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interesting case...

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interesting case...  Empty interesting case...

Post by Guest Tue Feb 13, 2018 1:47 pm

in my very limited expert opinion (or bet), 'the son' will get the remains, and maybe also the estate unless the 3rd guy (with the unproven son) or 4th claimant can contest CA's will-witness rules... the 'grandson' and the other 'unproven son' failed dna test.

Nearly three months after his death, Charles Manson's body is still on ice in Kern County, California, as at least four people fight to claim his body.

Two relatives, and two other men who insist they have the only valid Manson will, have been waging legal battles in two California counties for the right to the notorious cult leader's body and estate.

Caught in the middle is the Kern County Coroner's Office, which has been storing the body since Manson died on November 19 at age 83. Manson spent 46 years in prison for his involvement with the brutal murders of seven people in August 1969, a killing spree that terrified the nation during the turbulent '60s.


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