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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by Guest Sat Nov 12, 2016 10:11 pm

'pack and leave' is the kind of fear i have also felt often in last 2 months.

Georg was an optimist. Hitler was just another colorful rabble-rousing politician. Things would settle down.

Elsa knew better. She knew what was coming, even if she couldn’t fully name it. Within a few weeks of Hitler’s takeover she was working to get the family out of the country. She tried contacts in the US, New Zealand, France, and even India. They all came to naught — until she learned of a special program in the UK that would allow Jewish doctors and engineers to emigrate with their families.

Georg didn’t want to go. Elsa told him she was taking my father (then 3) and my aunt (then 6) and going, and he could stay behind and look for another wife if he liked. My grandfather, protesting all the way that my grandmother was overreacting and having delusions, reluctantly sold his practice.

My family settled in England, first near Manchester and later in rural Oxfordshire. As you might guess, nearly all the rest of my father’s extended family perished in the Holocaust.

My grandmother’s fear saved the family. My grandfather’s sweet confidence and optimism would have killed them.

So when you tell me, a noted soother and calmer of others, that I should tell Muslims and women and people of color that they have nothing to fear from Trump, I think that perhaps you want me to be like my grandfather.


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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by Guest Sat Nov 12, 2016 10:32 pm

The elections are over. The fear mongering can be stopped. There are no votes to get from the scared, insecure people. This tactic actually failed miserably. It actually divided the country like never before. 
If one were to be like his grandmother, then the minorities, dalits, backward classes, etc should've left India after Modi won, leaving India to the upper caste brahmin chuddies. 

Modi was also compared to Hitlar, called worse names and blamed for the Gujarat riots.


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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by confuzzled dude Sat Nov 12, 2016 10:37 pm

Kinnera wrote:The elections are over. The fear mongering can be stopped. It ain't getting any votes from the scared, insecure people. This tactic actually failed miserably. 
If one were to be like his grandmother, then the minorities, dalits, backward classes, etc should've left India after Modi won, leaving India to the upper caste brahmin chuddies. 

Modi was also compared to Hitlar, called worse names and blamed for the Gujarat riots.

I'm not so sure about that. Wonder what would have happened had the roles reversed i.e. A common man called Obama questioned President Trump's citizenship went on and on about it.
On Sept. 1, in Montgomery County Circuit Court, Melania Trump sued Tarpley and the Daily Mail for defamation. Her attorneys cited a series of published allegations, including those made in Tarpley’s blog post, according to court records. Now, as Melania Trump readies to become first lady, the lawsuit shows no signs of slowing down.

confuzzled dude

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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by Guest Sat Nov 12, 2016 10:44 pm

i don't understand. Only a US born citizen can become the President of US. Won't the birth certificates be verified before he took the oath? or did no one had the guts to do that? Why did that question even raise? If it's risen, why wasn't it clarified to the public right away? The more something is dodged, the more the questions are raised. 

In any case, questioning Obama's birth place doesn't make one a racist or a Hitler.


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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by Guest Sat Nov 12, 2016 10:48 pm

Kinnera wrote:The elections are over. The fear mongering can be stopped. There are no votes to get from the scared, insecure people. This tactic actually failed miserably. It actually divided the country like never before. 
If one were to be like his grandmother, then the minorities, dalits, backward classes, etc should've left India after Modi won, leaving India to the upper caste brahmin chuddies. 

Modi was also compared to Hitlar, called worse names and blamed for the Gujarat riots.

1. this is an opinion piece that's mostly interesting for history buffs who are drawing parallels with hitler as well as mussoulini, and sometimes hearing out anecdotes is a part of it. Not everything is done to achieve short term selfish goals.
2. its purpose is not to manipulate or divide people. atleast, i don't see it that way
3. i'm sorry, but i get lost the moment anyone brings up a parallel with Modi, not that they should stop doing that, but I simply don't see one.
4. Unless people are assured his campaign agenda and promises have no chance of being enacted upon, any kind of alarm is legitimate.

Last edited by Scarlet O'Hara on Sat Nov 12, 2016 10:54 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by confuzzled dude Sat Nov 12, 2016 10:49 pm

Kinnera wrote:i don't understand. Only a US born citizen can become the President of US. Won't the birth certificates be verified before he took the oath? or did no one had the guts to do that? Why did that question even raise? If it's risen, why wasn't it clarified to the public right away? The more something is dodged, the more the questions are raised. 

In any case, questioning Obama's birth place doesn't make one a racist or a Hitler.
Really! President has to prove his credentials to every Tom, Dick & Harry. In any case, my point was not about Obama rather Trump (and his penchant for suing), who appears to be not tolerant.

confuzzled dude

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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by Guest Sat Nov 12, 2016 10:58 pm

Scarlet O'Hara wrote:
Kinnera wrote:The elections are over. The fear mongering can be stopped. There are no votes to get from the scared, insecure people. This tactic actually failed miserably. It actually divided the country like never before. 
If one were to be like his grandmother, then the minorities, dalits, backward classes, etc should've left India after Modi won, leaving India to the upper caste brahmin chuddies. 

Modi was also compared to Hitlar, called worse names and blamed for the Gujarat riots.

1. this is an opinion piece that's mostly interesting for history buffs who are drawing parallels with hitler as well as mussoulini, and sometimes hearing out anecdotes is a part of it. Not everything is done to achieve short term selfish goals.
2. its purpose is not to manipulate or divide people. atleast, i don't see it that way
3. i'm sorry, but i get lost the moment anyone brings up a parallel with Modi, not that they should stop doing that, but I simply don't see one.
4. Unless people are assured his campaign agenda and promises have no chance of being enacted upon, any kind of alarm is legitimate.

for the record, i don't support the protests happening in most cities.


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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by Guest Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:00 pm

confuzzled dude wrote:
Kinnera wrote:i don't understand. Only a US born citizen can become the President of US. Won't the birth certificates be verified before he took the oath? or did no one had the guts to do that? Why did that question even raise? If it's risen, why wasn't it clarified to the public right away? The more something is dodged, the more the questions are raised. 

In any case, questioning Obama's birth place doesn't make one a racist or a Hitler.
Really! President has to prove his credentials to every Tom, Dick & Harry. In any case, my point was not about Obama rather Trump (and his penchant for suing), who appears to be not tolerant.
Of course! When Sonia was almost to become the PM of India, people questioned her citizenship status and when it was taken (and what took her so long to get naturalized), if she has a dual citizenship of Italy too, etc. People have a right to know. Every tom dick and harry IS a citizen of the country. 

Enough of the mud slinging against Trump. That was Hillary's dismal strategy to win the elections and it failed her miserably. Her intense negative campaigning backfired big time! Instead of presenting to people what she had to offer to them and why they should vote for her, she only focused on how bad Trump is why one shouldn't vote for him. Trump focused on issues and that got him the ticket. 

Negative campaigning never works. It backfired three times in Gujarat and once in the national elections to date wrt Modi.


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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by confuzzled dude Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:11 pm

Kinnera wrote:
confuzzled dude wrote:
Kinnera wrote:i don't understand. Only a US born citizen can become the President of US. Won't the birth certificates be verified before he took the oath? or did no one had the guts to do that? Why did that question even raise? If it's risen, why wasn't it clarified to the public right away? The more something is dodged, the more the questions are raised. 

In any case, questioning Obama's birth place doesn't make one a racist or a Hitler.
Really! President has to prove his credentials to every Tom, Dick & Harry. In any case, my point was not about Obama rather Trump (and his penchant for suing), who appears to be not tolerant.
Of course! When Sonia was almost to become the PM of India, people questioned her citizenship status and when it was taken (and what took her so long to get naturalized), if she has a dual citizenship of Italy too, etc. People have a right to know. Every tom dick and harry IS a citizen of the country. 

Enough of the mud slinging against Trump. That was Hillary's dismal strategy to win the elections and it failed her miserably. Her intense negative campaigning backfired big time! Instead of presenting to people what she had to offer to them and why they should vote for her, she only focused on how bad Trump is why one shouldn't vote for him. Trump focused on issues and that got him the ticket. 

Negative campaigning never works. It backfired three times in Gujarat and once in the national elections to date wrt Modi.
What mudslinging? I was only pointing out the hypocrisy of Trump who can dish out plenty but cant take it.

confuzzled dude

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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by Guest Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:23 pm

there was no "dodging"

for the record, trump continued the mud slinging against Obama for FIVE years even after Obama released his long form birth certificate. He kept saying the certificate was forged. This was purely to keep his racist base riled up, adding to the muslim conspiracy. He put an end to it only two months ago, when he didn't need to push it any further.


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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Sat Nov 12, 2016 11:42 pm

Kinnera wrote:i don't understand. Only a US born citizen can become the President of US. Won't the birth certificates be verified before he took the oath? or did no one had the guts to do that? Why did that question even raise? If it's risen, why wasn't it c to the public right away? The more something is dodged, the more the questions are raised. 

In any case, questioning Obama's birth place doesn't make one a racist or a Hitler.

Questions can arise for all kinds of reasons. Like this:

“Suppose that perhaps Donald Trump had been the spawn of his mother having sex with an orangutan, because, well, I didn’t just make this up. The color of his hair and the color of an orange orangutan is the only two things in nature of the same color. . . . I’m not saying it’s true, I hope it’s not true, but unless he comes up with proof, I’m willing to, I’m willing to offer five million dollars to Donald Trump that he can donate to a charity of his choice, Hair Club for Men, the Insitute for Incorrigible Douchebaggery, whatever charity . . .”

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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by Guest Sun Nov 13, 2016 9:03 am

Scarlet O'Hara wrote:there  was no "dodging"

for the record, trump continued the mud slinging against Obama for FIVE years even after Obama released his long form birth certificate. He kept saying the certificate was forged. This was purely to keep his racist base riled up, adding to the muslim conspiracy. He put an end to it only two months ago, when he didn't need to push it any further.  
 What racist base? This guy didn't even imagine that he'd run for Presidency in his wildest dreams until 1 1/2 years ago. What base are you talking about?

just like Maher, he probably has his own reasons to go after Obama's citizenship issue. One could be major mistrust of the system (about the proper verification of the birth documents before Obama's oath to the office. The delay in clarifying it to the public probably raised questions about its veracity) or it could be simply dislike of Obama. How can anyone conclude that it IS 'racism' and that Trump doesn't like blacks? Big conclusions to serve the libby agenda.


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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Sun Nov 13, 2016 9:23 am

Kinnera wrote:
Scarlet O'Hara wrote:there  was no "dodging"

for the record, trump continued the mud slinging against Obama for FIVE years even after Obama released his long form birth certificate. He kept saying the certificate was forged. This was purely to keep his racist base riled up, adding to the muslim conspiracy. He put an end to it only two months ago, when he didn't need to push it any further.  
 What racist base? This guy didn't even imagine that he'd run for Presidency in his wildest dreams until 1 1/2 years ago. What base are you talking about?

just like Maher, he probably has his own reasons to go after Obama's citizenship issue. One could be major mistrust of the system (about the proper verification of the birth documents before Obama's oath to the office. The delay in clarifying it to the public probably raised questions about its veracity) or it could be simply dislike of Obama. How can anyone conclude that it IS 'racism' and that Trump doesn't like blacks? Big conclusions to serve the libby agenda.

There was no delay in clarifying anything, but there was defiance against bold-faced racism plain and simple. Trump has a weird name, maybe he was born in Germany to an orange monkey. I don't know, many many people are saying that. Maybe we should have him release his birth certificate just to be sure. I hope they clarify soon.

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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by Guest Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:03 am

I think you're all right. Trump questioned Obama's US citizenship. He must be a horrible racist, in tune with Hitler  and hates all blacks with a vengeance. With him as the President, there's going to be a black holocaust, the white americans are going to turn against the blacks and annihilates them. Throw muslims, hispanics and all the other immigrants into the pool. It's doomsday for all. Be afraid. Very very afraid!!


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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by southindian Sun Nov 13, 2016 10:27 am

Kinnera wrote:I think you're all right. Trump questioned Obama's US citizenship. He must be a horrible racist, in tune with Hitler  and hates all blacks with a vengeance. With him as the President, there's going to be a black holocaust, the white americans are going to turn against the blacks and annihilates them. Throw muslims, hispanics and all the other immigrants into the pool. It's doomsday for all. Be afraid. Very very afraid!!
You are right Trump is a racist.

He even questioned an American Judge 's heritage who was judge on Trump University. Are you blind, you idiot?

A fucking bully, abuser, liar just became the next US Presidential. 51% white women supported him.

I guess its fine and encouraged if a Republican grabs a Republican woman's pussy in Atlanta and in other Red states.

You may get offended if the pussy grabber is a Democrat.

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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Sun Nov 13, 2016 1:31 pm

MaxEntropy_Man wrote:
Kinnera wrote:
Scarlet O'Hara wrote:there  was no "dodging"

for the record, trump continued the mud slinging against Obama for FIVE years even after Obama released his long form birth certificate. He kept saying the certificate was forged. This was purely to keep his racist base riled up, adding to the muslim conspiracy. He put an end to it only two months ago, when he didn't need to push it any further.  
 What racist base? This guy didn't even imagine that he'd run for Presidency in his wildest dreams until 1 1/2 years ago. What base are you talking about?

just like Maher, he probably has his own reasons to go after Obama's citizenship issue. One could be major mistrust of the system (about the proper verification of the birth documents before Obama's oath to the office. The delay in clarifying it to the public probably raised questions about its veracity) or it could be simply dislike of Obama. How can anyone conclude that it IS 'racism' and that Trump doesn't like blacks? Big conclusions to serve the libby agenda.

There was no delay in clarifying anything, but there was defiance against bold bald-faced racism plain and simple. Trump has a weird name, maybe he was born in Germany to an orange monkey. I don't know, many many people are saying that. Maybe we should have him release his birth certificate just to be sure. I hope they clarify soon.

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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by Guest Sun Nov 13, 2016 3:06 pm

Kinnera wrote:
Scarlet O'Hara wrote:there  was no "dodging"

for the record, trump continued the mud slinging against Obama for FIVE years even after Obama released his long form birth certificate. He kept saying the certificate was forged. This was purely to keep his racist base riled up, adding to the muslim conspiracy. He put an end to it only two months ago, when he didn't need to push it any further.  
 What racist base? This guy didn't even imagine that he'd run for Presidency in his wildest dreams until 1 1/2 years ago. What base are you talking about?

just like Maher, he probably has his own reasons to go after Obama's citizenship issue. One could be major mistrust of the system (about the proper verification of the birth documents before Obama's oath to the office. The delay in clarifying it to the public probably raised questions about its veracity) or it could be simply dislike of Obama. How can anyone conclude that it IS 'racism' and that Trump doesn't like blacks? Big conclusions to serve the libby agenda.

Obama verified it during his campaign in 2008 (thought it's pretty clear in the wiki link). Long before he took oath. the claims continued long after no powers that matter suspected him to be a non-citizen. Trump was the lead in that smearing. This outlines all his comments in last 5 years.

The main question is, why? You can google the rest if interested.


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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by Idéfix Mon Nov 14, 2016 2:08 pm

Scarlet O'Hara wrote:there  was no "dodging"

for the record, trump continued the mud slinging against Obama for FIVE years even after Obama released his long form birth certificate. He kept saying the certificate was forged. This was purely to keep his racist base riled up, adding to the muslim conspiracy. He put an end to it only two months ago, when he didn't need to push it any further.  
This is the crux of it. Trump very deliberately tried to delegitimize the first black president because that sort of thing is liked by some racist white people.

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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by Idéfix Mon Nov 14, 2016 2:12 pm

Kinnera wrote:I think you're all right. Trump questioned Obama's US citizenship. He must be a horrible racist, in tune with Hitler  and hates all blacks with a vengeance. With him as the President, there's going to be a black holocaust, the white americans are going to turn against the blacks and annihilates them. Throw muslims, hispanics and all the other immigrants into the pool. It's doomsday for all. Be afraid. Very very afraid!!
Trump is a racist. He is no Hitler though. He has neither the ideological conviction nor the discipline that Hitler had.

Trump is a racist not just because he questioned Obama's place of birth for FIVE years after Obama released his birth certificate. Trump is a racist because he did several things during the campaign that fit the racist mold. Here is a good list if you are actually looking for information rather than just trying to condone his actions.


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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by ashaNirasha Mon Nov 14, 2016 2:43 pm

Kinnera wrote:I think you're all right. Trump questioned Obama's US citizenship. He must be a horrible racist, in tune with Hitler  and hates all blacks with a vengeance. With him as the President, there's going to be a black holocaust, the white americans are going to turn against the blacks and annihilates them. Throw muslims, hispanics and all the other immigrants into the pool. It's doomsday for all. Be afraid. Very very afraid!!

You think we should only be worried if he is a 'horrible' racist, and if he hates blacks with a vengeance, and if there is a black holocaust?  I guess plain old racism is okay, and discrimination in his housing units is just run off the mill racism. Just as calling a judge's ethnicity into question, bad ombres, birther issue, all of the others are no big deal.

 But the biggest thing with him though is how he legitimizes and mainstreams all kinds of unacceptable behavior. And people make comparisons with Hitler not just because of his racism, but also because of his narcissistic, authoritarian, and other personality defects.


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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by ashaNirasha Mon Nov 14, 2016 2:46 pm

Idéfix wrote:
Kinnera wrote:I think you're all right. Trump questioned Obama's US citizenship. He must be a horrible racist, in tune with Hitler  and hates all blacks with a vengeance. With him as the President, there's going to be a black holocaust, the white americans are going to turn against the blacks and annihilates them. Throw muslims, hispanics and all the other immigrants into the pool. It's doomsday for all. Be afraid. Very very afraid!!
Trump is a racist. He is no Hitler though. He has neither the ideological conviction nor the discipline that Hitler had.

Trump is a racist not just because he questioned Obama's place of birth for FIVE years after Obama released his birth certificate. Trump is a racist because he did several things during the campaign that fit the racist mold. Here is a good list if you are actually looking for information rather than just trying to condone his actions.

He doesn't have the attention span for that.


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Alarmism saved my family from Hitler... Empty Re: Alarmism saved my family from Hitler...

Post by Guest Mon Nov 14, 2016 3:38 pm

ashaNirasha wrote:
Idéfix wrote:
Kinnera wrote:I think you're all right. Trump questioned Obama's US citizenship. He must be a horrible racist, in tune with Hitler  and hates all blacks with a vengeance. With him as the President, there's going to be a black holocaust, the white americans are going to turn against the blacks and annihilates them. Throw muslims, hispanics and all the other immigrants into the pool. It's doomsday for all. Be afraid. Very very afraid!!
Trump is a racist. He is no Hitler though. He has neither the ideological conviction nor the discipline that Hitler had.

Trump is a racist not just because he questioned Obama's place of birth for FIVE years after Obama released his birth certificate. Trump is a racist because he did several things during the campaign that fit the racist mold. Here is a good list if you are actually looking for information rather than just trying to condone his actions.

He doesn't have the attention span for that.

it doesn't have to be Hitler-like holocaust to raise an alarm. Many things can happen either worse than that, or bad enough to disrupt our lives and freedom. He doesn't need to have any attention span as long as he hires all the people to do the dirty job. Bannon being the most recent example.

Like the OP article said - She knew what was coming, even if she couldn’t fully name it.


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