All "external" worship involves symbols (idols), Hitskin_logo

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All "external" worship involves symbols (idols),

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All "external" worship involves symbols (idols), Empty All "external" worship involves symbols (idols),

Post by Seva Lamberdar Mon Jan 25, 2016 9:58 am

even when the devotee (worshiper) faces a certain direction while praying, implying that Deity (God) is situated at a faraway place in that direction (thus making the direction as a tool / symbol during worship or prayer), or performs circumambulation (around a rock or another type of symbol / idol) during or as a part of prayer / worship.
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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All "external" worship involves symbols (idols), Empty Re: All "external" worship involves symbols (idols),

Post by Merlot Daruwala Tue Jan 26, 2016 12:58 am

So the ancient Hindu form of worship with yagnas was not really worship. Unless there is a piece of stone in front, it cant be worship.
Merlot Daruwala
Merlot Daruwala

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All "external" worship involves symbols (idols), Empty Re: All "external" worship involves symbols (idols),

Post by Seva Lamberdar Tue Jan 26, 2016 11:14 am

Merlot Daruwala wrote:So the ancient Hindu form of worship with yagnas was not really worship. Unless there is a piece of stone in front, it cant be worship.
According to the Rig Veda (Book 1), the yagna itself is a medium / method to make offerings (pour libations etc. into fire) during worship of God, "externally" under the names Agni et al. The piece of stone (used as idol or symbol during worship, e.g. Shiv-linga) probably came later (essentially replacing the live fire during yagna / worship). Btw, what about a Hindu facing the sun and praying to God under the name Savitar and Muslim facing Mecca and praying to God as Allah?
Seva Lamberdar
Seva Lamberdar

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All "external" worship involves symbols (idols), Empty Re: All "external" worship involves symbols (idols),

Post by Vakavaka Pakapaka Tue Jan 26, 2016 1:14 pm

Merlot Daruwala wrote:So the ancient Hindu form of worship with yagnas was not really worship. Unless there is a piece of stone in front, it cant be worship.
Let us look at the pieceful. When they say, God is great, God is merciful, God is ........, etc.,
they are actually worshiping a "Saguna Brahman" (forgive my Kafirish expression). Worshiping a "Nirguna Brahman" (the pieceful think they can do this) is not an easy task. Very few, if at all, can do this after a lot of saadhana and reflection on the "nature" of reality.
So, the pieceful are hypocritical when they say that they worship God directly and kafirs worship Satan. Kafirs developed various methods to remove the clutter to try and understand "reality". In fact, an identity with Nirguna Brahman is the real Moksha. When that happens, a kafir will say, "Sarvam khalvidam Brahma" while the pieceful will go on destroying temples, chopping non-believers' heads off, etc.

Vakavaka Pakapaka

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All "external" worship involves symbols (idols), Empty Re: All "external" worship involves symbols (idols),

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