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My post to Sulekha

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My post to Sulekha Empty My post to Sulekha

Post by charvaka Thu May 05, 2011 5:53 pm

I tried to post on Sulekha CH and it lost all formatting. So I am posting my comments here.

carvaka wrote:To Sulekha:

Thank you for preventing open HTML tags from killing threads. I hope you are not considering this a case of "problem solved," because there are a number of crippling bugs in this site.

1. Your solution to the thread-killing is less than optimal. It basically spews a bunch of garbage into threads if people try to format their comments (using your own editor), or copy-paste text from somewhere else. This also prevents people from having multiple paragraphs in their posts -- an essential feature for a long discussion. PLEASE FIND A BETTER SOLUTION THAT DOES NOT BREAK THE OTHER FEATURES OF THE SITE. (I am typing ain all caps because that is the only form of emphasis I can use with this site now.)

2. There are two bugs that cause subject lines to disappear. First, there is something in your code that truncates subject lines at the first quote character. Everything after the quote is removed; for instance, if I have the subject "I'm back", replies to that thread may be displayed with the subject "I". The second bug takes "normal" subject lines that don't have any quotes in them, and wraps it in single-quotes. So if I post something like "I am back", the first reply will get the subject "'I am back'" and then the next reply will have a completely blank subject.

FULL DISCLOSURE: I was disgusted with the thread-killing and your lack of action to fix the bug, so I started an alternative forum for people to interact. I don't mean to speak for all the people who migrated there, but most of us would like to come back if you fix these bugs properly, instead of taking short-cuts that break other features. I look forward to soon seeing a Sulekha Forums that is usable again.

I am going to post the link to this post over there, so the admins there can read my post if they want to. They may ban me for doing so, but I don't care.

Posts : 4347
Join date : 2011-04-28
Location : Berkeley, CA

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My post to Sulekha Empty Re: My post to Sulekha

Post by Hellsangel Thu May 05, 2011 6:05 pm

After all the features we have here. Support for images, videos, Indian fonts and so on, I really don't look forward to going back there.

And like I said, the mobile device support is a big winner for me.

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Join date : 2011-04-28

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My post to Sulekha Empty Re: My post to Sulekha

Post by charvaka Thu May 05, 2011 6:08 pm

Hellsangel wrote:After all the features we have here. Support for images, videos, Indian fonts and so on, I really don't look forward to going back there.

And like I said, the mobile device support is a big winner for me.
It is for me too. In the last week, I made at least 30% of my posts from my phone.

Posts : 4347
Join date : 2011-04-28
Location : Berkeley, CA

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My post to Sulekha Empty Re: My post to Sulekha

Post by charvaka Thu May 05, 2011 6:13 pm

charvaka wrote:
Hellsangel wrote:After all the features we have here. Support for images, videos, Indian fonts and so on, I really don't look forward to going back there.

And like I said, the mobile device support is a big winner for me.
It is for me too. In the last week, I made at least 30% of my posts from my phone.
To be clear: my preference would be to stay here until Sulekha at least acquires all these features (including mobile.) But I am not concerned about admin powers; many of the other users understandably are. At the end of the day, the community goes where the majority of users go.

Posts : 4347
Join date : 2011-04-28
Location : Berkeley, CA

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My post to Sulekha Empty Re: My post to Sulekha

Post by Guest Thu May 05, 2011 6:17 pm

I think their goal is to just make it html-tag attack free for now, and most users will be fine with it.. I am planning to post sporadically starting mid-may through end of June...hopefully by the time I come back for regular posting, dust would be settled, and there would be a clear indication of things.


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My post to Sulekha Empty Re: My post to Sulekha

Post by charvaka Thu May 05, 2011 6:21 pm

Tracy Whitney wrote:most users will be fine with it..
I hope people won't be "fine" with complete lack of formatting -- you can't even have two separate paragraphs in your post there right now. Your stories will look like one blob of text. CHers are remarkably masochistic when it comes to putting up with crappy software, but I hope they do draw a line when it comes to at least some rudimentary formatting!

Posts : 4347
Join date : 2011-04-28
Location : Berkeley, CA

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My post to Sulekha Empty Re: My post to Sulekha

Post by Guest Thu May 05, 2011 6:23 pm

i meant, as long as they fixed html issues, people will be fine with it.


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My post to Sulekha Empty Re: My post to Sulekha

Post by Guest Fri May 06, 2011 8:00 am

My post to Sulekha Default-42x42 Black
posted Re:To Sulekha on 13 hrs
Welcome back. The other site
won't sustain if all the conversations are about people who didn't migrate. It
was rude to talk about Maria and QB behind their back.

My post to Sulekha Default-42x42 carvaka posted Re:To Sulekha on 13 hrs ago
I don't think I am here to stay,
unless Sulekha fixes the problem correctly. I make many long posts and
participate in long discussion, and they will be unreadable with the way they
have adopted now.

My post to Sulekha Default-42x42 carvaka posted Re:To Sulekha on 13 hrs ago
It wasn't intended to be "behind
their back;" we made sure they had the link to the new forum by posting it here,
and posting it often. As for sustenance, there were many, many more discussions
about other topics than about CH dynamics.

My post to Sulekha Default-42x42 Black
posted Re:To Sulekha on 13 hrs
Assuming that they read it? We
will see about that. A lot of people have returned already. Also privacy is an
issue on your site. You and HA will track down each and every IP. It's not

My post to Sulekha Default-42x42 carvaka posted Re:To Sulekha on 13 hrs ago
"You and HA
will track down each and every IP. It's not safe." I have no interest in anyone's
IP. And HA has no access of any kind.

My post to Sulekha Default-42x42 Black
posted Re:To Sulekha on 13 hrs
I don't buy that 'no interest'
part. You are the guy who googles threads from yore and brings them back to
life. If challenged, you will bring out any detail. Good to know that HA has
limited access. I came to register, but seeing you and HA as admins, I resisted.
Will there be more admins in future? I would trust people like PI, but not Some

My post to Sulekha Default-42x42 carvaka posted Re:To Sulekha on 13 hrs ago
HA is *NOT* an admin. I am not
planning to have more admins. I don't know of any way to see IP addresses. I CAN
see email addresses, and I have been open about that from day 1. If you want to
know more about my commitments to the community, see them here:

My post to Sulekha Default-42x42 Black
posted Re:To Sulekha on 13 hrs
I am confused now. This morning
I was at your site, and it listed HA and you as Admins under groups. Now it says
Mod, and it's just you.

My post to Sulekha Default-42x42 carvaka posted Re:To Sulekha on 13 hrs ago
I can say this categorically:
HA _never_ was anything more than a normal user. I have been the _only_ admin
the forum has ever had, and I _never_ created a moderator -- because I don't
intend the forum to be moderated.
My post to Sulekha Default-42x42 Black
posted Re:To Sulekha on 13 hrs
ago HTH.

My post to Sulekha Default-42x42 carvaka posted Re:To Sulekha on 12 hrs ago
Yes, you can see there that
there is no user -- HA or anyone else -- who can moderate the forum. I do have
that ability with the admin account, and I have stated clearly that I shall not
do so. I kept that list open, so that anyone can see and verify for themselves
at any time (SP had expressed a concern about me adding secret

people, again and again and again, confuse what personally upsets them as a universal example of unacceptable behaviour. if you accidentally poke me in the ribs in a bus, it is a UNIVERSAL WRONG. if i accidentally poke someone in a bus, it is immediately a UNIVERSALLY CONDONABLE BEHAVIOUR.

this black swan, he's really smoking something strong. apart from his HA is admin hallucinations, this whole business of "talking behind someone's back being rude" -- all i got to say is, get an e-life kid, and then get a life!


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My post to Sulekha Empty Re: My post to Sulekha

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Fri May 06, 2011 9:53 am


Stop fighting.... (wait. aren;t we waiting for fights to start here to make it lively?).

This was started as a refugee camp for those escaping the CH earthquake. If people prefer to stay in the EQ zone it is their choice. If people want to visit their damaged EQ area that is fine too. Why, take so much pain to explain and overexplain, all your actions.

What this site has done is to eat away more of your time. Bcz most also visit/post on CH. Also, you guys now post 30% of your posts from your cell phone ? Really. Counting your 300+ post (each) you guys are going to be divorced by your spouses.

You are better off Chanting mantras and meditate with me.


Posts : 17675
Join date : 2011-04-30
Age : 110

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My post to Sulekha Empty Re: My post to Sulekha

Post by Guest Fri May 06, 2011 10:04 am

Marathadi-Saamiyaar wrote:This was started as a refugee camp for those escaping the CH earthquake. If people prefer to stay in the EQ zone it is their choice. If people want to visit their damaged EQ area that is fine too. Why, take so much pain to explain and overexplain, all your actions.

it is clear that anybody can go anywhere -- us sulking about participants going back to posting in old ch is as dumb as QB sulking about participants posting here. we are not doing that. however, if there is a false accusation at us, i will speak up. i have never accused those who have chosen to stay back -- it is their choice. in the present case, black swan is accusing us of, a) engaging in "rude" behaviour (when black swan bitches about his boss behind his back, is he being rude?) and b) making HA admin. both claims are unfounded.


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My post to Sulekha Empty Re: My post to Sulekha

Post by Guest Fri May 06, 2011 11:38 am

and, c), if i may add, he is also accusing us of participating in activities here will insure that our site does not sustain, namely this:

black swan wrote:The other site
won't sustain if all the conversations are about people who didn't migrate.

apparently he has visited this site. and he has also noticed that most discussions here are about people who did not migrate. i wonder what colour chaddis was he wearing then?

again, even if i assume he is right, i will take this statement from him with some seriousness were it coming from harharmahadev (who has invaluable experiencing in running a desi bb). black swan has still not apprised us of his experience in such bbs and it need not necessarily be an experience culled from your being the owner/founder of a bb.


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My post to Sulekha Empty Re: My post to Sulekha

Post by Guest Fri May 06, 2011 11:43 am

HK, maybe you missed his other post where he said that even though he's defending them, he knows sulekha bots are going towards path of self destruction..

but Black Swan IS on this forums now too... so will let him respond to you himself.


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My post to Sulekha Empty Re: My post to Sulekha

Post by Guest Fri May 06, 2011 11:58 am

Tracy Whitney wrote:but Black Swan IS on this forums now too... so will let him respond to you himself.

oops. well i hope he responds in that case. your point about him playing devil's advocate is well taken. that might have been the case and in that case, i missed the irony. no wonder carvaka never bothered to reply (to him) in any detail.


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