Ticking clock can influence a woman's biological clock Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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Ticking clock can influence a woman's biological clock

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Ticking clock can influence a woman's biological clock Empty Ticking clock can influence a woman's biological clock

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Thu Aug 14, 2014 12:54 pm

..Researchers asked men and women questions about their reproductive attitudes—things like when they'd like to marry and have kids and how much they'd be willing to alter their "requirements" for a mate in order to start a family earlier—and they found that the sound of a ticking clock influenced women's answers, possibly because it made them think about the passage of time.

And the part -2 of the research will indicate that men - on hearing the ticking sound - decided against marriage. It must have reminded the men that they are being tied to a ticking time bomb...Razz


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