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The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by b_A Wed Oct 29, 2014 9:49 pm

As we all know, some SuCHers who describe themselves as 'mildly curious', despise gossiping and look down on the snoopers and gossipers.
According to these holier-than-thou types, they are on the higher ground in these type of matters and that is true.
Look at this post, , for example to see why.
They go on dates even if the guy creeps them out before the date and they have no intention of having a relationship with the guy, just to get the story on how the guys ex-wife cheated on him and other juicy details.
Another link,
They put themselves at risk for the greater good of humanity, for enabling the mankind to take a giant leap forward and of course the World peace unlike the low level gossipers who only care about their cheap thrills.
Then, after they get their story, they discuss ( please note the word, discuss and not gossip because the 'mildly curious' do not indulge in cheap gossip like other low class people) with their friends on how some random stranger's wife cheated and how she was caught etc. ( some of the posts on that thread were deleted but if you read the entire thread you can figure it out).
So, there you have it, All other common gossipers and snoopers. If you intend to reach the next level of being 'mildly curious', you need to take risks, put in more time and effort and if you really strive then you too can reach the exalted status of being 'mildly curious'.

Another interesting post from the same thread,
She was more interested in how they were caught than why they cheated.
to be continued ......

PS1: If you don't know who the 'mildly curious' people are, then you are not following the discussion on SuCH.
PS2: There is a reason why I opened a separate thread instead of continuing the discussion in other threads.
If I continue, I have to say some things that were unsaid so far and get judgmental and throw in some conspiracy theories and so on.
I am not sure if anybody is interested in these kind of discussions any more. So, if I see that the number of views for this post exceed 30 or so, that will tell me how many people are still interested in this cheap gossiping.
If you accidentally clicked on this post and you don't want me to continue , reply with a '-1' and I will reduce the view count.


Posts : 1642
Join date : 2011-05-08

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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Thu Oct 30, 2014 3:16 am

tl;dr. just skimmed. tw stories are also tl;dr. 


edit. ignore my vote. you carry on posting for i feel you should not be concerned if others are interested. just do your business.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by b_A Thu Oct 30, 2014 4:26 pm

All right. It appears that there is overwhelming interest in dissecting other people's lives as per the
number of views of this thread even after accounting for almost half of them for HK's reply, so here we go.

This is the statement - "don't care why they cheated. wanted to know *how* they were caught."
Now, there are many possibilities here and let me list them out.

1) Nothing but curiosity of the 'milder' variety
Doesn't really make sense because usually curious people also want to know why they cheated. They don't "don't care why they cheated".

2) Suspicion that the xh was a cheater
This is also ruled out because according to this post, , she is not concerned that xh was cheating and even feels guilty about it.
That is a very interesting statement, but let's not get sidetracked here.
Also, remember that the divorce has already taken place at that time.

3) She doesn't want to be caught and was studying the past mistakes of others so that she will not repeat them.
Can only be explained partially. Remember that the divorce has already taken place and she was not answerable to anybody at that time. So, she probably doesn't care if she was going to be caught.

4) She was the woh of the "pati-patni-aur-woh" and she doesn't want patni to find that pati cheated.
For non-hindi speakers, the meaning of the quoted stuff is "husband-wife-and_the_other_woman".
You also have to remember the Rashmun's theory of, after being friends for a long time , why HA and BK have fallen out.

5) Some other innocent possibility that my inferior brain cannot think of.
If any of you can think of this possible possibility, you are welcome to post it here.

I've been accused of jumping to conclusions, so I am not doing that here. You are welcome to walk,jog,run or jump to your own conclusions.

More later about my shot at being a therapist.

PS: Rashmun, I've explained why I started a separate thread before inspite of your request to post it in the [madrasi-idiot] thread. You can post a link to this thread there, if you want.


Posts : 1642
Join date : 2011-05-08

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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Thu Oct 30, 2014 10:49 pm

b_A wrote:All right. It appears that there is overwhelming interest in dissecting other people's lives as per the
number of views of this thread even after accounting for almost half of them for HK's reply, so here we go.

This is the statement - "don't care why they cheated. wanted to know *how* they were caught."
Now, there are many possibilities here and let me list them out.

1) Nothing but curiosity of the 'milder' variety
Doesn't really make sense because usually curious people also want to know why they cheated. They don't "don't care why they cheated".

2) Suspicion that the xh was a cheater
This is also ruled out because according to this post, , she is not concerned that xh was cheating and even feels guilty about it.
That is a very interesting statement, but let's not get sidetracked here.
Also, remember that the divorce has already taken place at that time.

3) She doesn't want to be caught and was studying the past mistakes of others so that she will not repeat them.
Can only be explained partially. Remember that the divorce has already taken place  and she was not answerable to anybody at that time. So, she probably doesn't care if she was going to be caught.

4) She was the woh of the "pati-patni-aur-woh" and she doesn't want patni to find that pati cheated.
For non-hindi speakers, the meaning of the quoted stuff is "husband-wife-and_the_other_woman".
You also have to remember the Rashmun's theory of, after being friends for a long time , why HA and BK have fallen out.

5) Some other innocent possibility that my inferior brain cannot think of.
If any of you can think of this possible possibility, you are welcome to post it here.

I've been accused of jumping to conclusions, so I am not doing that here. You are welcome to walk,jog,run or jump to your own conclusions.

More later about my shot at being a therapist.

PS: Rashmun, I've explained why I started a separate thread before inspite of your request to post it in the [madrasi-idiot] thread. You can post a link to this thread there, if you want.

Thanks. Please consider writing one analysis-type post on Kinnera and one on Bittu.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by b_A Thu Oct 30, 2014 10:57 pm

Another 80 views in about 6 hours? Looks like this thread is the most popular one currently based on the no of views per posting.

This post, , is the inspiration for this post.

It appears that somebody is getting irritated based on that cartoon about noses poking in affairs, so let me change the track and not name names.

If I were the telugu-speaking( you will know shortly why telugu-speaking) therapist of a certain person who shall not be named directly, and also someone who is a SuCH'er, this is what I would say.

" Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and wondered why all your relationships are failing? Did you ever even think , maybe, just maybe, it is not always the other guy's fault.
After a succession of failed relationships, why would you even *think* about getting involved with married men when you know perfectly well that the end result is going to be?
Yes, you heard me correctly. I said men, not man. As most of the regulars at that online forum SuCH remember, you thought of meeting a younger than you guy who is married and had a crush on you during his adolscence.
You even started a short story about that guy and then stopped abruptly. You didn't inform the other SuCH'ers whether you followed it up or not , but you definitely thought of meeting him. Even your friend whom you call the dumbo, cautioned you against proceeding. Maybe, that's why you didn't
post whether you followed up with your plans or not.

Yes, we know that you don't have any respect for the instituition that is called the marriage and you think all indian marriages are shams as you declared in the Indian marriages thread.
But did you ever think of how much pain you are causing to the ex-boyfriend's wife, the younger guy's wife and the current boyfriend's wife?

In another thread on telugu sayings, you refered to the kUsE (braying) and mEsE (grazing) gADidalu (donkeys). You got the context totally wrong. And your dumb(as per you) friend agreed with you because of either dishonesty or ignorance.
That saying is used in the context of somebody corrupting the innocent friends, being the bad influence on well-behaved peers. For example , a teenager who starts the smoking habit and he tries to get his friends also to smoke.
Or a middle aged aunty who says maa,behen gaalis, influencing another middle aged aunty to say them too.
Or someone subtly and not so subtly hinting to other middle aged aunties and soon to enter into middle age aunties that having affairs is the way to go and all marriages are shams and in most of the marriages that you know, either the wife or a husband or both cheat.
You only have to read the "indian marriages" and "conclusionment" threads to see what I am taking about."

This concludes my series of posts in this thread. I might still post replies in this thread if I feel like replying.
PS: I have decided to stop posting on SuCH after this sunday. I may not even login after that. ( Where did the big sigh that I 've heard come from? Wink ). So, you have about 3 days, if you want to reply or ask any questions to me on any topic.
I might still be around with my alternate-id Smile .


Posts : 1642
Join date : 2011-05-08

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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 6:03 am

b_A wrote:This concludes my series of posts in this thread. I might still post replies in this thread if I feel like replying.
PS: I have decided to stop posting on SuCH after this sunday. I may not even login after that. ( Where did the big sigh that I 've heard come from? ). So, you have about 3 days, if you want to reply or ask any questions to me on any topic.

You missed references to about 4, hmm maybe 6 more "boyfriends" - former, current, future - in my posts over last 3+ years. Find them and write about 3000 words on each.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 6:42 am

Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
b_A wrote:This concludes my series of posts in this thread. I might still post replies in this thread if I feel like replying.
PS: I have decided to stop posting on SuCH after this sunday. I may not even login after that. ( Where did the big sigh that I 've heard come from?  ). So, you have about 3 days, if you want to reply or ask any questions to me on any topic.

You missed references to about 4, hmm maybe 6 more "boyfriends" - former, current, future - in my posts over last 3+ years. Find them and write about 3000 words on each.

what is the cliff notes version of what all B_a is saying? is it that you got divorced because you cheated? i am asking because i know why you got divorced and based on the circumstances of the divorce, that you shared with me on chat, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the circumstances would have led any marriage to end in a divorce regardless of cheating. i also KNOW that you did not cook up the circumstances story (you cannot). if this is what B_a is trying to say then these are my 2 cents.

edit. if you want me to delete this post, send me a pm.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 6:55 am

madrasi_idiot wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
b_A wrote:This concludes my series of posts in this thread. I might still post replies in this thread if I feel like replying.
PS: I have decided to stop posting on SuCH after this sunday. I may not even login after that. ( Where did the big sigh that I 've heard come from?  ). So, you have about 3 days, if you want to reply or ask any questions to me on any topic.

You missed references to about 4, hmm maybe 6 more "boyfriends" - former, current, future - in my posts over last 3+ years. Find them and write about 3000 words on each.

what is the cliff notes version of what all B_a is saying? is it that you got divorced because you cheated? i am asking because i know why you got divorced and based on the circumstances of the divorce, that you shared with me on chat, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the circumstances would have led any marriage to end in a divorce regardless of cheating. if this is what B_a is trying to say then these are my 2 cents.

edit. if you want me to delete this post, send me a pm.

Not exactly sure myself what he is trying to accuse me of. I think he tried to write it in cryptics enough but I didn't get it and I didn't bother. To be honest I didn't even try to read the walls of text the second time as I had no intention of addressing any of that.

I have only one takeaway from all this. Never try using rashmun as your mouthpiece. Look what happened to HA. It began with, 'Tracy gossiped, tracy shared pictures, tracy revealed info'. By the time it ebbed HA was shouting over the rooftop, via rashmun of course, '*I* gossiped, *I* shared pics, *I* revealed info'. rofl


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 7:03 am

Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
madrasi_idiot wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
b_A wrote:This concludes my series of posts in this thread. I might still post replies in this thread if I feel like replying.
PS: I have decided to stop posting on SuCH after this sunday. I may not even login after that. ( Where did the big sigh that I 've heard come from?  ). So, you have about 3 days, if you want to reply or ask any questions to me on any topic.

You missed references to about 4, hmm maybe 6 more "boyfriends" - former, current, future - in my posts over last 3+ years. Find them and write about 3000 words on each.

what is the cliff notes version of what all B_a is saying? is it that you got divorced because you cheated? i am asking because i know why you got divorced and based on the circumstances of the divorce, that you shared with me on chat, there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that the circumstances would have led any marriage to end in a divorce regardless of cheating. if this is what B_a is trying to say then these are my 2 cents.

edit. if you want me to delete this post, send me a pm.

Not exactly sure myself what he is trying to accuse me of.
I think he tried to write it in cryptics enough but I didn't get it and I didn't bother. To be honest I didn't even try to read the walls of text the second time as I had no intention of addressing any of that.

I have only one takeaway from all this. Never try using rashmun as your mouthpiece. Look what happened to HA. It began with, 'Tracy gossiped, tracy shared pictures, tracy revealed info'. By the time it ebbed HA was shouting over the rooftop, via rashmun of course, '*I* gossiped, *I* shared pics, *I* revealed info'. rofl
The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Lmao11


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 7:37 am

b_A wrote:Another 80 views in about 6 hours? Looks like this thread is the most popular one currently based on the no of views per posting.

This post, , is the inspiration for this post.

It appears that somebody is getting irritated based on that cartoon about noses poking in affairs, so let me change the track and not name names.

If I were the telugu-speaking( you will know shortly why telugu-speaking) therapist of a certain person who shall not be named directly, and also someone who is a SuCH'er, this is what I would say.

" Have you ever looked at yourself in the mirror and wondered why all your relationships are failing? Did you ever even think , maybe, just maybe, it is not always the other guy's fault.
After a succession of failed relationships, why would you even *think* about getting involved with married men when you know perfectly well that the end result is going to be?
Yes, you heard me correctly. I said men, not man. As most of the regulars at that online forum SuCH remember, you thought of meeting a younger than you guy who is married and had a crush on you during his adolscence.
You even started  a short story about that guy and then stopped abruptly. You didn't inform the other SuCH'ers whether you followed it up or not , but you definitely thought of meeting him. Even your friend whom you call the dumbo, cautioned you against proceeding. Maybe, that's why you didn't
post whether you followed up with your plans or not.

Yes, we know that you don't have any respect for the instituition that is called the marriage and you think all indian marriages are shams as you declared in the Indian marriages thread.
But did you ever think of how much pain you are causing to the ex-boyfriend's wife, the younger guy's wife and the current boyfriend's wife?

In another thread on telugu sayings, you refered to the kUsE (braying) and mEsE (grazing) gADidalu (donkeys). You got the context totally wrong. And your dumb(as per you) friend agreed with you because of either dishonesty or ignorance.
That saying is used in the context of somebody corrupting the innocent friends, being the bad influence on well-behaved peers. For example , a teenager who starts the smoking habit and he tries to get his friends also to smoke.
Or a middle aged aunty who says  maa,behen gaalis, influencing another middle aged aunty to say them too.
Or someone subtly and not so subtly hinting to other middle aged aunties and soon to enter into middle age aunties that having affairs is the way to go and all marriages are shams and in most of the marriages that you know, either the wife or a husband or both cheat.
You only have to read the "indian marriages" and "conclusionment" threads to see what I am taking about."

This concludes my series of posts in this thread. I might still post replies in this thread if I feel like replying.
PS: I have decided to stop posting on SuCH after this sunday. I may not even login after that. ( Where did the big sigh that I 've heard come from? Wink ). So, you have about 3 days, if you want to reply or ask any questions to me on any topic.
I might still be around with my alternate-id Smile .

The cliff notes version of b_A's post is in these words:

Yes, we know that you don't have any respect for the instituition that is called the marriage and you think all indian marriages are shams as you declared in the Indian marriages thread.
But did you ever think of how much pain you are causing to the ex-boyfriend's wife, the younger guy's wife and the current boyfriend's wife?

By current boyfriend b_A is referring to Bittu, by younger guy he is referring to a person he describes in his post, and by ex-boyfriend he is referring to the man with whom facebook passwords were shared.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 7:47 am

Aha, bittu. I like it. Kris would have been a preferred choice, but I can't get greedy I suppose. Thank god it's not some other aira gaira natthu phera Razz now let me go ask him to give me an expensive gift. I am his girlfriend dammit.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 7:52 am

Beatrix Kiddo wrote:Aha, bittu. I like it. Kris would have been a preferred choice, but I can't get greedy I suppose. Thank god it's not some other aira gaira natthu phera Razz now let me go ask him to give me an expensive gift. I am his girlfriend dammit.

Why did you go ballistic and break relations with HA after he unravelled the real identity of Bittu ? Prior to this you had no issues with HA's googling skills.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 7:55 am

Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:Aha, bittu. I like it. Kris would have been a preferred choice, but I can't get greedy I suppose. Thank god it's not some other aira gaira natthu phera Razz now let me go ask him to give me an expensive gift. I am his girlfriend dammit.

Why did you go ballistic and break relations with HA after he unravelled the real identity of Bittu ? Prior to this you had no issues with HA's googling skills.

When did I break relations with HA? Give me an estimated timeline. 2 month leeway here and there is fine. Not addressing your queries until then. Once you established the timeline you will know what you are claiming is hogwash.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 8:02 am

Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:Aha, bittu. I like it. Kris would have been a preferred choice, but I can't get greedy I suppose. Thank god it's not some other aira gaira natthu phera Razz now let me go ask him to give me an expensive gift. I am his girlfriend dammit.

Why did you go ballistic and break relations with HA after he unravelled the real identity of Bittu ? Prior to this you had no issues with HA's googling skills.

When did I break relations with HA? Give me an estimated timeline. 2 month leeway here and there is fine. Not addressing your queries until then. Once you established the timeline you will know what you are claiming is hogwash.

Two reasons why I will not do this. First, it is incompetent, irrelevant and immaterial for the purpose of this discussion. And second, even if I give you the exact day you will of course issue a denial and claim victory.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 8:45 am

Beatrix Kiddo wrote:Aha, bittu. I like it. Kris would have been a preferred choice, but I can't get greedy I suppose. Thank god it's not some other aira gaira natthu phera Razz now let me go ask him to give me an expensive gift. I am his girlfriend dammit.

that's what you think of me? The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Shock10

i want the vertu phone that i gave you last summer when i visited rhode island back!


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 8:53 am

madrasi_idiot wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:Aha, bittu. I like it. Kris would have been a preferred choice, but I can't get greedy I suppose. Thank god it's not some other aira gaira natthu phera Razz now let me go ask him to give me an expensive gift. I am his girlfriend dammit.

that's what you think of me? The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Shock10

i want the vertu phone that i gave you last summer when i visited rhode island back!

lol arre!

edit... the correct phrase is aira gaira natthu khaira... I forgot the second half as I mostly just say 'aira gaira'.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:31 am

I thought tracy already gave the reason for falling out with Hells angel 

Then bw told me one night that HA had been telling her stuff about me. I had a major showdown with HA after that. Not much long after that, we had a complete falling out, as I had lost trust in him.

Now are these ppl going to drag in bw too and expose her as they did for HA? Are they going to wonder how any woman, esp bw, can be such best buddies with someone like HA (chupke chupke behind the scenes, of course. not openly). Now are they going to speculate that it's because HA sends her expensive gifts, etc? 

PS: All the ladies who were friends with HA anytime and still are friends are the stupidest ppl on earth.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:41 am

Kinnera wrote:I thought tracy already gave the reason for falling out with Hells angel 

Then bw told me one night that HA had been telling her stuff about me. I had a major showdown with HA after that. Not much long after that, we had a complete falling out, as I had lost trust in him.

Now are these ppl going to drag in bw too and expose her as they did for HA? Are they going to wonder how any woman, esp bw, can be such best buddies with someone like HA (chupke chupke behind the scenes, of course not openly). Now are they going to speculate that it's because HA sends her expensive gifts, etc? 

PS: All the ladies who were friends with HA anytime and still are friends are the stupidest ppl on earth.

HA's position is that Tracy is lying through her teeth about bw. bw never told Tracy that HA had been telling her details about Tracy. No, the falling out took place after HA managed to unravel the identity of Bittu. Tracy, who had no issues earlier with HA's googling skills, suddenly went ballistic in anger.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 10:43 am

btw, the word "dumbo" has been used by Tracy on chaikaapi chat for her friend Kinnera as per b_A.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by michelle2 Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:02 am

Kinnera wrote:
Are they going to wonder how any woman, esp bw, can be such best buddies with someone like HA...? Now are they going to speculate that it's because HA sends her expensive gifts, etc? 
it's possible that he sends her pictures of empty beer bottles.


Posts : 481
Join date : 2013-11-12

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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:07 am

Rashmun wrote:btw, the word "dumbo" has been used by Tracy on chaikaapi chat for her friend Kinnera as per b_A.

dumbo is a chat id lol


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:08 am

Kinnera wrote:I thought tracy already gave the reason for falling out with Hells angel 

Then bw told me one night that HA had been telling her stuff about me. I had a major showdown with HA after that. Not much long after that, we had a complete falling out, as I had lost trust in him.

Now are these ppl going to drag in bw too and expose her as they did for HA? Are they going to wonder how any woman, esp bw, can be such best buddies with someone like HA (chupke chupke behind the scenes, of course. not openly). Now are they going to speculate that it's because HA sends her expensive gifts, etc? 

PS: All the ladies who were friends with HA anytime and still are friends are the stupidest ppl on earth.

oh I can write 3000 words about snoopy and lucy twisted love story. let me get the time and inspiration. Maybe I will open a thread asking people if they want to hear it. If the views count go over 200 in 25 minutes, I will write an essay.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:10 am

Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:btw, the word "dumbo" has been used by Tracy on chaikaapi chat for her friend Kinnera as per b_A.

dumbo is a chat id lol

Sure, but according to b_A you were claiming that Kinnera is dumb when you called her dumbo. Earlier b_A gave the context in which you were calling Kinnera a dumbo: you can make her believe anything.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:11 am

Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Kinnera wrote:I thought tracy already gave the reason for falling out with Hells angel 

Then bw told me one night that HA had been telling her stuff about me. I had a major showdown with HA after that. Not much long after that, we had a complete falling out, as I had lost trust in him.

Now are these ppl going to drag in bw too and expose her as they did for HA? Are they going to wonder how any woman, esp bw, can be such best buddies with someone like HA (chupke chupke behind the scenes, of course. not openly). Now are they going to speculate that it's because HA sends her expensive gifts, etc? 

PS: All the ladies who were friends with HA anytime and still are friends are the stupidest ppl on earth.

oh I can write 3000 words about snoopy and lucy twisted love story. let me get the time and inspiration. Maybe I will open a thread asking people if they want to hear it. If the views count go over 200 in 25 minutes, I will write an essay.

You forget that they live on separate continents while you and Bittu live 45 minutes away from each other.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:16 am

Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:btw, the word "dumbo" has been used by Tracy on chaikaapi chat for her friend Kinnera as per b_A.

dumbo is a chat id lol

Sure, but according to b_A you were claiming that Kinnera is dumb when you called her dumbo. Earlier b_A gave the context in which you were calling Kinnera a dumbo: you can make her believe anything.

b_a could never prove it, coz it never happened.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:17 am

michelle2 wrote:
Kinnera wrote:
Are they going to wonder how any woman, esp bw, can be such best buddies with someone like HA...? Now are they going to speculate that it's because HA sends her expensive gifts, etc? 
it's possible that he sends her pictures of empty beer bottles.

she is richer and older. maybe it's SHE who has bought him with gifts.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:19 am

Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:btw, the word "dumbo" has been used by Tracy on chaikaapi chat for her friend Kinnera as per b_A.

dumbo is a chat id lol

Sure, but according to b_A you were claiming that Kinnera is dumb when you called her dumbo. Earlier b_A gave the context in which you were calling Kinnera a dumbo: you said you can make her believe anything.



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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:20 am

Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
michelle2 wrote:
Kinnera wrote:
Are they going to wonder how any woman, esp bw, can be such best buddies with someone like HA...? Now are they going to speculate that it's because HA sends her expensive gifts, etc? 
it's possible that he sends her pictures of empty beer bottles.

she is richer and older. maybe it's SHE who has bought him with gifts.

But they live on separate continents while you and Bittu live 45 minutes away. Since
Bittu is older and richer has he bought you with gifts?


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:23 am

Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
michelle2 wrote:
Kinnera wrote:
Are they going to wonder how any woman, esp bw, can be such best buddies with someone like HA...? Now are they going to speculate that it's because HA sends her expensive gifts, etc? 
it's possible that he sends her pictures of empty beer bottles.

she is richer and older. maybe it's SHE who has bought him with gifts.

But they live on separate continents while you and Bittu live 45 minutes away. Since
Bittu is older and richer has he bought you with gifts?

emotional love affair bachcha. And she comes to US for her hiking trips. To be honest, the two are match made in heaven. They should get together and destroy just one family instead of two.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:24 am

Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
michelle2 wrote:
Kinnera wrote:
Are they going to wonder how any woman, esp bw, can be such best buddies with someone like HA...? Now are they going to speculate that it's because HA sends her expensive gifts, etc? 
it's possible that he sends her pictures of empty beer bottles.

she is richer and older. maybe it's SHE who has bought him with gifts.

But they live on separate continents while you and Bittu live 45 minutes away. Since
Bittu is older and richer has he bought you with gifts?

emotional love affair bachcha. And she comes to US for her hiking trips. To be honest, the two are match made in heaven. They should get together and destroy just one family instead of two.

are you not going to comment any further about your boyfriend Bittu?


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:27 am

Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
michelle2 wrote:
it's possible that he sends her pictures of empty beer bottles.

she is richer and older. maybe it's SHE who has bought him with gifts.

But they live on separate continents while you and Bittu live 45 minutes away. Since
Bittu is older and richer has he bought you with gifts?

emotional love affair bachcha. And she comes to US for her hiking trips. To be honest, the two are match made in heaven. They should get together and destroy just one family instead of two.

are you not going to comment any further about your boyfriend Bittu?

arre baba I just discovered this today. Let me collect my thoughts on this first.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:40 am

Rashmun wrote:
Kinnera wrote:I thought tracy already gave the reason for falling out with Hells angel 

Then bw told me one night that HA had been telling her stuff about me. I had a major showdown with HA after that. Not much long after that, we had a complete falling out, as I had lost trust in him.

Now are these ppl going to drag in bw too and expose her as they did for HA? Are they going to wonder how any woman, esp bw, can be such best buddies with someone like HA (chupke chupke behind the scenes, of course not openly). Now are they going to speculate that it's because HA sends her expensive gifts, etc? 

PS: All the ladies who were friends with HA anytime and still are friends are the stupidest ppl on earth.

HA's position is that Tracy is lying through her teeth about bw. bw never told Tracy that HA had been telling her details about Tracy. No, the falling out took place after HA managed to unravel the identity of Bittu. Tracy, who had no issues earlier with HA's googling skills, suddenly went ballistic in anger.

2012, Saturday Sept 15th late night into Sept 16th is when BW told me all that on suChat. Tell her to come deny this. I had a showdown with HA starting Monday. When I asked him why he told her stuff about me w/o telling me (I would have been somewhat ok if didn't keep me in dark), he said, 'How was I supposed to know she will come back on chat after your [2011] fight with her'. That man is a priceless gem. After that I began cutting him out of my circle slowly. (And I realized later he was working to make sure bw also cuts me out again - there was always a risk I could blabber something about him to her). In Dec 2012, he asked me for the last time what bittu's name was. I didn't tell him. He cut contacts with me totally after that. I have no idea what he did after that, only late last year and earlier this year HK gave me a little glimpse of it, and we both have detailed it out pretty well on different threads.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:46 am

Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Kinnera wrote:I thought tracy already gave the reason for falling out with Hells angel 

Then bw told me one night that HA had been telling her stuff about me. I had a major showdown with HA after that. Not much long after that, we had a complete falling out, as I had lost trust in him.

Now are these ppl going to drag in bw too and expose her as they did for HA? Are they going to wonder how any woman, esp bw, can be such best buddies with someone like HA (chupke chupke behind the scenes, of course not openly). Now are they going to speculate that it's because HA sends her expensive gifts, etc? 

PS: All the ladies who were friends with HA anytime and still are friends are the stupidest ppl on earth.

HA's position is that Tracy is lying through her teeth about bw. bw never told Tracy that HA had been telling her details about Tracy. No, the falling out took place after HA managed to unravel the identity of Bittu. Tracy, who had no issues earlier with HA's googling skills, suddenly went ballistic in anger.

2012, Saturday Sept 15th late night into Sept 16th is when BW told me all that on suChat. Tell her to come deny this. I had a showdown with HA starting Monday. When I asked him why he told her stuff about me w/o telling me (I would have been somewhat ok if didn't keep me in dark), he said, 'How was I supposed to know she will come back on chat after your [2011] fight with her'. That man is a priceless gem. After that I began cutting him out of my circle slowly. (And I realized later he was working to make sure bw also cuts me out again - there was always a risk I could blabber something about him to her). In Dec 2012, he asked me for the last time what bittu's name was. I didn't tell him. He cut contacts with me totally after that. I have no idea what he did after that, only late last year and earlier this year HK gave me a little glimpse of it, and we both have detailed it out pretty well on different threads.

Thanks for giving your version. HA's version is that you are lying. You should be the one getting bw to corroborate your cock and bull story. bw never told you that HA has been talking about you with her. And the breaking of relations between you and HA was not gradual, it was instantaneous. It happened after he unravelled the real identity of Bittu. That's when you went ballistic in anger.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:48 am

Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Kinnera wrote:I thought tracy already gave the reason for falling out with Hells angel 

Then bw told me one night that HA had been telling her stuff about me. I had a major showdown with HA after that. Not much long after that, we had a complete falling out, as I had lost trust in him.

Now are these ppl going to drag in bw too and expose her as they did for HA? Are they going to wonder how any woman, esp bw, can be such best buddies with someone like HA (chupke chupke behind the scenes, of course not openly). Now are they going to speculate that it's because HA sends her expensive gifts, etc? 

PS: All the ladies who were friends with HA anytime and still are friends are the stupidest ppl on earth.

HA's position is that Tracy is lying through her teeth about bw. bw never told Tracy that HA had been telling her details about Tracy. No, the falling out took place after HA managed to unravel the identity of Bittu. Tracy, who had no issues earlier with HA's googling skills, suddenly went ballistic in anger.

2012, Saturday Sept 15th late night into Sept 16th is when BW told me all that on suChat. Tell her to come deny this. I had a showdown with HA starting Monday. When I asked him why he told her stuff about me w/o telling me (I would have been somewhat ok if didn't keep me in dark), he said, 'How was I supposed to know she will come back on chat after your [2011] fight with her'. That man is a priceless gem. After that I began cutting him out of my circle slowly. (And I realized later he was working to make sure bw also cuts me out again - there was always a risk I could blabber something about him to her). In Dec 2012, he asked me for the last time what bittu's name was. I didn't tell him. He cut contacts with me totally after that. I have no idea what he did after that, only late last year and earlier this year HK gave me a little glimpse of it, and we both have detailed it out pretty well on different threads.

Thanks for giving your version. HA's version is that you are lying. You should be the one getting bw to corroborate your cock and bull story. bw never told you that HA has been talking about you with her. And the breaking of relations between you and HA was not gradual, it was instantaneous. It happened after he unravelled the real identity of Bittu. That's when you went ballistic in anger.

what month/year is this? When I can give month/year, why can't your hump master?


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:49 am

Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Kinnera wrote:I thought tracy already gave the reason for falling out with Hells angel 

Then bw told me one night that HA had been telling her stuff about me. I had a major showdown with HA after that. Not much long after that, we had a complete falling out, as I had lost trust in him.

Now are these ppl going to drag in bw too and expose her as they did for HA? Are they going to wonder how any woman, esp bw, can be such best buddies with someone like HA (chupke chupke behind the scenes, of course not openly). Now are they going to speculate that it's because HA sends her expensive gifts, etc? 

PS: All the ladies who were friends with HA anytime and still are friends are the stupidest ppl on earth.

HA's position is that Tracy is lying through her teeth about bw. bw never told Tracy that HA had been telling her details about Tracy. No, the falling out took place after HA managed to unravel the identity of Bittu. Tracy, who had no issues earlier with HA's googling skills, suddenly went ballistic in anger.

2012, Saturday Sept 15th late night into Sept 16th is when BW told me all that on suChat. Tell her to come deny this. I had a showdown with HA starting Monday. When I asked him why he told her stuff about me w/o telling me (I would have been somewhat ok if didn't keep me in dark), he said, 'How was I supposed to know she will come back on chat after your [2011] fight with her'. That man is a priceless gem. After that I began cutting him out of my circle slowly. (And I realized later he was working to make sure bw also cuts me out again - there was always a risk I could blabber something about him to her). In Dec 2012, he asked me for the last time what bittu's name was. I didn't tell him. He cut contacts with me totally after that. I have no idea what he did after that, only late last year and earlier this year HK gave me a little glimpse of it, and we both have detailed it out pretty well on different threads.

Thanks for giving your version. HA's version is that you are lying. You should be the one getting bw to corroborate your cock and bull story. bw never told you that HA has been talking about you with her. And the breaking of relations between you and HA was not gradual, it was instantaneous. It happened after he unravelled the real identity of Bittu. That's when you went ballistic in anger.

what month/year is this? When I can give month/year, why can't your hump master?

I already gave ( in an earlier post) two reasons why I don't want to give the month/year.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:50 am

Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Kinnera wrote:I thought tracy already gave the reason for falling out with Hells angel 

Then bw told me one night that HA had been telling her stuff about me. I had a major showdown with HA after that. Not much long after that, we had a complete falling out, as I had lost trust in him.

Now are these ppl going to drag in bw too and expose her as they did for HA? Are they going to wonder how any woman, esp bw, can be such best buddies with someone like HA (chupke chupke behind the scenes, of course. not openly). Now are they going to speculate that it's because HA sends her expensive gifts, etc? 

PS: All the ladies who were friends with HA anytime and still are friends are the stupidest ppl on earth.

oh I can write 3000 words about snoopy and lucy twisted love story. let me get the time and inspiration. Maybe I will open a thread asking people if they want to hear it. If the views count go over 200 in 25 minutes, I will write an essay.
Don't! Let go...


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:51 am

Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:

HA's position is that Tracy is lying through her teeth about bw. bw never told Tracy that HA had been telling her details about Tracy. No, the falling out took place after HA managed to unravel the identity of Bittu. Tracy, who had no issues earlier with HA's googling skills, suddenly went ballistic in anger.

2012, Saturday Sept 15th late night into Sept 16th is when BW told me all that on suChat. Tell her to come deny this. I had a showdown with HA starting Monday. When I asked him why he told her stuff about me w/o telling me (I would have been somewhat ok if didn't keep me in dark), he said, 'How was I supposed to know she will come back on chat after your [2011] fight with her'. That man is a priceless gem. After that I began cutting him out of my circle slowly. (And I realized later he was working to make sure bw also cuts me out again - there was always a risk I could blabber something about him to her). In Dec 2012, he asked me for the last time what bittu's name was. I didn't tell him. He cut contacts with me totally after that. I have no idea what he did after that, only late last year and earlier this year HK gave me a little glimpse of it, and we both have detailed it out pretty well on different threads.

Thanks for giving your version. HA's version is that you are lying. You should be the one getting bw to corroborate your cock and bull story. bw never told you that HA has been talking about you with her. And the breaking of relations between you and HA was not gradual, it was instantaneous. It happened after he unravelled the real identity of Bittu. That's when you went ballistic in anger.

what month/year is this? When I can give month/year, why can't your hump master?

I already gave ( in an earlier post) two reasons why I don't want to give the month/year.

those reasons are bull shit.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:52 am

Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:

2012, Saturday Sept 15th late night into Sept 16th is when BW told me all that on suChat. Tell her to come deny this. I had a showdown with HA starting Monday. When I asked him why he told her stuff about me w/o telling me (I would have been somewhat ok if didn't keep me in dark), he said, 'How was I supposed to know she will come back on chat after your [2011] fight with her'. That man is a priceless gem. After that I began cutting him out of my circle slowly. (And I realized later he was working to make sure bw also cuts me out again - there was always a risk I could blabber something about him to her). In Dec 2012, he asked me for the last time what bittu's name was. I didn't tell him. He cut contacts with me totally after that. I have no idea what he did after that, only late last year and earlier this year HK gave me a little glimpse of it, and we both have detailed it out pretty well on different threads.

Thanks for giving your version. HA's version is that you are lying. You should be the one getting bw to corroborate your cock and bull story. bw never told you that HA has been talking about you with her. And the breaking of relations between you and HA was not gradual, it was instantaneous. It happened after he unravelled the real identity of Bittu. That's when you went ballistic in anger.

what month/year is this? When I can give month/year, why can't your hump master?

I already gave ( in an earlier post) two reasons why I don't want to give the month/year.

those reasons are bull shit.

Opinions vary.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:55 am

Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:

Thanks for giving your version. HA's version is that you are lying. You should be the one getting bw to corroborate your cock and bull story. bw never told you that HA has been talking about you with her. And the breaking of relations between you and HA was not gradual, it was instantaneous. It happened after he unravelled the real identity of Bittu. That's when you went ballistic in anger.

what month/year is this? When I can give month/year, why can't your hump master?

I already gave ( in an earlier post) two reasons why I don't want to give the month/year.

those reasons are bull shit.

Opinions vary.

OK. then go back and stuff your mouth with you know what.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 11:56 am

Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:

what month/year is this? When I can give month/year, why can't your hump master?

I already gave ( in an earlier post) two reasons why I don't want to give the month/year.

those reasons are bull shit.

Opinions vary.

OK. then go back and stuff your mouth with you know what.

Sure, and you go stuff your mouth with Bittu's you know what.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:07 pm

Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
michelle2 wrote:
Kinnera wrote:
Are they going to wonder how any woman, esp bw, can be such best buddies with someone like HA...? Now are they going to speculate that it's because HA sends her expensive gifts, etc? 
it's possible that he sends her pictures of empty beer bottles.

she is richer and older. maybe it's SHE who has bought him with gifts.

But they live on separate continents while you and Bittu live 45 minutes away. Since
Bittu is older and richer has he bought you with gifts?

emotional love affair bachcha. And she comes to US for her hiking trips. To be honest, the two are match made in heaven. They should get together and destroy just one family instead of two.

The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Lmao15

this is so true. i have no idea about bw - HA connection but after falling out with bw, HA had everything critical to say about every poster on this forum save bw. The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Laugh10and then, after the falling out with bw, when i gave further defence of my falling out with bw to seek a neutral perspective, he said, "it is obvious from your pourings in such that you were infatuated with bw." i said, "i like to write fiction." yet he stuck to his stand . The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Laugh10 i stopped discussing bw. but it is obvious he is infatuated with her! The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Lmao16


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:08 pm

Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:

I already gave ( in an earlier post) two reasons why I don't want to give the month/year.

those reasons are bull shit.

Opinions vary.

OK. then go back and stuff your mouth with you know what.

Sure, and you go stuff your mouth with Bittu's you know what.

haha bittu has been a fantasy of many men on this board. you are no different. all men filled with ultimate jealousy for him and have harassed me endlessly about it, and not just on the forums. Happened before, am sure will happen in future too. Was one jerk then, will be another jerk later.

These are the same men who claim that women get jealous. women gossip. What is the gender of b_a, rashmun, ha again?


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:09 pm

madrasi_idiot wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
michelle2 wrote:
it's possible that he sends her pictures of empty beer bottles.

she is richer and older. maybe it's SHE who has bought him with gifts.

But they live on separate continents while you and Bittu live 45 minutes away. Since
Bittu is older and richer has he bought you with gifts?

emotional love affair bachcha. And she comes to US for her hiking trips. To be honest, the two are match made in heaven. They should get together and destroy just one family instead of two.

The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Lmao15

this is so true. i have no idea about bw - HA connection but after falling out with bw, HA had everything critical to say about every poster on this forum save bw. The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Laugh10and then, after the falling out with bw, when i gave further defence of my falling out with bw to seek a neutral perspective, he said, "it is obvious from your pourings in such that you were infatuated with bw." i said, "i like to write fiction." yet he stuck to his stand . The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Laugh10 i stopped discussing bw. but it is obvious he is infatuated with her! The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Lmao16

oh he has told me negative things about her. don't worry about it.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:11 pm

Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
madrasi_idiot wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:

she is richer and older. maybe it's SHE who has bought him with gifts.

But they live on separate continents while you and Bittu live 45 minutes away. Since
Bittu is older and richer has he bought you with gifts?

emotional love affair bachcha. And she comes to US for her hiking trips. To be honest, the two are match made in heaven. They should get together and destroy just one family instead of two.

The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Lmao15

this is so true. i have no idea about bw - HA connection but after falling out with bw, HA had everything critical to say about every poster on this forum save bw. The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Laugh10and then, after the falling out with bw, when i gave further defence of my falling out with bw to seek a neutral perspective, he said, "it is obvious from your pourings in such that you were infatuated with bw." i said, "i like to write fiction." yet he stuck to his stand . The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Laugh10 i stopped discussing bw. but it is obvious he is infatuated with her! The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Lmao16

oh he has told me negative things about her. don't worry about it.

Are you meeting Bittu this week-end?


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:15 pm

Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
madrasi_idiot wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:

But they live on separate continents while you and Bittu live 45 minutes away. Since
Bittu is older and richer has he bought you with gifts?

emotional love affair bachcha. And she comes to US for her hiking trips. To be honest, the two are match made in heaven. They should get together and destroy just one family instead of two.

The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Lmao15

this is so true. i have no idea about bw - HA connection but after falling out with bw, HA had everything critical to say about every poster on this forum save bw. The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Laugh10and then, after the falling out with bw, when i gave further defence of my falling out with bw to seek a neutral perspective, he said, "it is obvious from your pourings in such that you were infatuated with bw." i said, "i like to write fiction." yet he stuck to his stand . The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Laugh10 i stopped discussing bw. but it is obvious he is infatuated with her! The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Lmao16

oh he has told me negative things about her. don't worry about it.

Are you meeting Bittu this week-end?

lol. proof rashmun has run out of arguments. *victory*


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:17 pm

Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:

those reasons are bull shit.

Opinions vary.

OK. then go back and stuff your mouth with you know what.

Sure, and you go stuff your mouth with Bittu's you know what.

haha bittu has been a fantasy of many men on this board. you are no different. all men filled with ultimate jealousy for him and have harassed me endlessly about it, and not just on the forums.  Happened before, am sure will happen in future too. Was one jerk then, will be another jerk later.

These are the same men who claim that women get jealous. women gossip. What is the gender of b_a, rashmun, ha again?

Bittu's babe jumps at the opportunity of defending him in the hope of receiving yet another (hopefully expensive) gift from him.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:18 pm

Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
michelle2 wrote:
Kinnera wrote:
Are they going to wonder how any woman, esp bw, can be such best buddies with someone like HA...? Now are they going to speculate that it's because HA sends her expensive gifts, etc? 
it's possible that he sends her pictures of empty beer bottles.

she is richer and older. maybe it's SHE who has bought him with gifts.

But they live on separate continents while you and Bittu live 45 minutes away. Since
Bittu is older and richer has he bought you with gifts?
till the day before tw and bittu were neigbours. are you not going to comment how they moved to two separate states in 2 days? because of your public sleuth giri to avoid pain to their spouses? ?


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:21 pm

madrasi_idiot wrote:
Rashmun wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
michelle2 wrote:
Kinnera wrote:
Are they going to wonder how any woman, esp bw, can be such best buddies with someone like HA...? Now are they going to speculate that it's because HA sends her expensive gifts, etc? 
it's possible that he sends her pictures of empty beer bottles.

she is richer and older. maybe it's SHE who has bought him with gifts.

But they live on separate continents while you and Bittu live 45 minutes away. Since
Bittu is older and richer has he bought you with gifts?
till the day before tw and bittu were neigbours. are you not going to comment how they moved to two separate states in 2 days? because of your public sleuth giri to avoid pain to their spouses? ?

No the 45 minute distance is as of today. Despite the fact that these two live in adjacent states.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:23 pm

Kinnera wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:
Kinnera wrote:I thought tracy already gave the reason for falling out with Hells angel 

Then bw told me one night that HA had been telling her stuff about me. I had a major showdown with HA after that. Not much long after that, we had a complete falling out, as I had lost trust in him.

Now are these ppl going to drag in bw too and expose her as they did for HA? Are they going to wonder how any woman, esp bw, can be such best buddies with someone like HA (chupke chupke behind the scenes, of course. not openly). Now are they going to speculate that it's because HA sends her expensive gifts, etc? 

PS: All the ladies who were friends with HA anytime and still are friends are the stupidest ppl on earth.

oh I can write 3000 words about snoopy and lucy twisted love story. let me get the time and inspiration. Maybe I will open a thread asking people if they want to hear it. If the views count go over 200 in 25 minutes, I will write an essay.
Don't! Let go...

kinns, it is good time pass. it is NOT gossip for it is open chat so shut up :p.  the worst that will happen is that rashmun will be declared the biggest slimy bastard. i think that will be nothing new.


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The adventures of the 'mildly curious' Empty Re: The adventures of the 'mildly curious'

Post by Guest Fri Oct 31, 2014 12:24 pm

The pain to the spouses argument is b_A's. I don't have as much empathy for the spouses. They are adults. They will take care of themselves. My concern is more for the children.


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