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Gold Monetisation Scheme - Qostin

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Gold Monetisation Scheme - Qostin Empty Gold Monetisation Scheme - Qostin

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:16 am

...If the depositor is to get only money at the time of bond maturity wont it be prudent for the owner sell the gold right now and invest in real estate or elsewhere ?

That gold chain that the great grandmother gave will never be seen again anyway.


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Gold Monetisation Scheme - Qostin Empty Re: Gold Monetisation Scheme - Qostin

Post by Propagandhi711 Wed Sep 09, 2015 7:02 pm

that's always the case. it's gotta be one of the biggest waste of resources to hold precious stones, gold, silver etc after 1972


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Gold Monetisation Scheme - Qostin Empty Re: Gold Monetisation Scheme - Qostin

Post by Marathadi-Saamiyaar Wed Sep 09, 2015 11:54 pm

Propagandhi711 wrote:that's always the case. it's gotta be one of the biggest waste of resources to hold precious stones, gold, silver etc after 1972

Yes... how do you know that 1971 will not happen again in another 50 or 100 years ?????

Also, only people will use this. Most middle class people who already drive a Verona or Honda civic, own two flats have kids Amrika and have 2 IT jobs dont gain much from depositing their gold. Are they going to tow their Honda with a Merc E ? For every Desi who thinks Gold is a wasted idle investment, there are 98 desis who think otherwise.

This program will be a failure. The Corporate world is welcoming bcz the rich corporatewalas are hiding their gold in Swiss banks.


Posts : 17675
Join date : 2011-04-30
Age : 110

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