ACLU video of what a strip search involves -NSFW Hitskin_logo

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ACLU video of what a strip search involves -NSFW

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ACLU video of what a strip search involves -NSFW Empty ACLU video of what a strip search involves -NSFW

Post by Hellsangel Sun Dec 22, 2013 1:46 pm


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ACLU video of what a strip search involves -NSFW Empty Re: ACLU video of what a strip search involves -NSFW

Post by Rishi Sun Dec 22, 2013 2:38 pm

Hellsangel wrote:

>>>> Standard procedure. My foot!

Time to put an end to it.

How come this nonsense does not happen to women arrested in many other countries like Sweden and Norway? Do the Americans think the criminal justice system in those countries are not effective?


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