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Symphony of sorrowful songs - Henryk Gorecki

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Symphony of sorrowful songs - Henryk Gorecki Empty Symphony of sorrowful songs - Henryk Gorecki

Post by Guest Fri Aug 24, 2012 5:39 am


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Symphony of sorrowful songs - Henryk Gorecki Empty Re: Symphony of sorrowful songs - Henryk Gorecki

Post by Guest Fri Aug 24, 2012 6:50 am

very soulful music. i liked all the movements. the bass buildup was moving. i'm touched. i too shall post a requiem in honour of this great one later tonight (another one of my sulekha '98 posts).

today has been a day of requiems for me. older left, left, left home (for college). now he will return to this house only as a guest for the next 6/7 years. after 6/7 years...who knows where we will be.

thanks for posting this.


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Symphony of sorrowful songs - Henryk Gorecki Empty Re: Symphony of sorrowful songs - Henryk Gorecki

Post by Guest Fri Aug 24, 2012 8:47 am

posted my piece. couldn't wait as i listened to this composition over and over.


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