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trump said he cooked a shark for lunch today

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trump said he cooked a shark for lunch today Empty trump said he cooked a shark for lunch today

Post by Guest Mon Mar 13, 2017 2:47 pm

.. except that he meant to say it was general seafood found alongside sharks in the ocean, and not shark specifically, and it was cooked by a WH chef, and not by himself.

Namely, White House press secretary Sean Spicer said Trump wasn't referring to wiretapping when he tweeted about wiretapping.

"I think there's no question that the Obama administration, that there were actions about surveillance and other activities that occurred in the 2016 election," Spicer said. "The President used the word wiretaps in quotes to mean, broadly, surveillance and other activities."

Wiretapping is a narrowly defined surveillance activity that involves tapping into "a telephone or telegram wire in order to get information," according to Merriam-Webster dictionary.

Spicer also said that Trump was referring to the Obama administration broadly -- and not accusing Obama of personal involvement -- when he tweeted that "Obama had my 'wires tapped' in Trump Tower" and accused Obama of being a "bad" or "sick guy."


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trump said he cooked a shark for lunch today Empty Re: trump said he cooked a shark for lunch today

Post by Idéfix Mon Mar 13, 2017 3:18 pm

"Trump says it like it is."

"Don't take him literally. He didn't mean that thing he said. Or anything he said."

"He was being sarcastic, but not that sarcastic."

"It was joke. (Russian joke, more funny in Russian.) You libruls have no sense of humor."

"That was locker-room banter. Boy talk. Egged on by someone decades younger than him."

If you are dumb and / or gullible enough, you can believe all these things at the same time.

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Location : Berkeley, CA

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trump said he cooked a shark for lunch today Empty Re: trump said he cooked a shark for lunch today

Post by Guest Mon Mar 13, 2017 3:23 pm

Look at what's in his heart, not at his words.


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trump said he cooked a shark for lunch today Empty Re: trump said he cooked a shark for lunch today

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