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Speaks in Hindi at the United Nations

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Speaks in Hindi at the United Nations Empty Speaks in Hindi at the United Nations

Post by Kayalvizhi Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:56 pm

Hindi politicians are making every effort to project Hindi as THE language of India. When he was the foreign minister (external affairs minister), Atal Bihari Vajpayee delivered his speech to the United Nations General Assembly in Hindi in 1977, although he knew English well. He later said that it was the "most unforgettable" moment in his life. I do understand his pride as a Hindi speaker (Hindian).

I understand Hindi-speaking Mr. Vajpayee's pride in speaking at the United Nations in his mother tongue. I will be proud if Tamil words echoed in the chambers of United Nations General Assembly too. Would a non-Hindi foreign minister of India or a non-Hindi diplomat from India be allowed to speak in his/her mother tongue at the United Nations? Absolutely not. That privilege, that right, that honour, that pride is reserved only for Hindi speakers (the Hindians).

Read the full article at
Indian Government's Hindi Propagation in Foreign Countries


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Join date : 2011-05-16

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Speaks in Hindi at the United Nations Empty Re: Speaks in Hindi at the United Nations

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 9:24 pm

Would a non-Hindi foreign minister of India or a non-Hindi diplomat from India be allowed to speak in his/her mother tongue at the United Nations? Absolutely not.

who is stopping them ? they cud try Razz


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Speaks in Hindi at the United Nations Empty Re: Speaks in Hindi at the United Nations

Post by Kayalvizhi Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:00 pm

seven wrote:
Would a non-Hindi foreign minister of India or a non-Hindi diplomat from India be allowed to speak in his/her mother tongue at the United Nations? Absolutely not.

who is stopping them ? they cud try Razz

Hindians would not even allow Alagiri to speak in Tamil in parliament. since he does not know English he had to sit there speechless.


Posts : 3659
Join date : 2011-05-16

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Speaks in Hindi at the United Nations Empty Re: Speaks in Hindi at the United Nations

Post by Guest Wed Jun 08, 2011 10:35 pm

u keep calling us Hindians and we'll keep talking in Hindi at UN assembly meeting albino

u can continue whining now ***yawns***


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