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Bismillah Khan Jaijaiwanti

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Bismillah Khan Jaijaiwanti Empty Bismillah Khan Jaijaiwanti

Post by Obnoxious Sat Jul 28, 2012 4:54 pm


Posts : 752
Join date : 2012-05-09

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Bismillah Khan Jaijaiwanti Empty Re: Bismillah Khan Jaijaiwanti

Post by Guest Sun Jul 29, 2012 1:35 pm

very nice. i listened to the whole of it. (you won't enjoy my further comments.) reminded me of weddings i have attened. the wedding ambiance, celebrated over many days, was wonderfully captured. after the 18.5 min mark, it picked up in pace, became something completely different, and i had to shut everything to listen to it. awesome. can you throw some pointers to such fast paced performances by bismillah khan (with accompaniments or fusion)?


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