the nth time where n is rapidly approaching infinity, let me repeat (as someone who is at least as conversant in Tamil as you are in Hindi) that Tamil has zero to do with any variant of Hindi.

I'd also recommend you to get in touch with your Tamil girl friend to learn a few romantic words so that you could croon to your heart's content in a tongue that is totally foreign to the one that rhymes with bikini.

The relationship between Dakhini (a dialect of hindi) and Hindi on one hand and Tamil on the other exists through their relationship with sanskrit. You yourself admitted in an earlier post that sanskrit has influenced tamil. I am not talking of your wife and mother in this discussion so i would suggest that you extent the same courtesy to me and do not bring in my friends or relatives in your posts.
Hahaha. Is your town missing mirrors too, not just Tamil teachers?

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Location : Berkeley, CA

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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:15 pm

panini press wrote:People other than Telugus told you that it was hate speech.

Opinions can vary as to what constitutes hate speech.I just wanted to caution telugus from behaving in a cliquish way. And when i made my posts i gave the following couplet of the great hindi poet Kabir:

Nindak niyare rakhiye, Angan kuti chawai,
bin pani sabun bina, nirmal kare subhaiy

Keep your critics close to you, let their hut be in your courtyard,
That way you don’t need soap and water to cleanse your nature.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:16 pm

panini press wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
goodcitizn wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:

if his goal is to promote hindi this is the wrong place to be. firstly, most people here live in the US and don't need hindi or any indian language for that matter. secondly, most people he is preaching to here already know hindi at various levels of fluency. so his efforts are superfluous. the only person he could potentially influence is his new friend and we already know his views on the subject. thirdly, if he wants others to learn another language, it is only fair that we expect the same of him.

The idea is to remove the hatred for hindi that a few people have unfortunately succumbed to due to anti-hindi propaganda. I don't care if you learn hindi or not. just don't hate the language.

Rushmun: What amazes me is the energy with which you inundate the forum with essays to defend the indefensible. There is a distinct similarity between you and Kayal Vizhi. You both have "agendas" to promote and you don't stop until you have sated the forum with pages of material (not yours to begin with) that are repetitious, logorrheic and comical.

At the risk of inviting an essay answer to a multiple choice exam, let me reiterate that there is a huge difference between hatred towards Hindi and hatred towards the "imposition" of Hindi. My contention has always been with the latter. I don't buy into the link language excuse to justify siphoning out the public coffer for over 46 years, not to mention political arm-twisting, to promote one language over a dozen other Indian languages. And, for the nth time where n is rapidly approaching infinity, let me repeat (as someone who is at least as conversant in Tamil as you are in Hindi) that Tamil has zero to do with any variant of Hindi.

I'd also recommend you to get in touch with your Tamil girl friend to learn a few romantic words so that you could croon to your heart's content in a tongue that is totally foreign to the one that rhymes with bikini.

The relationship between Dakhini (a dialect of hindi) and Hindi on one hand and Tamil on the other exists through their relationship with sanskrit. You yourself admitted in an earlier post that sanskrit has influenced tamil. I am not talking of your wife and mother in this discussion so i would suggest that you extent the same courtesy to me and do not bring in my friends or relatives in your posts.
Hahaha. Is your town missing mirrors too, not just Tamil teachers?

I brought your wife into the discussion after your brought my girlfriend into our discussion in an indirect way.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Idéfix Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:19 pm

Yes they can vary. One the one side are most people who responded your posts and on the other is you. It is still possible for you to think that you were right in doing what you did. You should consider donating your brain to research.

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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Idéfix Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:21 pm

scratch scratch

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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:21 pm

panini press wrote:Yes they can vary. One the one side are most people who responded your posts and on the other is you. It is still possible for you to think that you were right in doing what you did. You should consider donating your brain to research.

Let me give a sample of what i had given earlier:

gulti thrasher1 on January 31, 2011 at 07:50

You must have noticed... If a gulti enters a gathering/hall, the first
thing he does is to spot ANOTHER OF HIS BREED... AND HE DOES THAT
SUCCESSFULLY... (WELL, AIN'T AT ALL TOUGH)... Actually there is no
end... You can write several volumes on these Jackasses of Andhra... I
am sure millions around the globe will share my aversion to Gultis...
They are big embarrassments to the country and to south Indians,(I am
a south Indian by the way)

If this is hate speech than many people on this forum are guilty of hate speech. This is relatively mild compared to some of the other things that have been said here and on sulekha.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:22 pm

Rashmun wrote:
panini press wrote:Yes they can vary. One the one side are most people who responded your posts and on the other is you. It is still possible for you to think that you were right in doing what you did. You should consider donating your brain to research.

Let me give a sample of what i had given earlier:

gulti thrasher1 on January 31, 2011 at 07:50

You must have noticed... If a gulti enters a gathering/hall, the first
thing he does is to spot ANOTHER OF HIS BREED... AND HE DOES THAT
SUCCESSFULLY... (WELL, AIN'T AT ALL TOUGH)... Actually there is no
end... You can write several volumes on these Jackasses of Andhra... I
am sure millions around the globe will share my aversion to Gultis...
They are big embarrassments to the country and to south Indians,(I am
a south Indian by the way)

If this is hate speech than many people on this forum are guilty of hate speech. This is relatively mild compared to some of the other things that have been said here and on sulekha.

I was just pointing out that being cliquish causes resentment. My aim was to provide some constructive criticism.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:27 pm

Rashmun wrote:
I was just pointing out that being cliquish causes resentment. My aim was to provide some constructive criticism.

the most cliquish behavior i have seen is that of IIT madras professors, CSIR scientists in chennai, and various bureaucrats and functionaries working in central govt organizations in chennai of northindian origin. they live in enclaves surrounded by their own kind, never venturing out in public, getting their everyday business done through household help, and never learning a stitch of tamil despite living in chennai for decades. the men are by far much worse than the women who are forced to learn a few words to survive. that is the definition of cliquish behavior.

please use this as constructive criticism.

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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:31 pm

MaxEntropy_Man wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
I was just pointing out that being cliquish causes resentment. My aim was to provide some constructive criticism.

the most cliquish behavior i have seen is that of IIT madras professors, CSIR scientists in chennai, and various bureaucrats and functionaries working in central govt organizations in chennai of northindian origin. they live in enclaves surrounded by their own kind, never venturing out in public, getting their everyday business done through household help, and never learning a stitch of tamil despite living in chennai for decades. the men are by far much worse than the women who are forced to learn a few words to survive. that is the definition of cliquish behavior.

please use this as constructive criticism.

I have heard a similar complaint from kanandigas about tamilians in bangalore. They say that many tamils born and brought up in bangalore do not know kannada.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:33 pm

Rashmun wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
I was just pointing out that being cliquish causes resentment. My aim was to provide some constructive criticism.

the most cliquish behavior i have seen is that of IIT madras professors, CSIR scientists in chennai, and various bureaucrats and functionaries working in central govt organizations in chennai of northindian origin. they live in enclaves surrounded by their own kind, never venturing out in public, getting their everyday business done through household help, and never learning a stitch of tamil despite living in chennai for decades. the men are by far much worse than the women who are forced to learn a few words to survive. that is the definition of cliquish behavior.

please use this as constructive criticism.

I have heard a similar complaint from kanandigas about tamilians in bangalore. They say that many tamils born and brought up in bangalore do not know kannada.

i am acquainted with many bangalore tamilians through marriage. they speak kannada fluently. merlot daruwala has said pretty much the same thing about the bangalore tamilians he has encountered. i'll take my own observations and MD's observations over someone like you who has an obvious axe to grind.

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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:36 pm

MaxEntropy_Man wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
I was just pointing out that being cliquish causes resentment. My aim was to provide some constructive criticism.

the most cliquish behavior i have seen is that of IIT madras professors, CSIR scientists in chennai, and various bureaucrats and functionaries working in central govt organizations in chennai of northindian origin. they live in enclaves surrounded by their own kind, never venturing out in public, getting their everyday business done through household help, and never learning a stitch of tamil despite living in chennai for decades. the men are by far much worse than the women who are forced to learn a few words to survive. that is the definition of cliquish behavior.

please use this as constructive criticism.

I have heard a similar complaint from kanandigas about tamilians in bangalore. They say that many tamils born and brought up in bangalore do not know kannada.

i am acquainted with many bangalore tamilians through marriage. they speak kannada fluently. merlot daruwala has said pretty much the same thing about the bangalore tamilians he has encountered. i'll take my own observations and MD's observations over someone like you who has an obvious axe to grind.

Merlot Daruwala does not seem to be a bangalorean. He seems to be from coastal karnataka. Additionally, he does not seem to be a kannadiga. Perhaps a konkani. I do not think that Merlot would lie; i just think he has had limited interaction with kannadigas and tamils in karnataka particularly in the bangalore region.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:38 pm

another complaint that kannadigas have about tamils is that they say tamils insist on conversing with them in tamil even when the conversation is taking place in karnataka. Of course, exceptions will always be there.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Propagandhi711 Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:45 pm

Rashmun wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
I was just pointing out that being cliquish causes resentment. My aim was to provide some constructive criticism.

the most cliquish behavior i have seen is that of IIT madras professors, CSIR scientists in chennai, and various bureaucrats and functionaries working in central govt organizations in chennai of northindian origin. they live in enclaves surrounded by their own kind, never venturing out in public, getting their everyday business done through household help, and never learning a stitch of tamil despite living in chennai for decades. the men are by far much worse than the women who are forced to learn a few words to survive. that is the definition of cliquish behavior.

please use this as constructive criticism.

I have heard a similar complaint from kanandigas about tamilians in bangalore. They say that many tamils born and brought up in bangalore do not know kannada.

i am acquainted with many bangalore tamilians through marriage. they speak kannada fluently. merlot daruwala has said pretty much the same thing about the bangalore tamilians he has encountered. i'll take my own observations and MD's observations over someone like you who has an obvious axe to grind.

Merlot Daruwala does not seem to be a bangalorean. He seems to be from coastal karnataka. Additionally, he does not seem to be a kannadiga. Perhaps a konkani. I do not think that Merlot would lie; i just think he has had limited interaction with kannadigas and tamils in karnataka particularly in the bangalore region.

Lets see - merlot speaks Kannada, knows intimate details of Karnataka cuisine, exhibits a bit of canaris pride but he's likely to know less about Karnataka and Bangalore than a known liar with no known knowledge of any other language than the duckini variant spoken in u.p. hmm who to trust, who to trust.....


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Join date : 2011-04-29

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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:51 pm

Propagandhi711 wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:

the most cliquish behavior i have seen is that of IIT madras professors, CSIR scientists in chennai, and various bureaucrats and functionaries working in central govt organizations in chennai of northindian origin. they live in enclaves surrounded by their own kind, never venturing out in public, getting their everyday business done through household help, and never learning a stitch of tamil despite living in chennai for decades. the men are by far much worse than the women who are forced to learn a few words to survive. that is the definition of cliquish behavior.

please use this as constructive criticism.

I have heard a similar complaint from kanandigas about tamilians in bangalore. They say that many tamils born and brought up in bangalore do not know kannada.

i am acquainted with many bangalore tamilians through marriage. they speak kannada fluently. merlot daruwala has said pretty much the same thing about the bangalore tamilians he has encountered. i'll take my own observations and MD's observations over someone like you who has an obvious axe to grind.

Merlot Daruwala does not seem to be a bangalorean. He seems to be from coastal karnataka. Additionally, he does not seem to be a kannadiga. Perhaps a konkani. I do not think that Merlot would lie; i just think he has had limited interaction with kannadigas and tamils in karnataka particularly in the bangalore region.

Lets see - merlot speaks Kannada, knows intimate details of Karnataka cuisine, exhibits a bit of canaris pride but he's likely to know less about Karnataka and Bangalore than a known liar with no known knowledge of any other language than the duckini variant spoken in u.p. hmm who to trust, who to trust.....

it is true that i do not speak Kannada. But on almost every other issue i probably know at least as much about Bangalore (including the native food) as Merlot. I lived in Bangalore for several years.

I have not heard Merlot praising Bangalore food. Traditional kannadiga food in bangalore is typically vegetarian (the kannadiga restaurants in bangalore feature exclusively vegetarian food) and Merlot is always talking of non-vegetarian food.

Propa, just because you are an ignoramus does not mean you have the right to insult and abuse others.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Propagandhi711 Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:56 pm

Rashmun wrote:
Propagandhi711 wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:
Rashmun wrote:

I have heard a similar complaint from kanandigas about tamilians in bangalore. They say that many tamils born and brought up in bangalore do not know kannada.

i am acquainted with many bangalore tamilians through marriage. they speak kannada fluently. merlot daruwala has said pretty much the same thing about the bangalore tamilians he has encountered. i'll take my own observations and MD's observations over someone like you who has an obvious axe to grind.

Merlot Daruwala does not seem to be a bangalorean. He seems to be from coastal karnataka. Additionally, he does not seem to be a kannadiga. Perhaps a konkani. I do not think that Merlot would lie; i just think he has had limited interaction with kannadigas and tamils in karnataka particularly in the bangalore region.

Lets see - merlot speaks Kannada, knows intimate details of Karnataka cuisine, exhibits a bit of canaris pride but he's likely to know less about Karnataka and Bangalore than a known liar with no known knowledge of any other language than the duckini variant spoken in u.p. hmm who to trust, who to trust.....

it is true that i do not speak Kannada. But on almost every other issue i probably know at least as much about Bangalore (including the native food) as Merlot. I lived in Bangalore for several years.

I have not heard Merlot praising Bangalore food. Traditional kannadiga food in bangalore is typically vegetarian (the kannadiga restaurants in bangalore feature exclusively vegetarian food) and Merlot is always talking of non-vegetarian food.

Propa, just because you are an ignoramus does not mean you have the right to insult and abuse others.

Waaittt a minute, you lived in Bangalore for many years and don't speak Kannada? And you are complaining that kannadigas resent tamilians who you say don't speak Kannada? Maybe your Karnatak acquaintances were delivering you a message thusly: swih, learn the local language while you make your living in our place. Think you might have missed that?


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 3:58 pm

Propagandhi711 wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Propagandhi711 wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:

i am acquainted with many bangalore tamilians through marriage. they speak kannada fluently. merlot daruwala has said pretty much the same thing about the bangalore tamilians he has encountered. i'll take my own observations and MD's observations over someone like you who has an obvious axe to grind.

Merlot Daruwala does not seem to be a bangalorean. He seems to be from coastal karnataka. Additionally, he does not seem to be a kannadiga. Perhaps a konkani. I do not think that Merlot would lie; i just think he has had limited interaction with kannadigas and tamils in karnataka particularly in the bangalore region.

Lets see - merlot speaks Kannada, knows intimate details of Karnataka cuisine, exhibits a bit of canaris pride but he's likely to know less about Karnataka and Bangalore than a known liar with no known knowledge of any other language than the duckini variant spoken in u.p. hmm who to trust, who to trust.....

it is true that i do not speak Kannada. But on almost every other issue i probably know at least as much about Bangalore (including the native food) as Merlot. I lived in Bangalore for several years.

I have not heard Merlot praising Bangalore food. Traditional kannadiga food in bangalore is typically vegetarian (the kannadiga restaurants in bangalore feature exclusively vegetarian food) and Merlot is always talking of non-vegetarian food.

Propa, just because you are an ignoramus does not mean you have the right to insult and abuse others.

Waaittt a minute, you lived in Bangalore for many years and don't speak Kannada? And you are complaining that kannadigas resent tamilians who you say don't speak Kannada? Maybe your Karnatak acquaintances were delivering you a message thusly: swih, learn the local language while you make your living in our place. Think you might have missed that?

The resentment is more acute for tamilians born and brought up in bangalore who do not know kannada.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Propagandhi711 Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:07 pm

Rashmun wrote:
Propagandhi711 wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Propagandhi711 wrote:
Rashmun wrote:

Merlot Daruwala does not seem to be a bangalorean. He seems to be from coastal karnataka. Additionally, he does not seem to be a kannadiga. Perhaps a konkani. I do not think that Merlot would lie; i just think he has had limited interaction with kannadigas and tamils in karnataka particularly in the bangalore region.

Lets see - merlot speaks Kannada, knows intimate details of Karnataka cuisine, exhibits a bit of canaris pride but he's likely to know less about Karnataka and Bangalore than a known liar with no known knowledge of any other language than the duckini variant spoken in u.p. hmm who to trust, who to trust.....

it is true that i do not speak Kannada. But on almost every other issue i probably know at least as much about Bangalore (including the native food) as Merlot. I lived in Bangalore for several years.

I have not heard Merlot praising Bangalore food. Traditional kannadiga food in bangalore is typically vegetarian (the kannadiga restaurants in bangalore feature exclusively vegetarian food) and Merlot is always talking of non-vegetarian food.

Propa, just because you are an ignoramus does not mean you have the right to insult and abuse others.

Waaittt a minute, you lived in Bangalore for many years and don't speak Kannada? And you are complaining that kannadigas resent tamilians who you say don't speak Kannada? Maybe your Karnatak acquaintances were delivering you a message thusly: swih, learn the local language while you make your living in our place. Think you might have missed that?

The resentment is more acute for tamilians born and brought up in bangalore who do not know kannada.

That sounds like a bullshit supposition based on my knowledge of that regions politics but lets go with that for now. So you lived elsewhere but only learnt English and no Kannada but want everyone else to learn some random bullshit language your uneducated statesmen can understand..why is that? And you don't see the hilarity of your central premise? No wonder you're a failed phd student. Such large lapses in logic and pigheadedness are more inline with a 3rd grade home sciences bsc student's mental faculties.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:08 pm

Rashmun wrote:
it is true that i do not speak Kannada.

your language prescriptions are always for others, never for yourself. so nobody is surprised. you have reams and reams to write about language in india and all kinds of prescriptions for all kinds of people. but what will strike anyone with half a brain as the ultimate irony (never seems to strike you though) is that you yourself know nothing besides hindi. physician heal thyself.

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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Idéfix Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:13 pm

There it comes full circle to the primary problem. Rashmun, please consult the help thread I created for you.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:22 pm

yes miraculously everyone speaks to him in hindi when the need arises, even kandasamy the vellore waiter starts talking in hindi at the mere sight of rashmun, his non-knowledge of kannada is never resented in bangalore, only his tamilian colleague's, and everyone has to learn hindi and the local language of wherever they live. except rashmun that is.

p.s: sorry someone just reminded me that kandasamy speaks cluckini, the local vellore variant of duckini, both fine examples of south indian fowl languages.

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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by truthbetold Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:28 pm

I lived in Bangalore and worked with tamils. yes. there is friction between tamils and locals. but all most all tamils speak Kannada while a lot of ni types clai.m ig.norance of Kannada


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:36 pm

Propagandhi711 wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Propagandhi711 wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Propagandhi711 wrote:

Lets see - merlot speaks Kannada, knows intimate details of Karnataka cuisine, exhibits a bit of canaris pride but he's likely to know less about Karnataka and Bangalore than a known liar with no known knowledge of any other language than the duckini variant spoken in u.p. hmm who to trust, who to trust.....

it is true that i do not speak Kannada. But on almost every other issue i probably know at least as much about Bangalore (including the native food) as Merlot. I lived in Bangalore for several years.

I have not heard Merlot praising Bangalore food. Traditional kannadiga food in bangalore is typically vegetarian (the kannadiga restaurants in bangalore feature exclusively vegetarian food) and Merlot is always talking of non-vegetarian food.

Propa, just because you are an ignoramus does not mean you have the right to insult and abuse others.

Waaittt a minute, you lived in Bangalore for many years and don't speak Kannada? And you are complaining that kannadigas resent tamilians who you say don't speak Kannada? Maybe your Karnatak acquaintances were delivering you a message thusly: swih, learn the local language while you make your living in our place. Think you might have missed that?

The resentment is more acute for tamilians born and brought up in bangalore who do not know kannada.

That sounds like a bullshit supposition based on my knowledge of that regions politics but lets go with that for now. So you lived elsewhere but only learnt English and no Kannada but want everyone else to learn some random bullshit language your uneducated statesmen can understand..why is that? And you don't see the hilarity of your central premise? No wonder you're a failed phd student. Such large lapses in logic and pigheadedness are more inline with a 3rd grade home sciences bsc student's mental faculties.

in bangalore all the locals i interacted with (including fruit and vegetable sellers, barbers, shopkeepers, etc.) could communicate in hindi. My work colleagues were from all over India (very few kannadigas actually) so i was communicating with them in english.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:39 pm

truthbetold wrote:I lived in Bangalore and worked with tamils. yes. there is friction between tamils and locals. but all most all tamils speak Kannada while a lot of ni types clai.m ig.norance of Kannada

the fact remains that many tamils born and brought up in bangalore do not know kannada.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:41 pm

MaxEntropy_Man wrote:yes miraculously everyone speaks to him in hindi when the need arises, even kandasamy the vellore waiter starts talking in hindi at the mere sight of rashmun, his non-knowledge of kannada is never resented in bangalore, only his tamilian colleague's, and everyone has to learn hindi and the local language of wherever they live. except rashmun that is.

p.s: sorry someone just reminded me that kandasamy speaks cluckini, the local vellore variant of duckini, both fine examples of south indian fowl languages.

This is not true. In Vellore i was told by a bus conductor that he could not communicate with me in hindi nor in english and that if i wanted to talk to him i would have to talk in tamil. He said this to me in hindi.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:47 pm

MaxEntropy_Man wrote:yes miraculously everyone speaks to him in hindi when the need arises, even kandasamy the vellore waiter starts talking in hindi at the mere sight of rashmun, his non-knowledge of kannada is never resented in bangalore, only his tamilian colleague's, and everyone has to learn hindi and the local language of wherever they live. except rashmun that is.

p.s: sorry someone just reminded me that kandasamy speaks cluckini, the local vellore variant of duckini, both fine examples of south indian fowl languages.

My formula is this:
every indian must learn english (which is the language of the world), hindi (which is the first or second language of most people in urban India), and one regional language in school. Those people for whom hindi is the mother tongue should learn one other Indian language in their school. I had learnt sanskrit during my school days.

This is a tentative view and not a final opinion.

Last edited by Rashmun on Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:52 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 4:51 pm

Rashmun wrote:
truthbetold wrote:I lived in Bangalore and worked with tamils. yes. there is friction between tamils and locals. but all most all tamils speak Kannada while a lot of ni types clai.m ig.norance of Kannada

the fact remains that many tamils born and brought up in bangalore do not know kannada.

I was explained the reason for this. Bangalore at one time used to be a part of Madras state and most residents in the city were tamils. It was only later when Bangalore became part of Karnataka and there was a large influx of Kannadigas into the city that tamil became a minority language in the city. But even today there are several regions in Bangalore where the residents are tamils and these tamils have been living for several generations in the same place. Some of them speak kannada but many don't.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Vakavaka Pakapaka Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:04 pm

Not just Tamils, Telugus also are in good number in Bangalore. As far as I know, there have never been any problems between Kannadigas and Telugus in Bangalore. I don't know much about the relationship between Tamils and Kannadigas in the city. Overall, Bangalore is well liked by all SIs.

Vakavaka Pakapaka

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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Idéfix Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:10 pm

Haha @ formula.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:11 pm

panini press wrote:Haha @ formula.

Hoho at your Haha


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Idéfix Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:12 pm

Bangalore was part of Madras state -- latest in a large set of bizarre claims in support of crazy thesis.

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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:19 pm

panini press wrote:Bangalore was part of Madras state -- latest in a large set of bizarre claims in support of crazy thesis.

Charvaka puts his foot firmly in his mouth once again.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:32 pm

Rashmun wrote:
panini press wrote:Bangalore was part of Madras state -- latest in a large set of bizarre claims in support of crazy thesis.

Charvaka puts his foot firmly in his mouth once again.

Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 British+India+Map

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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:35 pm

Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Sindia1854


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:37 pm

Establishment of cantonment

The British found Bangalore to be a pleasant and appropriate place to station their garrison and therefore moved their garrison to Bangalore from Seringapatam. The origin of the word cantonment comes from the French word canton, meaning corner or district. Each cantonment was essentially a well-defined and clearly demarcated unit of territory set apart for the quartering and administering of troops.[3] The heart of the Bangalore Cantonment was the Parade Ground. The Civil and Military Station (CMS) grew around the Parade Ground.

Parade Ground
The installation of the Bangalore Cantonment attracted a large number of migrant workers from Tamil Nadu and other neighboring states of the Kingdom of Mysore.[4] Bangalore rapidly became the largest city in the Kingdom of Mysore. In 1831, the capital of the Kingdom of Mysore was moved from Mysore city to Bangalore. The Bangalore Cantonment grew independent of its twin-city, referred to as Bangalore pete (IPA: [ˈpeːteː]). The pete was typically congested with a traditional Kannadiga population, while the Bangalore Cantonment, with more lung space had a colonial design with a population that consisted of residents from other parts of India and Britain. In the 19th century, the Bangalore Cantonment had clubs, churches, bungalows, shops and cinemas. The Bangalore Cantonment had a strong European influence with public residence and life centered around the South Parade, now referred to as MG Road. The area around the South Parade was famous for its bars and restaurants with the area known as Blackpally becoming a one-stop shopping area [5] The Cubbon Park was built in the Bangalore Cantonment in 1864 on 120 acres (0.49 km2) of land. The St. Mark's Cathedral was built on the South Parade grounds. The settlements adjacent to the South Parades was known as Mootocherry which was occupied by Tamil settlers from the North Arcot and South Arcot districts of Tamil Nadu.

Last edited by Rashmun on Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:37 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Idéfix Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:37 pm

This is really funny. Go ahead and dig yourself into the position that Bangalore was part of Madras state.

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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:38 pm

not everything we see using googles on the internets is correct. sometimes we have to use our brains, discretion, and knowledge of history to discern the wheat from the chaff. so just to be sure so you don't wriggle out of this one, your contention rashmun is that bangalore was part of the madras presidency?

Last edited by MaxEntropy_Man on Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:40 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:40 pm

MaxEntropy_Man wrote:not everything we see using googles on the internets is correct. sometimes we have to use our brains, discretion, and knowledge of history to discern the wheat from the chaff.

Talking to local Bangaloreans also helps.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:44 pm

Rashmun wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:not everything we see using googles on the internets is correct. sometimes we have to use our brains, discretion, and knowledge of history to discern the wheat from the chaff.

Talking to local Bangaloreans also helps.

time for the bangaloreans you talked to and you to hit the history books. get to it now boy. learning tamil and now relearning history!! lots of work to do. get busy.

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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:46 pm

MaxEntropy_Man wrote:not everything we see using googles on the internets is correct. sometimes we have to use our brains, discretion, and knowledge of history to discern the wheat from the chaff. so just to be sure so you don't wriggle out of this one, your contention rashmun is that bangalore was part of the madras presidency?

My understanding is that:
1. parts of modern Bangalore were part of the Madras State.
2. Bangalore cantonment, which is a part of modern Bangalore, was part of Madras state.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:53 pm

Max, The map you give is impressive but defective. it does not tell me which year it is referring to.


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by Guest Sat Jan 12, 2013 5:58 pm

Rashmun wrote:Establishment of cantonment

The British found Bangalore to be a pleasant and appropriate place to station their garrison and therefore moved their garrison to Bangalore from Seringapatam. The origin of the word cantonment comes from the French word canton, meaning corner or district. Each cantonment was essentially a well-defined and clearly demarcated unit of territory set apart for the quartering and administering of troops.[3] The heart of the Bangalore Cantonment was the Parade Ground. The Civil and Military Station (CMS) grew around the Parade Ground.

Parade Ground
The installation of the Bangalore Cantonment attracted a large number of migrant workers from Tamil Nadu and other neighboring states of the Kingdom of Mysore.[4] Bangalore rapidly became the largest city in the Kingdom of Mysore. In 1831, the capital of the Kingdom of Mysore was moved from Mysore city to Bangalore. The Bangalore Cantonment grew independent of its twin-city, referred to as Bangalore pete (IPA: [ˈpeːteː]). The pete was typically congested with a traditional Kannadiga population, while the Bangalore Cantonment, with more lung space had a colonial design with a population that consisted of residents from other parts of India and Britain. In the 19th century, the Bangalore Cantonment had clubs, churches, bungalows, shops and cinemas. The Bangalore Cantonment had a strong European influence with public residence and life centered around the South Parade, now referred to as MG Road. The area around the South Parade was famous for its bars and restaurants with the area known as Blackpally becoming a one-stop shopping area [5] The Cubbon Park was built in the Bangalore Cantonment in 1864 on 120 acres (0.49 km2) of land. The St. Mark's Cathedral was built on the South Parade grounds. The settlements adjacent to the South Parades was known as Mootocherry which was occupied by Tamil settlers from the North Arcot and South Arcot districts of Tamil Nadu.

of the tamils of bangalore who have been living here for generations there are those who do not know kannada. however, they do know dakhini which they refer to as hindi, dakhini, or dakhini hindi or dakhini urdu or urdu. The wikipedia article tells me that many of the tamils of bangalore are descendants of migrants from north arcot and south arcot districts of TN. These districts were Nawab of Arcot country and so it is natural that these people were familiar with dakhini hindi (also known as dakhini urdu).


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Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle' - Page 5 Empty Re: Andhra Pradesh: 'Hindi played a key role in the freedom struggle'

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Sat Jan 12, 2013 6:14 pm

Rashmun wrote:

of the tamils of bangalore who have been living here for generations there are those who do not know kannada. however, they do know dakhini which they refer to as hindi, dakhini, or dakhini hindi or dakhini urdu or urdu. The wikipedia article tells me that many of the tamils of bangalore are descendants of migrants from north arcot and south arcot districts of TN. These districts were Nawab of Arcot country and so it is natural that these people were familiar with dakhini hindi (also known as dakhini urdu).

of the northindians on such who have been posting for years, none know tamil or any other indian language besides hindi. however, one of them pontificates ceaselessly about language prescriptions for others. IMO he should STFU, also known as shutting the fuck up.

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