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What NYT missed about NaMo

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What NYT missed about NaMo Empty What NYT missed about NaMo

Post by smArtha Fri Apr 25, 2014 2:01 pm

"Modi's rise is for all purposes a socialist revolution within an India fed up with hand-out giving 'benevolent despots'. Benevolence, spanning most of India's independent history, which expresses itself during election time while at other times subjecting the wider populace to the despondency of corruption is no longer welcome. It should also be pointed out that even the UPA's decline is not a matter of the past five years alone. Its entire ten-year history is a sad exercise in jobless growth which has only fed the elite who are now apparently on the lookout for benevolent despots.

What we see today is instead a cry from the countryside and from the middle class who now do not want to be calibrated in their upward mobility by a Lutyens'-based incestuous circus any longer. Modi's is not a top-down elite 'switch' but a ground-up people's hope. To get anecdotal myself, as somebody who has backpacked over 10000 kilometres across India on rickety local buses on a very tight budget, I can tell you there are perhaps very few people from the working classes who do not know of somebody who has gone as seasonal labour to Gujarat for either agriculture or industry. Modi's model is not about the Adanis or Ambanis. That is not why he has been re-elected thrice in Gujarat. It is about agriculture and medium and small enterprises (MSMEs) both of which have seen superb growth in that state. Gujarat has registered over 10 percent compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) in agricultural activities in the last ten years and this forms the bedrock of demand sustenance in that state along with frenetic MSME growth. Today any businessman big or small is beginning to realize that agricultural demand is the only way to 'recession proof' your economy. And it is the need for original surplus from the farm that Modi's manifesto also reflects. ...Read More"


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Join date : 2013-07-29

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What NYT missed about NaMo Empty Re: What NYT missed about NaMo

Post by confuzzled dude Fri Apr 25, 2014 4:20 pm

How does all that blah blah blah fit into the realm of authoritarian crony capitalism. If Lord Narendra is ground-up people's hope then why are the wages in rural Gujarat are one of the lowest in the country, am I missing something here?

confuzzled dude

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Join date : 2011-05-08

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What NYT missed about NaMo Empty Re: What NYT missed about NaMo

Post by smArtha Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:15 pm

confuzzled dude wrote:How does all that blah blah blah fit into the realm of authoritarian crony capitalism. If Lord Narendra is ground-up people's hope then why are the wages in rural Gujarat are one of the lowest in the country, am I missing something here?

Depends on which stats you treat as 'facts'?


Posts : 1229
Join date : 2013-07-29

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