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i wanna do a CD

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i wanna do a CD Empty i wanna do a CD

Post by Guest Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:13 pm

I mean, imagine myself to be either something that I am not, or develop a huge amount of empathy for a certain cause/group, and post passionately for that. I am guessing it doesn't fall in the Trolling category, coz I will really be imagining myself as all that and the passion shall be for real.

What are the identities/causes that I can align to?


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i wanna do a CD Empty Re: i wanna do a CD

Post by MaxEntropy_Man Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:45 pm

Beatrix Kiddo wrote:I mean, imagine myself to be either something that I am not, or develop a huge amount of empathy for a certain cause/group, and post passionately for that. I am guessing it doesn't fall in the Trolling category, coz I will really be imagining myself as all that and the passion shall be for real.

What are the identities/causes that I can align to?

a suggestion: out of work and out of luck former bollywood starlets whose songs and dances you remember from your childhood.

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Join date : 2011-04-28

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i wanna do a CD Empty Re: i wanna do a CD

Post by Guest Mon Sep 08, 2014 1:55 pm

MaxEntropy_Man wrote:
Beatrix Kiddo wrote:I mean, imagine myself to be either something that I am not, or develop a huge amount of empathy for a certain cause/group, and post passionately for that. I am guessing it doesn't fall in the Trolling category, coz I will really be imagining myself as all that and the passion shall be for real.

What are the identities/causes that I can align to?

a suggestion: out of work and out of luck former bollywood starlets whose songs and dances you remember from your childhood.

no one wants to talk about them though, except Rishi maybe.


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