The tail wagging the dog re. UP....... Hitskin_logo

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The tail wagging the dog re. UP.......

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The tail wagging the dog re. UP....... Empty The tail wagging the dog re. UP.......

Post by Vakavaka Pakapaka Mon Apr 24, 2017 7:16 pm

.......BJP won in UP with 3/4th majority and fringe elements (with vested interests and malice in their hearts) are making noise........
.......For a change, let the majority in UP who elected the govt. enjoy the benefits.......
.......It is time that UP bhaiyyas tell Aurangajeb and Jalaluddin to go fck themselves........

Vakavaka Pakapaka

Posts : 7611
Join date : 2012-08-24

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The tail wagging the dog re. UP....... Empty Re: The tail wagging the dog re. UP.......

Post by Idéfix Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:15 pm

A majority of whites in America voted for Trump. I assume you have similar feelings about the noise made by fringe minorities. Na?

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The tail wagging the dog re. UP....... Empty Re: The tail wagging the dog re. UP.......

Post by Vakavaka Pakapaka Mon Apr 24, 2017 11:54 pm

Idéfix wrote:A majority of whites in America voted for Trump. I assume you have similar feelings about the noise made by fringe minorities. Na?
Trump didn't get the majority like what BJP got in UP - bhaiyyas of all shades voted for BJP (including Muslim men and women). That is why it got 3/4th majority (don't dismiss it; it is a major achievement).

Vakavaka Pakapaka

Posts : 7611
Join date : 2012-08-24

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The tail wagging the dog re. UP....... Empty Re: The tail wagging the dog re. UP.......

Post by Idéfix Tue Apr 25, 2017 1:23 am

I am not dismissing anything. In a democracy the minorities always have a voice. Even if the government has 75% of the seats with 41% of the votes cast.

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Location : Berkeley, CA

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The tail wagging the dog re. UP....... Empty Karnataka is the most corrupt in India. Shocks me over UP!

Post by TruthSeeker Tue Apr 25, 2017 2:16 am

Karnataka is the most corrupt in India. Shocks me over UP!

Its a shame.

Corruption follows cash.

Only 5 lac Indians claim to have income over 5 lacs? Seriously? Go to any Indian city, and see lacs of houses worth crores.

We Indians, as a society, are corrupt.

Blaming politicians wont cut it.

We, the Indians of Mahatma Gandhi, are corrupt.

Very corrupt.

It shames me, how corrupt Indian society is.

random truths,


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The tail wagging the dog re. UP....... Empty Re: The tail wagging the dog re. UP.......

Post by Vakavaka Pakapaka Tue Apr 25, 2017 9:22 am

Idéfix wrote:I am not dismissing anything. In a democracy the minorities always have a voice. Even if the government has 75% of the seats with 41% of the votes cast.
I didn't say that minorities should shut up. "Tyranny of the majority" is not good for any country. The reality is, India's minorities make a lot of self-serving noise. The tail should stop wagging the dog.

If anyone peddles that Aurangajeb fostered Hinduism, I know he has a pro-pieceful agenda......

Vakavaka Pakapaka

Posts : 7611
Join date : 2012-08-24

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