If not for Dhoni, Chennai SK is so DEAD! Hitskin_logo Hitskin.com

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If not for Dhoni, Chennai SK is so DEAD!

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If not for Dhoni, Chennai SK is so DEAD! Empty If not for Dhoni, Chennai SK is so DEAD!

Post by TruthSeeker Tue Nov 04, 2014 11:54 pm

I have followed the story of BCCI and IPL closely.

It appears to be a highly political organization, this BCCI under Srini.

Inefficient, typical government, where being dumb-and-deaf lets you survive.

Its high time that BCCI is privatized.

Govt may have best intentions, but Govt must realize that they suck when it comes to implement their intentions.

Democrat (Govt oriented) vs. Republican (Private company oriented).

Nowhere in the world, any govt is even 20% as efficient as a private organization.

Nowhere in the world. any private organization has a socially beneficial intent than a govt.

We got to find a balance.

BCCI cannot be run by red tape. It must be run by former famed cricketers, and not by idiots who never played cricket.

Its silly, only in a country like India that fat bellies run BCCI, having never played cricket, and then they try to protect their son-in-laws?



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