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African envoys slam India, demand international inquiry

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African envoys slam India, demand international inquiry Empty African envoys slam India, demand international inquiry

Post by Guest Mon Apr 03, 2017 10:03 am

India has failed to take "sufficient and visible deterring measures" to protect Africans from attacks, a group of ambassadors from 44 African countries said today, asking for an international inquiry.

In a major diplomatic embarrassment for Delhi, they said the attacks are "xenophobic and racial" and last week's cases were "not sufficiently condemned" by Indian officials.


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African envoys slam India, demand international inquiry Empty Re: African envoys slam India, demand international inquiry

Post by Guest Mon Apr 03, 2017 3:19 pm

Nidhi Razdan: MEA has basically ruled out racism in attacks on Africans.Perhaps we must all refrain fm calling attacks on Indians "hate crimes" in future


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African envoys slam India, demand international inquiry Empty Re: African envoys slam India, demand international inquiry

Post by southindian Mon Apr 03, 2017 3:33 pm


You are some fucking moron... pissed off with your own identity, past... and nothing positive in life.


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African envoys slam India, demand international inquiry Empty Re: African envoys slam India, demand international inquiry

Post by Guest Mon Apr 03, 2017 3:35 pm

Good to note that Vakavaka has sided with the African envoys:

.....Those who perpetuated the violence should be severely punished. They are barbaric and they bring a very bad name to India......


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African envoys slam India, demand international inquiry Empty Re: African envoys slam India, demand international inquiry

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