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Big Data Empty Big Data

Post by Hellsangel Fri Jun 02, 2017 6:48 am

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Big Data Empty Re: Big Data

Post by southindian Fri Jun 02, 2017 8:05 am

Still living with the 2016 loser? 

Sorry, No more brownie points for making her look bad.

The new joker fucking bastard son-of-a-bitch the US got is making a joke of the country every day. Please move along forward with the rest to 2017 and see the drama unfold.

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Big Data Empty Re: Big Data

Post by Hellsangel Fri Jun 02, 2017 12:53 pm

And now CNN headlines on their page: wrote:But her stunning rebuke this week of the DNC surprised and unsettled even her allies and former aides, who are fretting in private -- and some in public -- that Clinton is at risk of alienating Democrats who supported her loyally.

Big Data Untitl10

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Big Data Empty Re: Big Data

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Fri Jun 02, 2017 1:28 pm

It's sad to see you still obsess over a defeated candidate when you have someone in the white house who covertly and overtly pushes xenophobia and advances stunning falsehoods about economics, cities, crime, immigration, science, budgets and most every public policy topic.  

Every Republican friend I have (mostly educated stable corporate folks) has long since distanced themselves from the white house and are deeply worried about the country and the party. Yet your only political interest is in continuing to look for articles critical of Clinton. Yes she was a flawed candidate and paid the price for it, but it's quite amazing that you do not (yet) have a scintilla of criticism of the monstrosity that this administration is. Even your reliably Republican friend Propagandhi realizes what a moron the occupant of the white house is, but not you (yet)! It's a fascinating phenomenon.

Clinton has zero influence on what happens to the US and to the rest of the world (for the most part). Not so Donny Orange.

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Big Data Empty Re: Big Data

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Fri Jun 02, 2017 1:34 pm

Some insight into why every Republican friend I have has forsaken the party (at least temporarily):
The GOP asks them to denounce elites — Hey, that’s voters like them! — and requires them not to believe in climate change. To be a “real Republican” now means to be economically illiterate on trade and immigration. These voters know immigrants aren’t stealing their jobs and that crime is substantially down in most American cities. (After all they work in increasingly diverse workplaces and live in diversifying suburbs — or have returned to gentrified cities.)

In sum, the GOP offends their intelligence and runs headlong into their hard-earned educational accomplishments and life experiences. These educated voters live in 21st-century America, but the loudest voices in the GOP — including the president and elected congressional leaders — do not. The latter believe government is evil, the world can be shut out, climate change is debatable and white Christian America is under assault (because we say “Happy Holidays”?!).

However, along with reason, science and respect for democratic norms, the GOP jettisoned much of the real-world agenda such voters had come to associate with their party. If they are going to be asked to associate with the flock of know-nothings who now populate the GOP and they’re not going to get a functional government, then why stick with the party? Many are not. They just do not know where to go.

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Big Data Empty Re: Big Data

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Fri Jun 02, 2017 1:39 pm

I really think the time is ripe for both parties to split. The extreme left Bernie supporters and the yahoos from the GOP should just split and go away. The people who remain can do business with each other.

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Big Data Empty Re: Big Data

Post by Idéfix Fri Jun 02, 2017 2:00 pm

MaxEntropy_Man wrote:It's sad to see you still obsess over a defeated candidate when you have someone in the white house who covertly and overtly pushes xenophobia and advances stunning falsehoods about economics, cities, crime, immigration, science, budgets and most every public policy topic.  
Because the present political reality is very hard to face for Trumpsters. While Trumptards occupy themselves with crazy conspiracy theories, Trumpsters are the terrified passenger who is looking exclusively at the rear-view mirror in order to avoid looking at the scary road ahead with Fat-Man Little-Boy at the wheel.

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Big Data Empty Re: Big Data

Post by southindian Fri Jun 02, 2017 2:03 pm

Hellsangel wrote:And now CNN headlines on their page: wrote:But her stunning rebuke this week of the DNC surprised and unsettled even her allies and former aides, who are fretting in private -- and some in public -- that Clinton is at risk of alienating Democrats who supported her loyally.

Big Data Untitl10
Oh! so now CNN is NOT Clinton News Network? Does 'We told ya' still matters?

#1 You are so living with a defeated candidate. Unless you are secretly in love with Hillary, she's the past. She's 2016.
#2 Unlike Foxnews, CNN is still posting all sides of all stories, so I applaud you for believing in CNN.

Donald the Fucking bastard son-of-a-bitch Trump is toast of the town in 2017 and he's all out to destroy friends, associations and US social fabric. Maybe Hillary's news is a discussion on FoxNews but Americans today care about the irreparable loss this moron is making every day. It almost seems like a million years since Nov 2016.

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Big Data Empty Re: Big Data

Post by Idéfix Fri Jun 02, 2017 2:05 pm

MaxEntropy_Man wrote:I really think the time is ripe for both parties to split. The extreme left Bernie supporters and the yahoos from the GOP should just split and go away. The people who remain can do business with each other.
The far-left lost the primary, and the center-left won the primary and lost the general. Even after the general election, the center-left controls the Democratic party. The far-right won the primary and the general. The far-right controls the Republican party, and the center-right is living in fear of the far-right. This is why so many people in Congress keep their eyes tightly shut while Trump takes a dump on the desk.

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Big Data Empty Re: Big Data

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Fri Jun 02, 2017 2:38 pm

Idéfix wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:It's sad to see you still obsess over a defeated candidate when you have someone in the white house who covertly and overtly pushes xenophobia and advances stunning falsehoods about economics, cities, crime, immigration, science, budgets and most every public policy topic.  
Because the present political reality is very hard to face for Trumpsters. While Trumptards occupy themselves with crazy conspiracy theories, Trumpsters are the terrified passenger who is looking exclusively at the rear-view mirror in order to avoid looking at the scary road ahead with Fat-Man Little-Boy at the wheel.
Very Happy

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Big Data Empty Re: Big Data

Post by Hellsangel Fri Jun 02, 2017 2:49 pm

MaxEntropy_Man wrote:
Idéfix wrote:
MaxEntropy_Man wrote:It's sad to see you still obsess over a defeated candidate when you have someone in the white house who covertly and overtly pushes xenophobia and advances stunning falsehoods about economics, cities, crime, immigration, science, budgets and most every public policy topic.  
Because the present political reality is very hard to face for Trumpsters. While Trumptards occupy themselves with crazy conspiracy theories, Trumpsters are the terrified passenger who is looking exclusively at the rear-view mirror in order to avoid looking at the scary road ahead with Fat-Man Little-Boy at the wheel.
Very Happy
Aww! Il Professore used a smiley!

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